How to Kiss Someone of Different Height: 5 Steps

How to Kiss Someone of Different Height: 5 Steps
How to Kiss Someone of Different Height: 5 Steps

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You are a beautiful couple, but are there almost 30 centimeters of difference between you? Fear not, there is a way around this problem. To kiss someone of a different height, try the following techniques.



Step 1. Make yourself taller or shorter

Try these discreet ways to reduce the height difference:

  • If you are low, look for an upward push. Take advantage of steps, sidewalks, slopes, stools and even chairs to correct the height difference. Wear heels if possible. High heels are an obvious choice, but high-heeled boots can be useful for both genders.
  • If you are tall, give your partner an advantage by staying in a lower position as much as possible. If you are in the early stages of a relationship and / or your partner is unsure of themselves, try to do it inconspicuously.
  • For a sexy pose, spread your legs and lean your back against a wall, gripping the ground with your feet and welcoming your partner between your legs. This will allow you to interact at almost the same height. Alternatively, place your weight on one foot away from the wall and lean back, with the other knee bent for a James Dean-like pose. Note that this will force your partner to do most of the work.
  • You could sit down. A bar stool or other high seat is ideal for this. Most regular chairs are so low that they will create a height difference the other way around, but you may decide to make your partner feel tall for once. If the situation is appropriate, have your partner sit on you and kiss while sitting.

Step 2. Meet halfway

If you are shorter, lean back and push yourself up. Stay on your toes if you want. If you are taller, lean forward; as you do this, spread your legs to lower your stature and make room for the other person.

Step 3. Stabilize yourself with a hug

Holding each other will give both of you the support they need to stay balanced and even out the height difference.

When you are not kissing, the shorter person can turn their head and rest it on the shoulders or chest of the taller one

Step 4. Kiss other more accessible spots

If appropriate, kiss your half on the forehead, neck, etc. Not all kisses have to come to the lips.

Step 5. Use the height difference to make your kisses more passionate

"Gone with the Wind" contains some of the most famous kisses on the big screen thanks to the difference in height between Rhett and Scarlett; instead of trying to balance the difference, he brought her close to him, tilted her head and kissed her from above like an eagle catching its prey. If you decide to do this, be sure to support your partner's neck so that her neck doesn't hurt. This is an aggressive pose, so don't do this if you're a girl and your boyfriend is unsure about his short stature.

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    If you are short and your partner is strong enough, jump into his arms so that your faces are at the same height. Or, use the "The Pages of Our Lives" position by wrapping your legs around the other person's waist and kissing them from above.

  • If you are tall, raise your partner. As you do this, go around in circles to make the kiss more romantic. You could also lift her slightly, allowing her to squeeze you with her legs if necessary.


  • Don't be afraid to experiment. Find out what works and what you find to like.
  • Have fun! If something doesn't work, have a laugh and try to practice more.


  • If you are lifting someone, do it safely, using your knees and not your back.
  • Do not pull down on the shoulders or back of the taller person, as this could cause them problems in the future.
