Treasure the love you receive. It will survive long after the gold and health are gone. - Og Mandino
Receiving love from a person can seem difficult for fear of the consequences of abandoning one's defenses. You may be taking refuge in cynicism or pride, or you are trying to be emotionally strong so as not to have to deal with the frustrations that love can cause, or to not confront aspects of yourself that you don't like. Learning to receive love and realize that you are loved is important in fulfilling yourself. In this article, we offer some reflections that can help you become receptive to love and teach you to keep it.

Step 1. Trust the people who declare their love to you
Whether it's your partner, friend or family member, it is essential to unconditionally accept a declaration of love. To reject this gift for fear that it is not sincere is to deny those who love you the chance to give you proof. Such behavior can even alienate this person from you, with the risk of not being able to change your mind.

Step 2. Don't be afraid to lose it
The experience of losing a loved one, because they disappeared, because you separated or for any other painful reason, is a common cause of the inability to receive love. If you spend your entire life avoiding love out of fear that those who offer it to you will then retract it, you will always feel cynical and insecure, and certainly not happy. Accept love in you and let yourself be carried away; expect those who offer you love to continue to be close to you.

Step 3. Love yourself
This is probably the hardest teaching, but if you don't love yourself enough it is impossible to receive love because you don't believe you are worthy. If this is the case, start working to understand why and get help if necessary. Remember that each person is special and that you deserve to be loved.

Step 4. Let yourself be permeated by love and don't resist
Open your heart, live in the moment and joyfully accept the fact that you have a connection with those who love you, that you are part of the relationships and life of people who need and want you. Being open and receptive to the love of others can be learned with practice if only you do not allow yourself to be overwhelmed by cynicism and harshness. Let go of your defenses and pride and let others know that their caring and the support they offer you make you happy. Do not start to count: love others even if you are not loved in return. Humanity is a big family in which love fluctuates continuously and in one way or another, the love you give is returned to you anyway.

Step 5. Don't be swayed by negative feelings that social life inspires
Conditioned by society, we are wary of outpouring of affection and reluctant to openly accept compliments, generosity, thoughtfulness and kindness for fear of being seen as greedy, proud, or selfish. Don't shy away from what loving and sweet people say about you just to fit in with negative patterns; be grateful and open to the love that others offer you in all its forms. Acting differently means opposing love.

Step 6. Offer demonstrations of love
Receiving love also means expressing love. Kiss your partner and children, hug friends, congratulate colleagues, be friendly and confidential with the shop assistant. Behave like this on a regular basis.

Step 7. Learn from those who are experienced in receiving love
Children are experts in love: they unconditionally accept what is said to them and consider receiving love a natural thing. Being able to accept the love that is offered to you creates a natural balance whereby you give and receive in equal measure. See how children manage this condition beautifully: they ask for help when they need it and reciprocate when asked. They offer compliments without thinking and unconditionally accept what is given to them. Rediscovering our innate predispositions can mean instilling new happiness and confidence in our life.
- Many religions can help to understand the importance of being receptive to love. If you have a particular faith, follow the teachings concerning receiving and offering love. If you are not a believer, there are many great thinkers whose wisdom can teach you a lot about receptivity to love.
- Share your feelings. By sharing sincere feelings, bonds of trust are created that foster the creation of a positive environment that will function as a catalyst for love to be accepted and offered.