How to calculate the number of your name in numerology

How to calculate the number of your name in numerology
How to calculate the number of your name in numerology

Table of contents:


Numerology holds that the numerical value that corresponds to your name influences certain aspects of your personal and professional development. Calculating this number based on the fundamentals of numerology can help you get to know yourself better. Furthermore, by performing the same calculation for relatives and friends as well, you will be able to understand them better.


Part 1 of 3: Assigning Numbers to the Letters that Make Up Your Name

Calculate Your Name Number in Numerology Step 1
Calculate Your Name Number in Numerology Step 1

Step 1. Write down the alphabet:

from "A" to "Z". Take a piece of paper, then write all 26 letters that make up the English alphabet on a single horizontal line. Each letter corresponds to a different numerical value. If you wish, you can also write them vertically, the important thing is that they are organized in the right order.

Calculate Your Name Number in Numerology Step 2
Calculate Your Name Number in Numerology Step 2

Step 2. Assign a number to each letter:

from 1 to 9. Start with the letter "A", write a "1" next to it, then continue by assigning the numbers in ascending order to the letters that follow. For example, the "B" corresponds to the number "2", the "C" to "3" and so on. Once you reach the letter "I", to which you have attributed the number "9", start again to assign the number "1", then continue along the alphabet.

  • Some sources only use the numbers 1 to 8, but numerology contemplates 9 numbers of the character and personality (which come from the name), so make sure you use them all.
  • The table below summarizes the result you will need to obtain:

    • 1: A, J, S.
    • 2: B, K, T.
    • 3: C, L, U.
    • 4: D, M, V.
    • 5: E, N, W.
    • 6: F, O, X.
    • 7: G, P, Y.
    • 8: H, Q, Z.
    • 9: I, R.
    Calculate Your Name Number in Numerology Step 3
    Calculate Your Name Number in Numerology Step 3

    Step 3. Write your full name

    Using all the letters that make up your first and last name you can calculate your "personality number". Don't forget to also include your second or third names (or all the ones you have), exactly in the order they are written on your birth certificate or ID.

    • If the official version of your name includes prefixes, suffixes, diminutives, etc., include them exactly to get a correct calculation.
    • If you have been legally authorized to change your name, use your new name, as that is what currently identifies you.
    • You can also use your nickname, but the result will not be as accurate.
    Calculate Your Name Number in Numerology Step 4
    Calculate Your Name Number in Numerology Step 4

    Step 4. Find the correspondence between the letters that make up your name and the numbers previously attributed to the alphabet

    Now that you know what the numerical value of each letter is, you can write it next to each of the letters that make up your name. On the line below the one where you wrote your name, write down all the matching numbers one by one.

    • Some numbers will be double, but that's okay.
    • For example, if your name is John Jacob Smith, each "J" will be given the number 1, each "O" the 6, each "H" the 8, and so on.

    Part 2 of 3: Adding the Numbers

    Calculate Your Name Number in Numerology Step 5
    Calculate Your Name Number in Numerology Step 5

    Step 1. Add up all the numbers that have been attributed to the letters that make up your name

    Using a calculator or just a pen and paper, add up every single digit obtained by transposing your name into numbers. If the full name consists of 20 letters, you will need to add 20 numbers together. The result will be a two-digit number.

    For example, adding the numbers that correspond to the letters of the name "BATMAN" gives the following calculation "2 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 5", which results in 15

    Calculate Your Name Number in Numerology Step 6
    Calculate Your Name Number in Numerology Step 6

    Step 2. Reduce the two-digit number to a single digit

    After adding up all the numbers that correspond to the letters that make up your full name, you will have a two-digit (or sometimes three-digit, if your name is very long) result. To reduce it, add the two numbers that make it up together. For example, if the calculated sum is 25, separate the 2 from the 5 and then add them together: 2 + 5 results in 7. Your personality number is 7.

    Calculate Your Name Number in Numerology Step 7
    Calculate Your Name Number in Numerology Step 7

    Step 3. Leave the "master numbers" intact

    If adding the numbers that correspond to the letters that make up your name results in "11", "22", or "33", don't reduce them to a single digit. These numbers are called "masters" and have the power to attribute complexity, but also depth, to the subject of your study. To each of these three numbers are attributed peculiar characteristics.

    • Master numbers can also be reduced to a single digit, but only in certain situations, such as when they are contained in a date or numerical equation.
    • For example, if a sum results in a master number it does not have to be reduced, but if it is contained in a numerical equation, you have to add the two digits that make it up to simplify it. "11" will result in "2", "22" will result in "4", while "33" will result in "6".

    Part 3 of 3: Recognizing Your Personality

    Calculate Your Name Number in Numerology Step 8
    Calculate Your Name Number in Numerology Step 8

    Step 1. Match the number that corresponds to your name to the meaning given to it by numerology

    Once you have identified your personality number, you can perform a detailed analysis of the result using a numerological table. Whether your parents chose your name with the clear goal of matching certain personality traits or it was assigned to you by chance, you will have the opportunity to understand yourself more deeply.

    • Although some sources attribute a slightly different meaning to each of the numbers, in general the attributes are as follows:

      • 1: Endowed with a spirit of initiative, enterprising, capable of commanding, independent, determined, individualistic.
      • 2: Collaborative, versatile, respectful, able to work in a team, good mediator.
      • 3: Self-expression, communicativeness, socialization, artistic vein, enthusiasm for life.
      • 4: Strong values, order, dedication, rebellion, in constant evolution.
      • 5: Expansive, visionary, adventurous, constructive use of freedom.
      • 6: Responsible, protective, caring, supportive, community friendly, balanced, compassionate.
      • 7: Analytical, understanding, prepared, aware, studious, reflective spirit.
      • 8: Ambitious, aiming for prestige and power, materialistic.
      • 9: Philanthropist, generous, selfless, creative, strong sense of duty.
      • 11: Spiritual, intuitive, ascetic, idealistic, dreamer.
      • 22 (in numerology the number 22 is considered the most powerful of all, which is why it is often referred to as the "Master builder"): Daring, strong, able to command.
      Calculate Your Name Number in Numerology Step 9
      Calculate Your Name Number in Numerology Step 9

      Step 2. Find out the other numbers related to your name

      The numbers that derive from the name of an individual are many, and are considered to be able to indicate their qualities, defects, talents and much more. Some of them have the ability to reveal what the person's innermost desires are, including unconscious ones.

      • The "soul number" can tell you what you like and what you don't like, and make you discover what your deepest desires are. It is obtained from the sum of the numbers assigned to the vowels of your name and surname. After adding them together, reduce the result as explained above to get the soul number.
      • The "number of the person" is obtained by adding the numbers that correspond only to the consonants that form the name and surname.
      • To calculate your person number, you can follow the same process used to get the personality number.
      • More and more people have a name of foreign origin, so you should know that when differentiating vowels from consonants it is important to pay special attention to the letters "Y" and "W". When the letter "Y" is used as a vowel or the letter "W" forms a diphthong with a vowel, for example in the name "Matthew", you have to use them as elements to calculate the soul number.
      • Otherwise, when they take on the function of consonant, you have to put them in the sum necessary to calculate the number of the person.
      Calculate Your Name Number in Numerology Step 10
      Calculate Your Name Number in Numerology Step 10

      Step 3. Change your name to change your numbers

      If you are not satisfied with the numbers that come from your current name or if you don't like your name, you can decide to change it. As you grow up you may find that you would like to be called by a different name, more akin to the evolution of your personality. Your name is not written in stone, it only binds you legally, but this is also something that can be changed.

      • If you don't want to take care of the bureaucracy, you can ask everyone to call you in a different way.
      • It may take some time for the new name to catch on, but if you keep correcting people politely and spreading it out in writing, you will sooner or later succeed.
      • Alternatively you can try spelling your name in a slightly altered way to change the results indicated by numerology. For example, the name "Emanuela" results in a "9", but if you decide to change it to "Manuela" you will get the master number "22".
