How to Overcome the Loss of Your Best Friend

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How to Overcome the Loss of Your Best Friend
How to Overcome the Loss of Your Best Friend

Has your friend moved to another city? Or maybe you have had a fight and don't talk to each other anymore. Friends come and go, whether it's for quarrels, separate ways, or other reasons, and it's never something easy to get over. It is a process that requires patience, acceptance and a willingness to expose yourself and meet new people.


Get Over Losing a Best Friend Step 1
Get Over Losing a Best Friend Step 1

Step 1. In case this friend no longer wants to have anything to do with you, whatever the reason, there is one

He can be made up, as stupid and ridiculous as you want, but respect his decision not to want to be a part of your life anymore.

Get Over Losing a Best Friend Step 2
Get Over Losing a Best Friend Step 2

Step 2. Even if you are no longer friends with this person, never forget the good times we had together

Everything happens for a reason, but know that this change is for the better, even if it doesn't seem that way at first.

Get Over Losing a Best Friend Step 3
Get Over Losing a Best Friend Step 3

Step 3. People change

It's life, and there's nothing you can do about it. One year you may be this person's best friend, and the next, they may have changed completely. Just know that he is the one who has lost something beautiful, and that something is you. You must have self-esteem and recognize your beauty.

Get Over Losing a Best Friend Step 4
Get Over Losing a Best Friend Step 4

Step 4. Do something to distract yourself from this loss

Get Over Losing a Best Friend Step 5
Get Over Losing a Best Friend Step 5

Step 5. Join a club or group

It's a great way to make new friends with the same interests as you. It's also a good way to get over the loss of someone who was a big part of your life.

Get Over Losing a Best Friend Step 6
Get Over Losing a Best Friend Step 6

Step 6. If he doesn't want to be your friend anymore, he's the loser and it should be his problem to deal with, not yours

Get Over Losing a Best Friend Step 7
Get Over Losing a Best Friend Step 7

Step 7. Understand that no matter how much you esteem and love someone, time can really blur things until they are too distant to bring them back to how they were

Get Over Losing a Best Friend Step 8
Get Over Losing a Best Friend Step 8

Step 8. Get to know some of your other friends better

Get Over Losing a Best Friend Step 9
Get Over Losing a Best Friend Step 9

Step 9. If he moves, you can still keep in touch

There are many sites, such as Facebook or Skype, which can be useful for this purpose, as well as emails and phone calls.

Get Over Losing a Best Friend Step 10
Get Over Losing a Best Friend Step 10

Step 10. Know that for every closed door there is a door that opens

Get Over Losing a Best Friend Step 11
Get Over Losing a Best Friend Step 11

Step 11. Also remember that if he doesn't want to make the effort to be your friend, he shouldn't care any more than it matters to him

Get Over Losing a Best Friend Step 12
Get Over Losing a Best Friend Step 12

Step 12. If you have lost someone to an argument, such as telling them the truth about something, and they won't forgive you, they are the one who loses

And if he can't understand you, then he's not a friend worth having.

Get Over Losing a Best Friend Step 13
Get Over Losing a Best Friend Step 13

Step 13. Rejoice in your ability to care about people and find someone who appreciates a caring friend like you

Get Over Losing a Best Friend Step 14
Get Over Losing a Best Friend Step 14

Step 14. Forgive yourself and move on with your life

There is no point in self-pitying too much for past mistakes.
