True love is happiness, true love is sharing your world with the person who is dearest to you. How does friendship turn into love, and is there really a fine line between the two? Here is a simple guide to looking for love among your deepest friendships.

Step 1. Be respectful, thoughtful and attentive to the person you have chosen
If she's in trouble, help her. If she is happy, be happy for her. If she's sad, offer her a shoulder to cry on.

Step 2. Spend as much time with him as possible
If you are very friends, go for a coffee in the center, invite him for a walk, or invite him to you for a chat. The possibilities are endless - just make sure you know him well enough that you can quietly have deep conversations and share your world with him, you don't want to scare him with your sudden momentum and interest.

Step 3. Give him a hand once in a while
If he is having difficulty with a subject at school, help him review something. If he is in a bit of a crisis at work, let him vent, if he has problems with family and friends, try to give him some wise and discreet advice. The key word is - be considerate.

Step 4. Laugh with him - joke and tear down the wall between you, in other words open up to each other
Express your opinions, your points of view and be yourself.

Step 5. Eye contact is essential
Always look him in the eye. Some say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul.

Step 6. If you get close and find that you love each other, continue to be caring, loving, and friendly
Try not to fight, even if it can happen, never cheat on him and always try to look your best. Respect that, guys especially love respect.
- Be yourself, people can only love you if you are authentic.
- If he just wants to be your friend, remember that it was probably not meant to be and that your soul mate is out there waiting for you!
- Be caring, respectful and a good person.
- Have fun with him, share your world.
- Try to hang out with this person for a few months - love doesn't blossom overnight.
- Dress well, always be clean and tidy.
- Don't rush the steps, let the situation evolve naturally.
- It's easy to get obsessed with someone. Do not fall into this pattern, bombarding him with text messages, rings or messages on Facebook. Give it space.
- Try to be friends with him, that's the least you can do.
- If you feel that this person doesn't match your feelings, don't get down on yourself. It's hard, but you will get over it.