7 Ways to Take Care of a Fighting Fish

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7 Ways to Take Care of a Fighting Fish
7 Ways to Take Care of a Fighting Fish

The fighting fish, also called "Betta Splendens" and "Siamese Fighting Fish", is known for its aggressiveness, its level of interaction and the relatively low cost of caring for it. This aquatic species can live up to four years. Follow the tips outlined in this article to ensure your new friend has a happy and healthy life.


Method 1 of 7: Learn to Know Them Better


Step 1. Search online at sites like bettafish.com, bettatalk.com, and ibcbettas.org

Many pet stores do not provide useful information. When buying, you need to take these aspects into consideration:

  • Color. Fighting fish are characterized by a certain variety of colors: from bright to dull ones. The blue, red and, in general, dark species are the most common.
  • Receptivity. Does the fish respond to your movements? Does he swim quickly when he sees you or does he stay still? Do not tap the aquarium repeatedly, as you may shake it, and try to move your finger in front of the fish. Don't be afraid, however, to buy one with a docile appearance: over the course of the day he may have interacted with many people and, therefore, by the time you arrive, he may be tired.
  • General health. Are the fins in good condition or damaged? And the eyes? Do you see parasites on the scales? If you notice something strange, it is better to buy another fish.
  • The right one. Sometimes the fish chooses you. If you want one in particular and after seeing several you always come back to him, buy it, even if he is not in perfect health: by now you have a connection with him. It will likely heal once it is settled in the clean and welcoming environment of your home.
Take Care of a Betta Fish Step 2
Take Care of a Betta Fish Step 2

Step 2. Prepare your house before you buy it, so you won't have the unexpected:

  • Choose an aquarium. The natural habitat of fighting fish is represented by Thai rice fields, therefore this species is suitable for living in relatively shallow but spacious environments. Your aquarium will have to respect this need, so choose one of at least 20 liters: it seems like a lot, but your new pet deserves them all.
  • Discard any jagged decorations, which could tear the betta's fins. Either way, once a day make sure the fish isn't hurt. If you notice any injuries, check the water quality.
  • Discard plastic plants - they too can damage the fins. Do the "panty test": rub a pair of socks on the plastic sole; if they break, then the fins of the fish will be torn off. Opt for silk plants. To get an idea, think about how annoying it would be for us humans to wear a plastic scarf instead of a cotton or silk one.
  • Real plants are prettier and your fish will love resting on the leaves and hiding in them to sleep. They also help oxygenate the water and keep it clean for longer.

Method 2 of 7: Add the water

Step 1. Prepare the water

Before pouring it into the aquarium, use a water softener, as chlorine and chloramines can be harmful to the fighting fish. Someone suggests letting the water "mature" before pouring it. This method, however, removes chlorine but not heavy metals. Bottled water, on the other hand, deprives the betta of the necessary minerals and is not safe for the fish. Treated tap water is cheaper and is the best alternative.

Take Care of a Betta Fish Step 4
Take Care of a Betta Fish Step 4

Step 2. Fill the aquarium

If it's not covered, fill it 80% to make sure the fish doesn't pop out. Bettas are very active and can reach eight cm in height if motivated! However, it is also true that this fish does not run away if it is happy.

Method 3 of 7: Add the Fish to its new Home

Take Care of a Betta Fish Step 5
Take Care of a Betta Fish Step 5

Step 1. Place the fish in the aquarium very gently, especially since you are mixing the water from the animal's container with the aquarium water:

if they have different temperatures, it can be a shock to the fish.

Method 4 of 7: Nutrition

Take Care of a Betta Fish Step 6
Take Care of a Betta Fish Step 6

Step 1. Power it up

Fighting fish feed primarily on flake food. Check the ingredients: the first three should be protein based, not less than 40% of the total. On special occasions, they can also eat frozen larvae or shrimp. Flakes for tropical and red fish are not good for bettas.

  • Nutrition should be regular and balanced, without excesses, which could be fatal. Some fish eat everything you give them, while others stop when they are full. Overnutrition can cause bloating and bladder problems. Bettas aren't just different colors, they also have different eating habits, so experiment. Always feed your pet at the same time (for example in the morning and in the evening). You may find that fish is waiting for you when it's time to go to the table!
  • Eliminate the food it does not consume and watch it eat: if it spits it out, it may be a fussy fish or the scales are too large. Many companies don't take this into account, so in the latter case, cut the balls in half. Do you refuse them anyway? Try another brand or dry food.

Method 5 of 7: Keep the Aquarium Clean

Step 1. Clean the aquarium

Place the fish in a container that you have filled with old water while washing the aquarium with warm water (some soaps are harmful). If the habitat has stones, rinse them thoroughly. Fill the aquarium halfway with fresh tap water, reintroduce the betta, add some old water and pour tap water into the remaining space.

  • To find out more, ask a person who has this type of fish or in the pet store, but don't trust them at all, then check all the information on the internet or by reading a book.
  • Add a dechlorinator to the water to remove chloramines and chlorine, which are harmful to fish.
  • Use a thermometer when changing the water - differences in temperature can be a trauma to the fish.
  • Evaluate the water parameters once a week using a special kit.

Method 6 of 7: Entertainment

Take Care of a Betta Fish Step 8
Take Care of a Betta Fish Step 8

Step 1. Have fun with your new friend

You can play with him by spinning your finger around the aquarium and seeing him follow you. And don't forget to name it!

Method 7 of 7: Cute Anecdotes


  • When you move it, don't use a net, opt for a glass.
  • Male betta fish build bubble nests when they are happy!
  • The fighting fish belong to the family of the anabantids (which includes the gourami): they are characterized by a respiratory system that allows them to breathe the air on the surface, even if they still need filters in the aquarium. Remember, long-finned varieties prefer minimal drafts.
  • Putting a mirror in the aquarium will make the fish believe that there is a rival in the territory: this could stress it and push it to try to kill it, running the risk of injury.
  • Fighting fish are very curious and often develop a strong bond with the person who takes care of them. Do not tap the aquarium glass to keep it from shaking: it could experience a deep shock and die. Instead, swipe your finger around the perimeter of the container to be followed: if the fish reacts badly, try again when it is more familiar with you. Instead, if all goes well, try feeding it with your hands and stroking it very gently, but don't do it often: the scales are covered with a thin layer of slime that protects them from disease. By rubbing too much, you may rub it off. Over time you will understand what they like.
  • The fighting fish is fragile, although many people argue otherwise.
  • Betta splendens are usually smaller and lack the splendid fins possessed by males. However, they are still beautiful and, above all, exuberant! However, do not keep one with a male, as females tend to cling to the male fins, causing splits.
  • If your fish gets sick, give them the right medication. You can get the medicines at the pet store, but remember that you will need to order them first.
  • Fighting fish recognize their masters. Keep your company company to allow him to get to know you.
  • A male interested in a female spreads his gills, shakes the body and opens the fins. A female who likes a male writhes.
  • Betta splendens love to have aquarium companions, such as snails, ghost shrimp, and neocaridina heteropoda. But the more aggressive ones prefer to be alone. You will be the one to understand the personality of yours.
  • Avoid getting it together with other fish: it will kill them!
  • Betta splendens may need an aquarium heater, especially if you live in a cold location. In winter, move the aquarium close to a radiator (place it one meter away).
  • Use a sponge filter for the aquarium.


  • Don't put an adult fighting fish together with a smaller one, or they will fight.
  • Do not mix males and females in the aquarium.
  • Do not tap on the glass so as not to scare it.
  • Avoid overnutrition so as not to endanger his life.
  • Don't let him live in a cold environment.
  • Fighting fish are sensitive to changes in temperature, which can weaken their immune systems.
  • Many people put fighting fish in glass bowls which are not ideal for this space-hungry species. In addition, aquariums that are too small require frequent water changes to avoid ammonia build-up.
  • In short, do not listen to anyone and buy an aquarium of at least 20 liters, especially if the fish will share the space with other animals. A larger environment will allow him to live better and play happily with you.
  • Males and females of this species quarrel with each other. If you decide to make them live together, don't forget that raising betta splendens is anything but easy. On the other hand, if they are called Siamese fighting fish there will also be a reason. In an aquarium, they struggle to protect their living space, regardless of the size of the environment. If the aquarium is not divided, it is better not to take this risk.
  • If you've got a new aquarium, learn about the nitrogen cycle, also called the life cycle. If you introduce the fish to the bowl before the cycle is over, your pet could die from ammonia or nitrite poisoning.
  • If the aquarium is large, you can have the betta splendens live with another fish. However, although some of them tolerate the company of their own kind, it is best to leave the fish their own space.
  • Avoid buying other brightly colored fish (such as guppies) or long-finned (such as guppies and goldfish), which the betta might mistake for fish of its own species. Also discard other fish that are aggressive or that tear their fins; some types of barbus, danio, some tetras, most rasboras, coridora and otocinclus will do. Visit the online forums to find out more.
  • If possible, do not remove the lid from the aquarium: the fish could jump out!
  • Females can be kept alone or in groups of at least five to decrease the chance of a fight. The aquarium should be at least 40 liters and have several places for fish to hide. All females must be added at the same time. Don't enter just two, or the dominant one will prevail.
