How to Be Reliable: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Be Reliable: 10 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Be Reliable: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Self six reliable - "That's what really matters!"

-- Self Not you are reliable - This is what really matters! "

If you can become a person that others can rely on or trust, you will feel fulfilled and much more independent. People will respect you more and see you as someone who is ready and able to help, and this is one of the greatest achievements you can achieve in life.

"I really tried …" is a phrase you should never utter. The goal is not to try.

Become more reliable by following the advice in this guide.


Be Dependable Step 1
Be Dependable Step 1

Step 1. Define Reliable

Reliable - able to be trusted, trustworthy, example: "a reliable employee works well and is punctual …"

Be Dependable Step 2
Be Dependable Step 2

Step 2. Keep your promises

Do what you promised. Do it as often as necessary, and in the best possible way.

  • Keep your schedule without excuses. If you can't do exactly what you said, help others organize themselves otherwise, make amends and apologize if appropriate.
  • Do not neglect and do not avoid doing your part out of laziness. You would regret it in the future when the people you thought were your friends turn to elsewhere.
  • Don't forget your schedule - repeat with conviction: "I'll remember it."
Be Dependable Step 3
Be Dependable Step 3

Step 3. Always be on time

Work when you said you would.

Be Dependable Step 4
Be Dependable Step 4

Step 4. Be there, where you said you would be, and:

  • Prepare in time so as not to be late.

    • Plan out all the details to do a good job.
    • Make a list of all the tools, materials, and supplies you will need.
    • Create a roadmap to stick to.
  • Finish the job. As time goes by, always check your progress and make sure you have completed it.
Be Dependable Step 5
Be Dependable Step 5

Step 5. Be trustworthy

Being trustworthy is an opinion about yourself.

Be Dependable Step 6
Be Dependable Step 6

Step 6. Be honest

Tell the truth and don't steal.

George Washington is believed to have said, "I can't lie." when he was a small child. This means that he has chosen never to lie

Step 7. Be faithful

You will need to be rock solid.

Step 8. Be as steadfast as an anchor in a storm, even in the worst of times

Be Dependable Step 9
Be Dependable Step 9

Step 9. Be responsible in what you do, eg never sleep at work

Be Dependable Step 10
Be Dependable Step 10

Step 10. Work steadily and decisively, avoiding confusion and disorganization

  • If you are a professional, you will have to prove your reliability by always completing your work in the best way.

    When you become a respected professional you may find that you have more work than you can complete


  • Be faithful. Confess your mistakes. Try to make up for your shortcomings if possible.
  • Always be reliable, in good and bad weather. Follow the example of Job, who was a rich man who had everything, respected the Lord in every way, and kept his integrity even when everything was taken from him. Even when he complained, he never lost faith.
  • Reliability is a trait that includes punctuality, good quality and good service.
  • If you've promised something that you didn't do - or that didn't work - people will probably be disappointed in you and won't trust you.
  • Depending on your field of expertise, an 80% success rate can be very low. For example, imagine that you are a bomb squad who has to defuse a bomb.


  • "To do or not to do. There is no trying." - Yoda
  • Say, "I'll do it!" it means nothing until you turn words into deeds.
  • Actions speak louder than words. Avoid making false promises. Instead of making promises, take action.
  • You can control your future by being trustworthy when it really matters.
  • A person's reputation depends on their ability to do a good job.

    "You've tried!" it can mean: "You have had partial success - but still Not it's enough."

  • Discipline means doing what you promise to do.
