Once you have learned how to sew your extensions to clips, you can change your style whenever you want by simply applying them to your hair. Making your own extensions saves time and money.

Step 1. Purchase a lock of hair
- Make sure the texture is similar to that of your hair. Buying an extension the same color as your hair could be useful if you don't plan on dyeing it.
- Also choose an appropriate length. While you can actually always cut them, it's best to buy the right length.

Step 2. Comb the section as if it were your own hair
Combing the lock will help to dissolve any knots and facilitate subsequent operations.

Step 3. Prepare the lock
Sew or cut a portion of the hair according to the length of the clip. Start at the top of the strand and continue along its entire length.
The strands of hair can be of different sizes. You can create a custom look by combining different clips for a wider extension. For example, you can use 4 clips of 20cm, 3 clips of 13 or 15cm and 2 of 6, 5cm

Step 4. Lay the strands on a flat surface
The front of the clip should be facing you. You will recognize the correct direction of the clip if it is convex towards the surface and if you notice a bar across the comb.

Step 5. Locate the two stitch holes on each side of the comb

Step 6. Cut a thin strip of wire about 12cm long
Darning thread is ideal, but double cotton thread is also fine.

Step 7. Sew each side of the strand to the clip
Tie the thread securely to the clip when you're done.

Step 8. Prepare the lock to be dyed
Spread it out on an old cloth or magazine. You can use regular hair dye.

Step 9. Color the strand according to your taste
You can dye it all or choose just some areas. Spread the color and leave it to act for about 15/20 minutes.

Step 10. Rinse the section in warm water and let it dry

Step 11. Finished
Consider purchasing a lock of hair labeled "Remi". In fact, this hair is very similar to human hair and is easier to work with because the cuticles are all facing in the same direction. Hair can be purchased online or in a beauty shop. The higher the quality of the hair, the better the results
Things You Will Need:
- Ago
- Darning thread (recommended) or cotton thread
- lock of hair
- Hair clip
- Hair dye
- Paint brush
- Scissors
- Tape or ruler