When you see a girl you like, you want to get to know her better. You met her and now you would like to let her know that you are really interested in her. Flirting is a tactic that is applied in various ways, including physically.

Step 1. Don't go too fast
If you walk around her and put your arm around her without ever having flirted before, you will put her in a position not to want to go out with you anymore. Flirt gradually to get to her.

Step 2. Get to know her, think of her, be generous, respectful and kind

Step 3. Slowly move your knee towards his until they just touch
Make sure you brush it gently so that you don't think you simply need space.

Step 4. Touch her hand when you laugh
While you are seated, bring the chair closer to her.

Step 5. Hug her for no reason

Step 6. Play with her hair
Almost all girls like it. Especially if you focus on the hair behind the neck. This area is sure to give her some thrills. And from there, if you're in tune enough, you can massage her neck. Take her hand and move her hair from her forehead to behind her ear. Avoid doing this if you feel like she just got out of the hair salon. Even if it's a genuine attempt at flirting you will only make her angry because you will ruin her style.

Step 7. If there is a strand falling over her eyes, place it behind her
It's incredibly romantic and will make her melt.

Step 8. Put your arms around her waist and stand behind her
If she likes you she'll let you. Touch her gently when you do, otherwise she may abruptly push you away.

Step 9. Once you have tried all of these solutions and she allows it, take her by the waist and swing her
If done correctly you will get something out of it. Watch out: some are ticklish, and tend to squeak involuntarily when you touch them there.

Step 10. When you sit next to her at a table, keep your hand close to hers or place it on hers "casually"; if she likes you, she will smile at you

Step 11. If you are already friends and are watching a movie, reading or talking with other friends, lie with your head on his lap
Let her play with your hair. If he sends you away, just react with laughter. This only works if you've flirted a lot previously.

Step 12. When you walk beside her, gently push her with your shoulder - she will likely reciprocate (don't do this on a busy street)

Step 13. If you are sitting across from her at a table, place your feet on hers gently
It's called "footsie", it may seem like a silly game but girls like it. If she looks under the table and laughs, she wanted to find out if it was you.

Step 14. You can also stretch your legs over the chair she is sitting on, with both to one side or put one between hers; But be careful:
avoid touching her private parts with your foot. Don't go too close to that area. If you do it right, it can be nice.

Step 15. Tickling is a great way to flirt
Tickled under the ribs, on the belly or on the hips. If she likes you she will do it to you, probably smiling or laughing at you. Otherwise it will walk away.

Step 16. If you want to go slower, just give yourself more attention
In a group of friends it can sometimes be difficult for a girl to make herself heard. When she talks, pay special attention to her.

Step 17. Compliment her
Girls NEVER get tired of compliments as long as they are something they think is original and not too obvious. For example, if she is a "10" girl (assuming she is allowed to classify girls) and you tell her she is cute, beautiful, fantastic, etc., she will label you as yet another wanting to "have it". Surprise her with a more original compliment, like a comment about how cute her ears are or how her freckles make her pretty, and so on.

Step 18. Bring her something for lunch
Nothing special. Maybe, "Hey Jess, you always eat * snack name *, we have some so I brought you one." However, phrases like this could work against you as you risk her perceiving that what you think of her is that she eats all the time, thus implying that she is fat. Plus, the fact that you know what you eat can also be vaguely creepy.

Step 19. If she refuses your kindness, don't get discouraged
He may think that accepting something from you right away is not okay. If you ask him a couple of times, however, he may end up saying yes.

Step 20. Call it 'just to talk'

Step 21. Remember that many girls (even the prettiest ones) are very insecure
She might just resist you because she thinks you're kidding. NEVER make her the subject of a joke and if someone says something bad (even as a joke) about her, stand up for her. If her eyes widen, she's impressed and thanks you (even though she's smiling).

Step 22. Girls LOVE it when you text them randomly to meet them somewhere
! When it happens, don't comment on others around you, don't talk about football or baseball or male stuff unless you know they care. If not, she may think that you see her more as a friend and nothing more. You want to make her feel special, and not like one of your buddies.
- Don't ignore her when you're with friends she doesn't know. It is a major deterrent. Introduce it.
- Don't make vulgar comments about her body.
- If she is insecure, don't make fun of her - it will only make you feel worse.
- Use a deodorant or a good aftershave.
- Ask her out in person or you won't seem confident.
If she doesn't like being tickled, for God's sake, forget it!
If there's another girl in the class who likes you but doesn't like you, choose the other girl
- Don't try to make her jealous by flirting with other girls even if she's doing it, because when you stop, if she likes you, she'll stop too. If you flirt with others to make her jealous, not only does she send confusing messages, but you are suggesting to girls that uses the same messages.
- Don't hit it. Unless it's for fun and in a nice way. He may get angry or think that you are "one of those guys" which is not good.
- Don't talk about sex unless you know she likes it.
- If she seems worried or scared she may think you are forcing her into a relationship. If it happens, take a step back. The sea is full of fish!
- Don't stare at her breasts.
- Leave her butt alone!
- Pay attention to her body language.
- Make sure he's not with his partner.
- Never talk to her while she is looking away.
- Don't buy her things randomly or compliment her too much.