True friendship is one of the deepest relationships one can have with another person. A true friend is by your side through thick and thin: he laughs with you, he's a shoulder to cry on and gets you out of jail if necessary. This article will give you some ideas on how to find this special someone.
Part 1 of 3: Expose yourself

Step 1. Take the initiative
If you intend to build a true friendship, you cannot afford to be lazy. A true friend won't magically materialize on your doorstep, so you need to be willing to put in the effort. Take matters into your own hands and start socializing.
- Stop waiting for others to urge you. Contact someone and ask them if they feel like going out with you or arrange something.
- Don't worry about appearing to be desperate or needy. Focus on yourself and your goal, because in the end the essential thing is that everything goes as you wish.

Step 2. Meet new people
You won't make friends by staying home alone every night. You need to be proactive, so make an effort to go out and meet as many people as you can. You may be intimidated at first, but in the end it will be worth it.
- One of the easiest ways to meet someone is to take advantage of friends you already have. Organize a party or meeting, asking your acquaintances to introduce you to other people.
- Meet someone by taking advantage of the hobbies you cultivate or the courses you attend. Friends generally share common interests, so people you know under these circumstances can make great life companions.
- Meet people at work. This could be a colleague you feel you have a certain connection with but have never dated outside of the workplace. The moment has come.
- Meet people using the internet. Friendships online are sometimes frowned upon, but the internet can be a really great way to find new people. Blogs, social networks and forums are absolutely useful means of socializing.

Step 3. Don't be touchy
It can be difficult to meet someone for the first time. You may get the impression that people are disinterested or unwilling to make any effort. Or it can happen that you get in tune with someone right away, and then lose contact without knowing why. Don't get discouraged. Finding a true friend takes time.

Step 4. Don't be picky
Be open to those you hang out with. When trying to make friends, it's not a good strategy to be very demanding. Your initial goal is to meet as many people as possible, so that you can talk to everyone and keep your mind open.
- Even if you know someone you feel like you have nothing in common with, talk to them and give them a chance.
- You will never be able to spot a true friend at first sight, but you will need to know them first, so consider all possibilities!

Step 5. Be persevering
Even if you were not as successful on the first try as you hoped, don't be discouraged! People take a while to open up, so the second or third meeting could go a lot better than the first.
- When you propose to someone to go out, don't be upset if they don't get the chance. He doesn't necessarily like you. Rather, it is very likely that his impediment is sincere. Give him a week or two, then invite him again.
- Sometimes it doesn't work, but it's not a problem. Consider this eventuality as a dress rehearsal for when you meet the right person.

Step 6. Be patient
It takes time to truly get to know someone, especially when you are looking for a true friendship. If you continue to expose yourself and go out of your way to hang out with as many people as you can, you will eventually find someone you can make a good friendship with.
- Be realistic about the time it takes to deepen the relationship. Sure, there is the possibility of a strong sympathy for a person you seem to know for ten years rather than ten minutes, but it usually takes a lot longer, depending on how often you see each other.
- In the right situations, you can make new friends very quickly, for example when you go to university, move to a new city or start a team sport.
Part 2 of 3: Getting to Know the Other Person

Step 1. Start a conversation
The first step in getting to know someone who could become a friend is to strike up a conversation. Find out about her and her interests. Once you find a topic that interests both of you, the rest will come by itself.
- Try making a general comment or a question about something general, just to break the ice. For example: "Nice party, right?", Or "How do you know Giovanni?".
- Try to listen rather than talk. Be interested in what he has to say.
- Find out what his interests and hobbies are. If you can find something in common, your conversation will be a lot smoother.

Step 2. Get a contact number to contact the other person
If you connect with someone, make sure you have their contact information before saying goodbye. You will need it if you want to see it again.
- Get their phone number or email address, or ask them if they have a Facebook profile. The way is not important, as long as you have a chance to get in touch with him.
- Make sure you give them your contact details as well. It might invite you to do something fun.

Step 3. Invite the person you met to date
This is where many people are hesitant. It is not a problem to meet someone once and then ask them for friendship on Facebook, but a true friendship will not be born if you do not take the next step, inviting the person out.
- It is not necessary to do something special. Just suggest an outing for a drink or to relax on the beach.
- Even if he declines, he will likely be flattered by the invitation. Try again a few weeks later.

Step 4. Accept any invitation
It's okay to get organized to meet people, but getting an invitation is even better. Think of some easy-to-take opportunities to get to know someone or meet more people.
- Accept every offer you receive, even if it's about seeing a movie you don't care about or participating in a sport you don't like. Once you are there, you will be happy with the sacrifice made to go.
- It is best not to earn the reputation of a person who never shows up, otherwise no one will invite you somewhere.

Step 5. Give the relationship time to grow
Deep and important relationships do not arise overnight: you need to cultivate them and allow them time to mature.
- After taking the first steps and establishing constant attendance, the only thing left to do is repeat, repeat, repeat.
- To be truly friends with someone, you need to hang out with them, keep in touch, have a great time together, get to know them, and get to know each other on a deeper level.
Part 3 of 3: What to Look for in a True Friend

Step 1. Find someone to have fun with
A true friend is a person with whom you can spend exceptional moments. You should be able to create your own fun, laugh together, get in trouble, and truly enjoy each other's company.

Step 2. Look for someone who is honest with you
Regardless of everything, a true friend is always honest with you, in the most mundane situations - for example when a dress doesn't fit you - or in those where life can take a different path - for example, if you find that your partner betrays you. A true friend never leaves you.

Step 3. Look for someone who is loyal to you
Among true friends, loyalty is a matter of honor, even in the absence of the other person. This means that he will always be on your side, even if he disagrees with your choices, and will stand up for you when no one else does.

Step 4. Look for someone who deserves your trust
You can trust a true friend under any circumstances, whether it's feeding your cat while on vacation or keeping your deepest, darkest secrets.

Step 5. Look for someone you can trust
A true friend is close to you in case of need, shares the good times and helps you in the bad ones. He answers your phone calls. He takes you to a boring couples date you agreed to go to. It does not abandon you in the most difficult moments.

Step 6. Look for someone to support you
A true friend supports you and your goals. He will never try to change you, nor will he put a spoke in the wheel to discourage you from pursuing a project.
- Express your character! Don't pretend to be who you are not. Don't lie to impress.
- Finding a true friend is difficult. Having this kind of bond is like a gift. Don't force events by trying at all costs to befriend someone you don't get along well with. If you find a true friend, keep him tight!
- Don't impose a friendship.
- Express yourself! There's no use dating someone if you don't show who you really are. Do you like Switchfoot? Wear a band shirt. Do you love Buffy? Wear his t-shirt. You get the idea.
- Be yourself. It is not necessary to change to please others.
- When chatting online, never propose a live meeting unless you are sure they are a decent person. Be very careful! Try to meet her after a year of chat, not before. Do not give addresses, phone numbers, and if you see each other in person, always choose a safe place in public. Also, take a friend with you.
- Not all people will be willing to be friends with you. In these cases, just turn the page.
- Do not provide never your personal information on the internet.