Talking to a girl on the phone can be a great way to flirt. In a phone conversation, however, you'll miss out on much of the body language and eye contact that an in-person chat offers. Talking on the phone, however, will give you the opportunity to really focus on what the girl you're interested in is saying and you will also have the chance to impress your sense of humor and your skills as a listener.
Method 1 of 5: Prepare to Make the Phone Call

Step 1. Choose a good time to call
If you intend to call a girl, you don't necessarily have to decide on a specific time, but it is still advisable to choose a time when you will have some time to talk. By doing so, you will not feel pressured. If you only have a few minutes free, she may be wondering why you ever called her if you were planning to attack after a few moments.
If she is unable to speak when you call her, ask her for a good time to call her back. She might be at work, or doing something important. Let her choose the right time to be called back and be sure to call at the indicated time

Step 2. Choose a good location
Make sure you are in a good spot when you call her. Do not call when you are on a bus or while passing through a crowded area. It may be hard to hear, or your voice may come and go. Even worse, the line may drop.

Step 3. Clear your throat
Don't start the conversation with a clouded voice - it would sound strange. Clear your throat or cough a little to make sure your voice sounds clear and ringing.
If you have a bad cold and a completely stuffy nose, it will be more difficult to understand yourself over the phone. You can still call to say hello, but keep the conversation short. Cut it short by telling her that you are going to rest, so that you can recover by when you see each other in person

Step 4. Don't eat while you speak
The sound of someone eating can be really annoying, and if you munch on a burger or suck in a milkshake in the middle of the call, the phone could amplify the noise. It will also be harder to understand what you say if you keep chewing in the middle of a sentence.

Step 5. Don't wait 3 days to call
Some guides recommend waiting at least 3 days after obtaining a phone number before calling a girl back. That's bad advice. Let her know that you are interested by calling her whenever you like, even the day after your meeting. If you wait too long, you could annoy her and make her think she doesn't think it's important.
Method 2 of 5: Have a Good Voice on the Phone

Step 1. Try to make your voice slightly deeper
A lower voice will make it easier for you to understand what you are saying. Also you will sound more relaxing and comforting. Get a gentle, soft, and friendly tone of voice.
Try to keep modulating your voice so you don't scream or scream. You can certainly make a few exclamations if the conversation calls for it, but being too emphatic could make you feel negatively

Step 2. Don't speak too fast or too slow
Make sure she understands what you are saying. Slow down your speech, so that it takes on a normal rhythm (but not so slow that it sounds strange). Maintain a relaxed, even tone of voice.

Step 3. Smile when you are on the phone
Even if she won't be able to see you, it will be possible to hear a smile in your voice as you speak. Keep your body relaxed and sit in a comfortable position. Smile when she says something funny or when you tell an anecdote.
Try to record your voice when you smile and when you don't smile. Hear the difference
Method 3 of 5: Have a Conversation

Step 1. Keep the conversation light and fun
Use your sense of humor to make jokes and tell funny anecdotes. Talk to her about interesting people you've met or funny things that have happened to you.
- Don't joke so hard that you never say anything serious. Remember that your interlocutor is just starting to get to know you, so you need to let her know that she can trust what you say.
- You can try to provoke it a little, but don't be bad. Make sure you listen carefully to his responses. If she gets colder when you provoke her, stop it.

Step 2. Talk about light topics
Flirting on the phone isn't easy when it comes to difficult or controversial topics. Choose topics that are easy to converse with, such as movies or travel.
You can also pick up on something you talked about in the previous conversation

Step 3. Don't talk about hot topics
When you're still in the early stages of meeting a girl, it's best not to risk offending her by talking dirty topics. It would look creepy and make her want to hang up the phone.
When you're in a relationship, you can consider making the conversation more risque or not, but only if she feels comfortable doing it. For now, don't even try

Step 4. Tell her about when you met
You may have just met a girl or just exchanged phone numbers - it's not easy to know where to start. Talking about your first meeting is a good topic to start with. Remind her of something funny that happened while you were together, or talk about the people you were with.
Show interest in her life, but try not to ask too many questions about her friends. He may get the wrong idea and think that you are more interested in one of them

Step 5. Ask her for an appointment to see her live again
Use your phone conversation for a dual purpose. First of all, it will serve to restore the camaraderie and attraction that you have experienced in person. Secondly, it will be a good opportunity to ask her out, in order to see her again.
Make a funny joke. If she proposes to meet you at 3, try saying “I don't think I want to be with you all day. Let's meet at 3.03."

Step 6. Be yourself
It sounds cliché, but try to be natural. If you try too hard to look different, she will likely feel it. Be relaxed and natural.
Method 4 of 5: Focus on you

Step 1. Compliment her
Everyone likes to hear positive comments about ourselves. Make her feel good about herself by complimenting her, for example on her sense of humor, on her hairstyle, on how well she does her job, etc.
Some people may start to feel uncomfortable about getting too much praise. Compliment in a light but meaningful way and try not to overdo it

Step 2. Call her by name from time to time
Personalize the call by sporadically using his name in the conversation. Do not call her by name at the beginning of each sentence, but only from time to time, in order to make her feel special.

Step 3. Listen to what he says
It may be difficult to make her understand that you are listening to her, as you cannot take advantage of eye contact and body language. But remember that you can still use other ways to let her know that you are listening to what she is saying. For example, try to show agreement or to react to his statements with phrases such as "really?" or "oh no!".
If you pay attention to what she says, she will feel compelled to keep talking

Step 4. Avoid other sources of distraction while talking to her
Continue the conversation by focusing exclusively on her. Don't check your email or surf the internet while you are having a conversation. She may sense that you are distracted and think that you are not interested in giving her your full attention.
Method 5 of 5: Using Messages to Flirt with a Girl

Step 1. Write her a joke
If a girl has given you her phone number and you want to start texting her, a good place to start is to write something that makes both of you laugh. Come up with a funny topic you both have in common and use it for your first message.
Avoid writing a banal "how are you?". She'd probably just get you a boring answer and you won't get her involved very much

Step 2. Mention details
Send her a message with specific details about your last meeting. For example, you could say "You looked great in that red dress the other day". You will make her feel special as you show that you remember details about her.

Step 3. Don't text her too many
Sending 20 messages at different times of the day would probably be very suffocating. Limited to sessions of 3 or 4 bars, starting by sending a short message and replying to it a couple of times.

Step 4. Don't rely solely on messages
They are a good addition to other interactions, such as meeting in person or talking on the phone. Texting can help you flirt, but it shouldn't be the only way to communicate. Even if you are shy, it is best to get to know the girl in question by talking to her on the phone or by going out without obligation.

Step 5. Don't be upset if he doesn't answer you
She may be at work or busy and not in a position to respond right away. Or she may not be a fan of texting and would prefer a phone call. Try to understand how she feels from her answers and don't take it personally.