Making a girl jealous is a guaranteed way to get her attention and make her want you even more. Whether you want to use it to make yourself attractive to a girl or because you want to show your ex you're better off without her, you can make her jealous just by paying a little attention to her and showing her that you have a great time with others. If you want to know how, follow the steps outlined in this article.
Part 1 of 3: Giving Her Attention

Step 1. Work on your body
If you want to succeed, you should first show some level of interest in her, so that she feels a little intrigued by you and perceives your intentions to take things to a higher level. Body language is the easiest way to let her know you want her, without even saying a word. You only have to invest a few minutes turning your attention to her, so every gesture is important.
- Catch her gaze across the room. Be a man and hold his gaze if he notices you… Add a big smile too.
- As you approach her, turn your body in her direction, stand straight and then bow slightly towards her, showing her that your body is paying full attention to her.
- Gently tap her on her arm, or on her back if she seems willing.
- Keep looking her in the eye as you talk to her. Your "mission" is to make her feel like she is the only woman in the world… for a few minutes.

Step 2. Give her some compliments
Once your body has already "expressed", continue the work with words. A few cautious compliments can show her that you are focused on her and that you would like to get to know her better. If it was someone you already know, the compliments will let her know that you still think about her. Here's how to do it:
- Compliment her appearance. Do it discreetly. Instead of throwing yourself into a "Capers, waving", say something more appropriate like "Blue is a great color. It really makes your eyes stand out."
- Compliment her smile or laugh.
- Compliment yourself by using a playful tone. Find ways to tease her a little while paying her a compliment.

Step 3. Ask her a few questions
A few questions will show that you intend to get to know her better and that you are interested in her person. Just a few, but well arranged, they will intrigue her, and make her interest in you even more inflamed.
- Ask for something flirtatious. If she says she has a sister, you might ask her something like "Is she as beautiful as you are?"
- Ask her silly questions, but act like they really matter. For example, you might ask her what you think about men who love their dogs, or those who wear leather clothes.
- Ask her something that relates to her personally. One of his hobbies or what he does for fun. Make her think you care - just a little bit.
Part 2 of 3: Talking About Other Girls

Step 1. Make it "become" number 2
Once you've shown your interest, and flirted enough to make her believe she has a chance, it's time for the downside. Gradually start introducing a new person… it can be someone else you know or just a random girl you will continue to call "my best friend" or "this girl I've known forever".
- Find ways to talk about this new girl often. Not often enough to annoy her, but just enough to give the impression that whatever it is, this "presence" is always on your mind.
- Find a way to compliment that other girl. Without getting boring, you say things like "she's my favorite person" or "she's able to win as many guys as she wants." I mean, make her feel a little inferior.
- This other girl could be totally made up. If you are good with lies, this "new presence" can be completely fictitious.
- You often say things like "you should meet her. I think you would get along". This will drive her crazy.

Step 2. Talk about many other women
Instead of continuing to talk about one person in your life, you may want to take this opportunity to add many more. Make it seem like you are someone who likes to have lots of beautiful girls around anytime.
- Tell her about that party you went to, there were a lot of beautiful and interesting girls. You might also add that you were one of the few men there, but nothing so unusual… you're used to it.
- Tell her about that time at the beach … all those girls with you who wore those ridiculous bikinis.
- Refer to them as "this girl I was dating"… one after another. Make it seem like you're a person who is constantly dating different girls.
- Of course, make sure you don't frame yourself like any old-fashioned Casanova. The only result you will get in that case is that she will lose all her interest in you.

Step 3. Use your phone to make her jealous
While you tell her about the others, your phone can be a great thing to use to make her jealous. Keep it handy, check back from time to time, and even be ready to respond.
- Check your phone from time to time and smile slyly, as if you have received a malicious message, sent by a girl of course. Apologize and reply to the message, continue with that smirk as you type something that could be just as mischievous.
- Make your phone ring once while you are talking to the girl. Reply by saying something like "Hey, how are you? Can I call you back later?" Do not overdo it by addressing someone who calls you with nicknames like "honey", "doll" and so on (obviously she is a woman), but make sure it is clear that you are talking on the phone with another woman, simply by the tone of your voice.
- Don't go overboard with the telephone technique. The girl's patience will run out pretty quickly if you spend all your time on the phone.
Part 3 of 3: Get See With Other Girls

Step 1. Flirt with other random girls
Once the "number 2" phase is over, it's time to ignore it and start chatting with other girls in the club. You should do this after talking to the first girl for a few minutes. Here are some suggestions:
- Whether you're at a party or a club, just pick a girl and start talking to her. Then, he slowly goes from talking to the first one to being completely absorbed by a second girl. Make sure you point out that you are having a lot of fun.
- Take the second girl to the dance floor. Don't try to kiss or groped her. Just dance to us a few songs and once again, point out that you're having a good time.
- At this point, choose a group of girls together. Make her laugh and let the other girl watch.

Step 2. Flirt with her friends
If you want to focus more on one girl, or if you're done with random "migrations", you can make her jealous by paying attention to her friends. This will allow you to stay close and keep her attention on you, but at the same time make her question what your intentions are.
- Make her friends like her. Play all your cards successfully.
- Ignore the original girl in front of her friends, point out. Even if he's there, next to you, act like he's not there.
- Try to please the whole group while flirting, avoid isolating friends too much from each other. You risk causing problems between them if the "victims" of your charm are multiple, instead of the single person you are editing all this game for.

Step 3. Go away with a new girl
This is a "brave" move. If you are out, at the bar or at a party, go with a different girl. The point is not to take her home, but to get the original girl to see you go away with someone else.
Give a hello, a little nod, or a smile as you walk away. Let her know that you know very well that she is watching you

Step 4. Show up with other girls during the day
You can make a girl jealous even during the day. If you are dating a girl, whether you are friends or someone you are flirting with, let her notice that you have a good time with someone else.
- If the girl you want to make jealous sees you with someone else, make sure you seem completely focused on her. When you "finally" notice the "victim" you can say something like "Oh, here you are. I didn't even notice you." Of course you didn't notice - you were too busy having fun with the other one.
- Choose places where you know for sure you will find your "victim". Parade with a group of other girls to her favorite clubs, making sure you show more fun than ever.
- If you attend the same class, sit away from her, with another girl (obviously) and show yourself whispering or scribbling something in her notes.

Step 5. Don't wait too long if you want her to be interested in you
This is a very important point. If you're using jealousy to make yourself more desirable in her eyes, you shouldn't spend too much time wooing other women or talking about them all the time. You run the risk that she won't take you seriously and will lose interest in you.
- If you're using other girls to make her jealous, whether it's a bar, party, or other venue, don't spend all night talking to them ignoring her. Come back to her after a few minutes, before she loses her patience.
- As soon as you realize the girl is really interested, stop talking about other girls or strike up a conversation with everyone around. The chase is over - for now.
- Remember that it's always a bad idea to try to make another person jealous. There are other ways to tell if a girl likes you (or whatever reason makes her jealous). Behave like an adult.
- Watch other girls while you are with her.
- Some of the above tips could make the girl lose interest in you.
- If she finds out about your attempt to make her jealous, she is very likely to get very angry.
- The girl you are using to make your target jealous may have an interest in you, and think you can reciprocate that interest, so be careful.
- Your target may think you don't like him and focus on other guys.
- You could set off a chain reaction of increasingly serious problems.