3 Ways to Build a Planchette

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3 Ways to Build a Planchette
3 Ways to Build a Planchette

The planchette is a tool universally used with ouija boards. It is also sometimes attached to a pencil and used to produce mystical text or drawings. If you need to replace your planchette or just want to make your own, read on, it's not a difficult process. You won't need to go through any rituals to make your planchette, although you can add more if you think it's the best choice.


Method 1 of 3: Create a Planchette

Make a Planchette Step 1
Make a Planchette Step 1

Step 1. Choose the material

Traditionally, planchettes are made of a thin piece of alluring wood, such as mahogany, oak or birch. However, you can build your planchette using any lightweight material, such as thick cardboard, plywood, or a sheet of clear hard plastic.

Make a Planchette Step 2
Make a Planchette Step 2

Step 2. Cut out the shape of your planchette

Use a cutter (for cardboard or plastic) or a saw (for plywood) and cut your planchette into the desired shape. Most planchettes are shaped like a heart, drop or rounded triangle. However, you can prefer any shape that you find attractive or particularly meaningful.

The dimensions of the surface of the planchette must allow the comfortable positioning of the fingers of at least three people

Make a Planchette Step 3
Make a Planchette Step 3

Step 3. Create a window (optional)

Most planchettes have a central hole that acts as a "window" through which the response can be read. However, if your planchette has an unmistakable pointed tip, you can decide to use it to indicate the answer on the ouija board.

  • Many planchettes have both a pointed end and a window. If you choose to include both, you will have to experiment and find out which one points to the correct answer. Note that different spirits may use different methods of communication.
  • If you wish, adjust and adhere a small piece of glass or clear plastic to the "window".
Make a Planchette Step 4
Make a Planchette Step 4

Step 4. Glue some felt feet to the base

Attach three or four small felt circles to the underside of the planchette to help it slide across the board. To keep the felt from hardening and becoming mushy, just use a very small amount of glue.

  • A quick splash of spray adhesive or a drop of wood glue are both great options.
  • Alternatively, you can apply a metal wheel under each of the two rear corners of the planchette and add a small felt pad under the third corner.
Make a Planchette Step 5
Make a Planchette Step 5

Step 5. Decorate and complete (optional)

If you wish, you can decorate your planchette with zodiac symbols, spirit names or other mystical texts. Use a permanent marker or fine-tipped brush. If your planchette is made of wood and you want to prevent it from getting scratched, purchase a clear coat for wood and coat the surface with a thin layer.

For an ideal result, before applying the clear coat, lightly sand the wooden surface

Make a Planchette Step 6
Make a Planchette Step 6

Step 6. Create a planchette for mediumistic writing

If you intend to use your planchette for automatic writing, stick a well-sharpened pencil through the small window hole, so that the tip just touches the surface underneath. Secure it in place using duct tape or an appropriately sized rubber gasket, then move the planchette to a sheet of paper instead of a ouija board. The pencil may start drawing or writing strange shapes or text.

Method 2 of 3: Use Other Objects such as Planchette

Make a Planchette Step 7
Make a Planchette Step 7

Step 1. Use an inverted glass

In the absence of a special planchette, many people choose to turn a glass of their preferred size upside down on the ouija table. The glass magnifies the response and curves the images, making the experience even more spooky.

Make a Planchette Step 8
Make a Planchette Step 8

Step 2. Spectacle lens

You can improvise a planchette with a reading window even with a lens extracted from an old pair of sunglasses or eyeglasses. Prefer an inexpensive pair, often available in supermarkets, avoiding ruining expensive frames or depriving friends and family of their indispensable glasses.

Make a Planchette Step 9
Make a Planchette Step 9

Step 3. Use a coin

Try using a lucky or ancient coin, in this case touched by thousands of people. Of course, a coin will not provide a reading window and will not point in a specific direction, but it can move and position itself on the letters and numbers on the ouija board.

Superstition says that a silver coin is able to prevent contact with evil spirits

Method 3 of 3: Knowing the Superstitions Connected to Planchette

Make a Planchette Step 10
Make a Planchette Step 10

Step 1. Follow the instructions you like, whatever they are

There is no individual who agrees with another on the superstitions of the table, it is a completely individual decision. You can treat them as warnings or just bizarre jokes, as you wish.

Make a Planchette Step 11
Make a Planchette Step 11

Step 2. Watch out for planchette falling off the board

Many believe that a planchette that moves away from the table or table has been possessed by an evil spirit. Of course, you can't just retract your hand when this is about to happen… a planchette left on the board can be just as dangerous!

Make a Planchette Step 12
Make a Planchette Step 12

Step 3. Watch out for dangerous movements

Other supposed signs of an evil spirit include: a planchette moving to all four corners of the board, a planchette moving into an eight, and a planchette running through all numbers or letters of the alphabet in reverse.

Make a Planchette Step 13
Make a Planchette Step 13

Step 4. Handle objects used as planchette with caution

The improvised planchettes, and especially the glasses, carry with them a whole corollary of superstitions. Some people would never drink from a glass used as a planchette, while others would only ban certain drinks, such as alcoholic ones.

Make a Planchette Step 14
Make a Planchette Step 14

Step 5. Purify your planchette

Hold the glass over a lit candle before using it as a planchette. Purify each planchette with your favorite ritual, whether it involves the recitation of a few Bible verses, pagan invocations, or the use of herbal preparations during the correct moon phase. Keep it equally clean in the material world by dusting it frequently.
