How to Develop Powers (with Pictures)

How to Develop Powers (with Pictures)
How to Develop Powers (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Sooner or later, everyone dreams of having special powers or abilities that make them unique and provide them with advantages that others do not have. Most people reject the idea of developing special powers, assuming these things don't really exist or are impossible to achieve. For them, it's only comic book superheroes who can have supernatural powers, not ordinary humans. While it is true that humans probably cannot learn to fly or teleport, there is no doubt that there are some specific skills that can be developed through study and training.


Part 1 of 4: Developing Psychic Powers

Develop Powers Step 1
Develop Powers Step 1

Step 1. Learn more about the powers you want to develop

Instead of wasting your energy trying to develop dozens of psychic powers simultaneously, focus on studying one or two skills at a time. Decide which mental skills you consider most important, then work hard to reach them diligently. As you are certain that you have developed the psychic powers you want, you can begin to learn more.

  • Clairvoyance is the ability to acquire information about an object, person, place or physical event through means that go beyond the normal five senses.
  • Empathy is the ability to intensely perceive other people's emotions. An empathic person can channel another person's emotions.
  • Clairaudience is the psychic gift linked to hearing. Thanks to this power you can contact the guiding spirits or angels or tune in to the sounds of the universe or the astral plane.
  • An astral projection is an out-of-body experience that allows you to detach yourself from your physical body to move into invisible reality. In most cases it can be experienced during trance or sleep.
  • Psychokinesis is the ability to levitate or move things with the mind.
Develop Powers Step 2
Develop Powers Step 2

Step 2. Learn to predict events

Take some time each evening to write down three predictions about the next day. First, close your eyes and focus. What sensations are you feeling? Do you have any insights? What song is playing in your mind? How do you feel? Who are you seeing? Is your mood changing in any way?

  • Repeat this exercise every night and take note of the patterns that emerge both when you are right and when you are wrong.
  • Keep detailed notes about your predictions.
Develop Powers Step 3
Develop Powers Step 3

Step 3. Practice psychometrics to sharpen the sensations of the body

There is a dowry, called with the English term "clairsentience", or "knowing with the body". Psychometrics is the art of perceiving the energy of objects through touch. This skill allows you to grasp a person's disposition, circumstances, and events simply by holding an object that belongs to them. This is possible because all of those things have left an impression or energy behind them on that object. That energy can be read by those who have developed the gift of "clairsentience".

  • Ask a friend to blindfold you and put a small object in your hands. Tell him to choose something that is used frequently, such as a key or a piece of jewelry, as it will be surrounded by a greater amount of energy.
  • Take the object in your hands, then relax and take note of the ideas, feelings and insights you have. Write everything down. No detail is insignificant. When you're done, review the results with your friend.
  • Ask him to give you feedback to know if some of your insights correspond to reality.
Develop Powers Step 4
Develop Powers Step 4

Step 4. Work on your ability to see remotely ("remote viewing")

Remote (or remote) viewing is an easy practice. Choose any place; before starting you will need to determine what you are trying to hear about that place. Maybe you want to search for a person or try to visualize the events that are taking place there right now. Now, focus and clearly visualize that place in your mind. Notice every thought and every sensation you can perceive as you imagine it.

  • When practicing distance vision, close your eyes and direct your attention to the third eye, which is the point located between the eyebrows, just above eye level.
  • If possible, try to practice "remote viewing" even in the company of a small group of people. Sessions could gain more power.
Develop Powers Step 5
Develop Powers Step 5

Step 5. Learn to "read" people

Each individual has an innate energy that projects outward, just like the aura. Knowing how to read that energy means tuning in to its frequency and interpreting it to learn things about it. It is a skill possessed by psychic psychics. Training to read people is helpful in increasing your level of empathy.

  • Try this exercise: ask for help from a person, preferably someone you don't know well, then stand a couple of meters away. You both need to close your eyes and imagine that the other is a ball of light or energy.
  • While you are both engaged in this visualization, try to read your respective energy, from top to bottom, then mentally record any associations you perceive: colors, numbers, words, images or sensations. After a few minutes, you can open your eyes and discuss what you "saw".
  • Analyze how these "visions" relate to your lives.
Develop Powers Step 6
Develop Powers Step 6

Step 6. Write down your dreams in a journal

Keep it handy on the nightstand so you can write them down immediately after waking up. In each person's dreams a series of symbols are repeated: writing down what you saw in a diary will help you decipher your personal code. This is an important practice especially if you want to have lucid dreams or astral travel. In addition to describing the dreams, you will need to take note of any particular questions or thoughts that tend to repeat themselves.

  • If you are looking to contact your spirit guides, this practice will help you tune into them and find the answers you seek.
  • Also take note of any ideas or images that recur in your mind during meditation.

Part 2 of 4: Strengthening the Mind

Develop Powers Step 7
Develop Powers Step 7

Step 1. Meditate

Anyone with powerful psychic powers can confirm the importance of meditation. It is a discipline that trains the mind to become extremely aware and attentive to the surrounding environment. When you have a calm mind, your awareness has a chance to manifest and all unnecessary thoughts are eliminated. During the first few attempts, the mind may wander making you feel frustrated; don't give up, meditation takes practice. Be diligent - your efforts will soon be rewarded.

  • Find a quiet place where no one can interrupt you.
  • Start gradually, setting a goal that is easy to achieve. You can start meditating for about 10-20 minutes a day.
  • As you feel more experienced, you can gradually increase the time frame.
Develop Powers Step 8
Develop Powers Step 8

Step 2. Relax

The normal state of consciousness works too quickly to allow the development of any psychic power. Our mind is constantly busy filtering the countless stimuli it receives, so we are only partially aware of what surrounds us. Finding ways to relax helps you clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts, giving you a way to tune in to those things that you might not otherwise have noticed. With a relaxed mind, you will be more likely to be able to develop clairvoyance and clairaudience. Also, it will be easier to interpret the insights.

  • Learn good habits to help reduce stress, such as sleeping eight hours a night, exercising regularly, and eating healthily.
  • Practicing yoga is known to reduce stress levels and promote relaxation.
Develop Powers Step 9
Develop Powers Step 9

Step 3. Train your awareness

Being aware means paying constant and objective attention to what is happening in the present moment. When you are able to focus on the present moment, you become capable of acting in an ideal way. Being aware can help you develop the power of psychokinesis. Try to stay aware most of the time. Relaxation and meditation techniques are very useful tools that can help you increase your awareness.

  • Train your awareness while doing normal daily activities; pick a few, so make an effort to stay focused solely on what you are doing. With practice, you will learn to be more alert and aware at all times of the day.
  • Learn to stay in the present moment by focusing on one sense at a time. For example, try closing your eyes to use hearing as your primary sense.
  • Try to hear the softer sounds coming from the next room. Maybe someone is moving paper or pressing a computer key.
Develop Powers Step 10
Develop Powers Step 10

Step 4. Develop your intuitive skills

Intuitions are those instinctive sensations you feel towards some people or situations without being able to explain them concretely. They are forebodings that, although lacking a logical explanation, we are able to perceive very strongly. Anyone who has insights under certain circumstances; this ability can be expanded through practice and experience.

  • Becoming more intuitive can help you have a deeper understanding of the world around you.
  • Take detailed notes about your insights.
  • As you gain more insight into the subject of your intuitions, notice if they somehow agree with your feelings.

Part 3 of 4: Acquiring Psychic Powers

Develop Powers Step 11
Develop Powers Step 11

Step 1. Learn to see in the dark

Training the eyes to adapt more quickly to an area where there is little or no light is really possible. Spend 30 minutes exercising every day. Spend some time in the dark to get used to making out details even in the dark.

  • Wear sunglasses often, even when you don't need them.
  • Over time, your eyes will learn to get used to dark environments more quickly.
Develop Powers Step 12
Develop Powers Step 12

Step 2. Exercise and keep fit

If you want to develop psychic powers, you have to make a commitment to keep the body healthy. This is an ongoing process that will lead you to constantly evolve and improve. Lift weights to build strength. Go for a run frequently to become faster and more resilient. Do yoga to relieve stress and open your mind. Try hiking and mountain climbing to practice climbing obstacles.

  • Start gradually, without putting too much effort. Only do what you can and practice facing more difficult challenges.
  • The physical abilities of superheroes certainly do not develop overnight.
  • Give up old harmful habits. For example, if you are a smoker, you will find it much harder to increase your strength, stamina and overall body health levels.
Develop Powers Step 13
Develop Powers Step 13

Step 3. Train with parkour

Parkour is an urban sport, which allows you to train the body to move as quickly and efficiently as possible in the surrounding environment, regardless of the obstacles that ordinary people consider impassable. Those who practice parkour move around using only their body and the elements of the environment, overcoming obstacles very quickly. To do this, you need to maintain momentum (to maintain strength and energy) by running, jumping, climbing, climbing, and more.

  • Parkour is a non-competitive sport.
  • Parkour allows you to move in any environment by teaching you to see how you can use its elements to advance.

Part 4 of 4: Developing Social Powers

Develop Powers Step 14
Develop Powers Step 14

Step 1. Become an expert at knowing when a person is lying

To detect lies, it is necessary to monitor people's verbal and non-verbal reactions. Try to identify several inappropriate details - possible signs that the person is lying. Notice how you breathe: The rhythm of your breathing can change quickly after telling a lie. Generally, when a person lies, he tends to avoid eye contact, directing his gaze in a direction other than that of the interlocutor. In addition, he may move his body agitatedly and touch his face, throat and / or mouth for no reason.

  • Practice with a friend. Explain to him that you are training yourself to understand when a person is lying using your psychic powers.
  • Don't tell him you're looking for physical details that prove he's lying.
  • Ask him to make a series of statements, some true and some false.
  • Put your impressions in writing, then compare them with the information provided by your friend.
Develop Powers Step 15
Develop Powers Step 15

Step 2. Convince others by acting on the subconscious

The art of persuasion is more widespread than you might think. A good salesperson, for example, knows exactly what to do to convince people. There are numerous techniques, one of which is based on the concept of obligation and reciprocity. By giving something (even of little value) to someone, you force them to feel obligated to return the favor. Often, it will turn out that you will be able to get what you want.

  • Take small steps, moving slowly towards your goal. You can start asking harmless questions that most people tend to answer with a "yes" in order to gradually get closer to what you want to achieve.
  • Getting people used to saying yes will make it difficult for them when they want to say no.
  • Mimicry can also help you get what you want. Imperceptibly mimic the poses, movements, and speech of the person you want to convince, then make your request. Make a note of your success rate.
Develop Powers Step 16
Develop Powers Step 16

Step 3. Analyze body language to read people's auras

Everyone has their own aura; pause to notice what you feel and what you see when you meet a person. Try to understand what kind of vibrations she is giving off and if she seems comfortable or nervous. Observe his posture and notice if his body seems to radiate a particular color. If so, try to identify it and understand how you can explain this phenomenon. Studying the meaning of colors can help you further deepen your knowledge of the aura.

  • The main colors associated with the aura are red, orange, yellow, green, indigo blue and purple. The meaning of each of them can be very complex.
  • In general, red can indicate anger, blue denotes calm, yellow implies optimism, green refers to health and nature, while purple can suggest the presence of psychic powers.
  • When you meet someone for the first time, try to guess the color of their aura based on their attitude.
  • Take detailed notes on your findings. Over time, you will be able to make patterns out of it.
  • Train as often as you can. With practice, your intuitions will become more natural.
