How to depilate any part of the body with the pumice stone

How to depilate any part of the body with the pumice stone
How to depilate any part of the body with the pumice stone

Table of contents:


Are you tired of suffering from painful waxing, and you turn up your nose at the idea of using stinking depilatory creams? Don't feel like facing the prohibitive costs of laser or electrolytic treatments? Do as the ancient Egyptians, ancient Greeks and ancient Romans did - try using pumice stone to gently smooth your skin, removing unwanted hair.


Part 1 of 2: Preparation

Get Rid of Hair Anywhere on Your Body With Pumice Step 1
Get Rid of Hair Anywhere on Your Body With Pumice Step 1

Step 1. Get a pumice stone

Pumice stone does not cost much (generally 3 to 10 euros), and is found in supermarkets, perfumeries, organic food stores and online. You recognize it by the porous surface. It doesn't weigh much, and is usually gray or black in color.

You can also find it supplied with a rubber handle, or inside a brush (usually, these are nail brushes or sanding devices). Use the version you are most comfortable with

Get Rid of Hair Anywhere on Your Body With Pumice Step 2
Get Rid of Hair Anywhere on Your Body With Pumice Step 2

Step 2. Decide on which parts of the body to use the pumice stone

Although it is potentially suitable for use on any part of the body, it does not necessarily mean that you have to use it everywhere. It would be better to avoid, if possible, the areas where the skin is more delicate, and where the hair is more robust (such as the bikini area or the face). Removing sturdy hair takes too much pressure, and risks damaging the skin. Perhaps, over time, you will be able to eradicate the "mustache", but you will end up with very red and irritated skin, and probably with lesions to the upper lip. It's not worth it.

  • The pumice stone hair removal method works best on your legs, arms, scalp (if you are bald and want to make your baldness look nice and smooth) and shoulders.
  • The pumice stone hair removal method is also suitable for the maintenance phase between waxing.
  • If, on the other hand, you are really determined to use pumice on your face or bikini area, proceed with extreme delicacy. Consider other methods first, such as waxing, tweezers, hair removal cream, or razor.
  • Do not use pumice on irritated, red, sunburned or cracked skin, or even after a peel.
Get Rid of Hair Anywhere on Your Body With Pumice Step 3
Get Rid of Hair Anywhere on Your Body With Pumice Step 3

Step 3. Take a warm bath or hot shower

This hair removal method works best after softening the hair. During a hot bath or hot shower, your hair will have time to soften before starting the job.

Get Rid of Hair Anywhere on Your Body With Pumice Step 4
Get Rid of Hair Anywhere on Your Body With Pumice Step 4

Step 4. Wash the parts of your body where you intend to use the pumice stone thoroughly with soap or bubble bath

Whenever you use an abrasive product on your skin (pumice stone, hair removal mittens or gloves, abrasive pads), you risk getting bruises, making your skin more vulnerable to infection. Washing well before hair removal minimizes the risk of bacterial contamination.

Part 2 of 2: Using the Pumice Stone

Get Rid of Hair Anywhere on Your Body With Pumice Step 5
Get Rid of Hair Anywhere on Your Body With Pumice Step 5

Step 1. Soap the part of the body to be depilated with soap, shower gel, baby oil, or another softening solution

This helps prevent chafing and irritation that using pumice stone can cause.

Get Rid of Hair Anywhere on Your Body With Pumice Step 6
Get Rid of Hair Anywhere on Your Body With Pumice Step 6

Step 2. Gently rub the pumice stone into the skin in small circular motions

Alternate clockwise and counterclockwise movements. You must use decisive gestures, but exert a very light pressure on the skin.

  • If your skin starts to get irritated, or the operation turns out to be painful in any way, stop immediately.
  • Do not move the pumice stone back and forth, or by way of a saw, as this will risk injuring yourself more easily.
  • Start at the end of the body part to be depilated. If it's the arm, start with the wrist. So, if you have to stop halfway, you won't end up with patchy hair removal.
Get Rid of Hair Anywhere on Your Body With Pumice Step 7
Get Rid of Hair Anywhere on Your Body With Pumice Step 7

Step 3. Continue the operation until you have shaved the whole area

Get Rid of Hair Anywhere on Your Body With Pumice Step 8
Get Rid of Hair Anywhere on Your Body With Pumice Step 8

Step 4. Rinse the shaved area and apply a light moisturizer

The skin may be red and slightly irritated. The moisturizer will prevent the skin from drying out, and will help soothe the irritation.

Do not use a scented cream, as it may irritate the skin even more

Get Rid of Hair Anywhere on Your Body With Pumice Step 9
Get Rid of Hair Anywhere on Your Body With Pumice Step 9

Step 5. Clean the pumice stone with warm soapy water and a brush

Remove the hair and dead skin from the pores of the stone, so that it is ready for the next use.

Pumice also has the effect of exfoliating the skin, so you don't have to worry about any ingrown hairs. Your skin will be very soft, because the stone removes the superficial layer of dead skin

Get Rid of Hair Anywhere on Your Body With Pumice Step 10
Get Rid of Hair Anywhere on Your Body With Pumice Step 10

Step 6. Have patience

Perhaps the results will not be seen immediately. This hair removal method is gradual, and it can take days or weeks before you notice a difference - it depends on your skin type and the characteristics of the hair you are removing.

Before using the pumice again, wait 1-3 days. Using this method too often can cause severe irritation or exfoliate your skin excessively


  • Always smear some soap. Without it, the pumice will produce micro-scratches all over the area.
  • Take a pumice stone with blunt edges. Uneven edges hurt.
