How to dye your hair white (with pictures)

How to dye your hair white (with pictures)
How to dye your hair white (with pictures)

Table of contents:


If you want to throw a bold and eye-catching message with your hair, you can dye it white. Bleaching your hair can make it dry, but using the right technique can prevent long-term damage. Learn how to use oxygenating products and concealers to achieve beautiful, snow-white hair.


Part 1 of 7: Getting Healthy Hair

Get White Hair Step 1
Get White Hair Step 1

Step 1. Assess the condition of your hair before deciding to bleach it

If you want to whiten your hair, you will need to make it as healthy as possible. During the weeks leading up to bleaching, avoid anything that could damage your hair - especially chemicals and heat.

If your hair looks dry and damaged, take some time to treat it before you start bleaching. You can get an excellent result by using regenerating treatments and letting your hair dry in the air, without resorting to styling products and tools

Get White Hair Step 2
Get White Hair Step 2

Step 2. Do not use chemicals

The oxygenation process works best on healthy hair that has not been permed and that has not been dyed, smoothed or subjected to any other artificial treatment.

  • Professional hairdressers generally recommend waiting at least two weeks before applying other particular products to the hair; this period may vary depending on the health of your hair.
  • If your hair looks and feels healthy after coloring it, a two-week wait should be more than enough.
Get White Hair Step 3
Get White Hair Step 3

Step 3. Apply coconut oil at least three hours before you start bleaching

Rub extra virgin coconut oil between your palms to warm it up, then apply it by massaging your hair and scalp. You will not need to rinse before continuing with oxygenation.

  • If possible, let the coconut oil sit overnight.
  • Some people claim that the latter also aids in the discoloration process, although the benefits are not actually proven.
  • Coconut oil is composed of molecules small enough to be able to penetrate the hair shaft; it is therefore an excellent moisturizer.
Get White Hair Step 4
Get White Hair Step 4

Step 4. Use gentle, moisturizing shampoos and conditioners

Look for products that moisturize your hair without leaving residues and avoiding depriving them of their natural oily layer. If you don't want to spend a lot, you can find high-quality professional items at cosmetic outlets and among the offers of department stores.

  • The most important characteristics that you will need to look for are: low pH, addition of a moisturizing oil (argan, avocado, olive), glycerin, glyceryl stearate, propylene glycol, sodium lactate, sodium PCA and alcohol whose name begins with "c" or "s".
  • Instead, you should avoid these components: very strong perfumes, alcohol whose name includes "prop", sulphates, and any product that serves to make your hair more voluminous.
Get White Hair Step 5
Get White Hair Step 5

Step 5. Choose your cosmetics carefully

Pay attention to the products you use: for example, any lotion that gives volume to your hair will also end up drying it out.

As with shampoos and conditioners, use only moisturizing cosmetics

Get White Hair Step 6
Get White Hair Step 6

Step 6. Avoid the heat

Do not use hair dryers or straightening or curling plates, because the heat damages and weakens the hair follicles. After shampooing, don't dry them by rubbing them with a towel - rather use it to gently wring out your hair, more gently removing the water.

If, on the other hand, you absolutely have to get yourself a particular hairstyle, use alternatives that do not use heat, rather than relying on the straightener. Search for "straightening without a straightener" with an Internet search engine to find various different methods

Part 2 of 7: Getting the Material

Get White Hair Step 7
Get White Hair Step 7

Step 1. Go to a cosmetics shop

The "supermarket" brands are generally of lower quality than those sold in beauty salons; in specialized shops you will be able to buy professional-grade products and tools.

The largest Italian beauty product chain is Acqua & Sapone. Check if there is a store of theirs, or a similar one, in your city or nearby areas

Get White Hair Step 8
Get White Hair Step 8

Step 2. Buy some bleaching powder

This product is sold in small sachets and in larger jars. If you plan on bleaching your hair several times, the jar will be the cheapest choice in the long run.

Get White Hair Step 9
Get White Hair Step 9

Step 3. Buy the cream developer

The oxygenated cream reacts with the powder, bleaching the hair more effectively. You can find it in various dilutions, from 10 to 40 volumes: a greater volume guarantees a faster action, but it is also more aggressive.

  • Many hairdressers recommend using 10 or 20 volume creams. The mixture of cream and powder obtained will bleach the hair more slowly, but will also be much gentler than more concentrated mixtures.
  • If you have thin and brittle hair use a 10-volume developer, while if you have dark and thick hair you may need 30 or 40-volume products.
  • The best compromise between speed and delicacy is offered by 20-volume creams, so you should go for this solution if in doubt.
Get White Hair Step 10
Get White Hair Step 10

Step 4. Buy a hair toner

This will turn them from blonde to white. You can find concealers in various shades, including blue, silver and purple.

  • Take into account your complexion and hair color to choose the right toner - if they are too blond, you will need to purchase a product with a shade of the opposite color, such as blue or purple.
  • Some toners need to be mixed with the oxygenating cream, while others are ready to use. Both give excellent results.
Get White Hair Step 11
Get White Hair Step 11

Step 5. Purchase a red gold concealer (optional)

These products are sold in small doses to be added to the whitening mixture, in order to reduce the reddish tinges; they are not strictly fundamental, but many say they work miracles.

  • The need to use a concealer depends on the hair: those who have them dark or with red, orange or pink shades will find a great benefit in using one of these products.
  • Unless you are already ash blonde, it would be best to take precautions and buy a concealer, as these are pretty inexpensive cosmetics.
Get White Hair Step 12
Get White Hair Step 12

Step 6. Make sure you have enough bleaching powder

If you have very long hair, you will need at least two packs (if not more) of powder, oxygenated cream and concealer.

If you are unsure of the quantities you need, you may want to buy larger doses rather than too low. You can still use unused packs to retouch the regrowth

Get White Hair Step 13
Get White Hair Step 13

Step 7. Buy highlighter shampoo and conditioner

Look for products designed for bleached hair, which will be a purple or blue-purple color.

If you don't want to go shopping, at least take shampoo; is more effective than conditioner at keeping your hair the correct color

Get White Hair Step 14
Get White Hair Step 14

Step 8. Purchase tinting tools

In addition to the ingredients for the bleaching mixture, you will also need: a paint brush, a plastic bowl to mix the cosmetics, a plastic spoon, gloves, hairpins, towels and cling film (or a plastic cap for the shower).

  • Do not use tools containing metal parts: they could react in a problematic way with the discoloring mixture.
  • You can also use old towels that you already have at home; But make sure it's not a problem if they get ruined.

Part 3 of 7: Bleaching the Hair

Get White Hair Step 15
Get White Hair Step 15

Step 1. Do some preliminary tests

Before you oxygenate your hair you will need to perform a patch test and a test on a strand. The first is to verify that you do not have allergies to the components of the whitening mixture, while the second is to determine how long to leave the mixture to act.

  • To perform the patch test, prepare a small amount of the mixture and place a pinch behind one ear; let it sit for 30 minutes, then remove the excess and avoid touching the area or getting it wet for the next 48 hours. After this time, check that the skin of that area has not had any reaction: if so, continue on.
  • To do the second test, create a little bleaching mixture and apply it to a lock of hair. Check the color every 5 to 10 minutes, until you get the desired results. Make a note of how long it will take, so you know how long it will take to whiten all of your hair.
  • Another thing to check at this point is how damaged the tested strand looks to you after washing it and treating it with conditioner. If you feel badly damaged, try a lighter whitening cream or a more gradual bleaching process (such as going through the whitening in multiple treatments, rather than in one go).
  • If you want to do only one test between the two, absolutely choose the patch test: a strong allergic reaction could be fatal.
Get White Hair Step 16
Get White Hair Step 16

Step 2. Get ready

Wear old clothes that you don't mind staining. Wrap a towel around your shoulders and pack more in case the mixture gets to unwanted spots. Put on gloves to protect your hands.

Get White Hair Step 17
Get White Hair Step 17

Step 3. Pour in the whitening powder

Using a plastic spoon, put the desired dose of powder in the bowl; you can follow the instructions on the bleach box.

If there are no other indications, you will have to use a ratio of about 1: 1 between the powder and the cream. You will need to put a tablespoon of cream for each tablespoon of powder in the bowl, mixing as you go

Get White Hair Step 18
Get White Hair Step 18

Step 4. Combine the developer with the bleaching powder

Add the oxygenating cream in the right doses and mix everything with the plastic spoon, trying to obtain a thick and creamy consistency.

Unless otherwise noted, you should use one spoonful of developer for one spoonful of powder

Get White Hair Step 19
Get White Hair Step 19

Step 5. Add the red gold concealer

Once the mixture is well formed you can add the concealer, following the instructions on the package.

Get White Hair Step 20
Get White Hair Step 20

Step 6. Apply the mixture to dry, unwashed hair

Spread it with the brush starting from the tips and then moving up, stopping at about 2.5 cm from the roots. In fact, these will lighten before the rest of the hair due to their proximity to the hot scalp: for this reason you should leave them uncovered until the rest has been bleached.

  • Unless you have a rather short cut, it will certainly help to use bobby pins to gather your hair during the procedure.
  • Start from the nape of the neck and work your way up to the forehead.
  • Wait at least 24 hours after the last wash before bleaching. The greasier your hair, the better, as naturally occurring oils will help reduce the damage caused by discoloration to your hair and scalp.
Get White Hair Step 21
Get White Hair Step 21

Step 7. Check that the mixture is evenly distributed

Once you have applied the mixture from tip to root, make sure you have covered all areas.

  • You can feel your head, looking for parts that are drier than others. If you find areas that are not well covered you will need to add more mixture and spread it over the entire length of the hair, massaging them.
  • Use a mirror to look at the back of your head.
Get White Hair Step 22
Get White Hair Step 22

Step 8. Cover your hair with plastic wrap

You can also use a clear shower cap.

  • Your head may feel itchy and slightly burn. This is normal, it means that the whitening mixture is working.
  • If you feel too much pain, remove the foil and rinse off the mixture. If the color is still too dark, you may want to try again after 2 weeks using a less aggressive developer and making sure your hair is healthy enough.
  • At this point resist the temptation to comb your hair using hot tools, which could cause your hair to fall out.
Get White Hair Step 23
Get White Hair Step 23

Step 9. Check the progress regularly

After 15 minutes, take a strand and check the status of the discoloration. Use a towel to remove some of the bleaching mixture and check the color underneath.

  • If your hair is still dark, apply the mixture again, replace the film and let it sit for another 10 minutes.
  • Keep checking every 10 minutes until you get complete oxygenation.
Get White Hair Step 24
Get White Hair Step 24

Step 10. Do not keep the bleach on your hair for more than 50 minutes

If you did, you could cause breakage and even total fall: the bleach is capable of completely dissolving the hair, so you have to really pay close attention to how to proceed.

Get White Hair Step 25
Get White Hair Step 25

Step 11. Rinse the oxygenating mixture

Remove the foil and put the head under fresh running water until you have removed all traces of the bleach. Wash, apply conditioner and rinse your hair as normal, then gently squeeze it with a clean towel.

  • You should have achieved a blonde color. In this case, continue with the toner.
  • If the color continues to be orange or darker, you will need to bleach your hair again before continuing. To keep them in good health, wait 2 weeks before trying again. Note that if the roots are lighter than the rest of the hair, you will not need to reapply the bleach; put it only on the parts you want to lighten further.
  • You may also decide to dilute the complete procedure over several weeks. If your hair is quite thick and strong, you may have to repeat the process up to five times.

Part 4 of 7: Using Concealer on Hair

Get White Hair Step 26
Get White Hair Step 26

Step 1. Prepare to use the toner

When you have finished bleaching your hair, you can use the toner. As with bleaching, you should wear old clothes and use gloves. Have some towels ready and make sure your hair is completely dry before starting.

You can apply the concealer immediately after oxygenation (but check that you have eliminated all traces of bleach!); you will also need to use toner every two weeks to keep your hair completely white

Get White Hair Step 27
Get White Hair Step 27

Step 2. Blend the concealer

If yours was already mixed and ready to use, you can skip this step. Combine the toner and developer in a clear plastic bowl, following the instructions on the package.

The ratio is usually one part of toner to two parts of developer

Get White Hair Step 28
Get White Hair Step 28

Step 3. Apply concealer to damp hair

Use the brush to cover the hair with the toner, using the same technique suggested for the bleach (from tip to root, nape to forehead).

Get White Hair Step 29
Get White Hair Step 29

Step 4. Make sure you smear the toner evenly

Run your hands through your hair to check that you have completely and evenly covered each area.

Use a mirror to check your neck

Get White Hair Step 30
Get White Hair Step 30

Step 5. Cover your hair with plastic wrap or a shower cap

Leave the concealer to act for the time indicated on the package: depending on the concentration of the product, it may take as little as 10 minutes to get completely white hair.

Get White Hair Step 31
Get White Hair Step 31

Step 6. Check the color every 10 minutes

Depending on the type of toner and how much your hair has already been lightened, the action may be faster or slower than indicated.

Observe the situation every 10 minutes to avoid finding yourself with shades that tend to blue: use a towel to remove some toner from a small section and get an idea of the color you are getting. If this doesn't suit you, reapply the concealer to the area and put it back under the film or cap

Get White Hair Step 32
Get White Hair Step 32

Step 7. Rinse the toner

Keep your head under cool running water until you have removed all traces of the concealer. Wash and apply conditioner as usual, then gently wring out your hair using a clean towel.

Get White Hair Step 33
Get White Hair Step 33

Step 8. Examine the hair

Let them air dry or, if you are impatient, use the hair dryer on the lowest possible setting. Now that you have bleached them and used the concealer, you should have obtained a clear and bright white.

If you find any imperfect areas, wait a few days and repeat the process on the section in question

Part 5 of 7: Taking Care of White Hair

Get White Hair Step 34
Get White Hair Step 34

Step 1. Take good care of your hair

If you have bleached them they will be fragile and already stressed, even in the best of cases; take care of them, do not wash them with shampoo if they are clean and do not overdo it in brushing, smoothing or curling them.

  • Most of the time you will need to let your hair air dry. If you really have to use a hairdryer, always set the lowest temperature available.
  • Avoid using heat to comb them and in any case try as much as possible not to change the natural hairstyle of your hair, because you could break them or even end up having strands a few centimeters long that protrude from the rest of the hair.
  • If you really need to straighten them, you can do it using a hairdryer and a round brush as an excellent alternative to the straightener.
  • You will need to comb your hair with a wide-toothed comb.
Get White Hair Step 35
Get White Hair Step 35

Step 2. Allow time to pass between washes

Many professionals recommend washing your hair only once a week after bleaching it. The shampoo removes the natural oils from the hair, and the oxygenated ones need as much protection as possible.

  • If you exercise and sweat regularly, or if you apply a lot of moisturizing products, you can even go up to two washes per week. alternatively you could use dry shampoo.
  • When you dry, pat and gently squeeze with a towel; don't rub it quickly on your head, as this could damage your hair even more.
Get White Hair Step 36
Get White Hair Step 36

Step 3. Learn to use the correct products

Use cosmetics designed for bleached and damaged hair: at least a purple concealer shampoo and a deep moisturizing conditioner. Avoid volumizing products, which will dry out your hair even more.

A good moisturizing oil will help you keep your hair soft and less frizzy. Some say coconut oil is great for countering frizz and for maintaining hydration

Get White Hair Step 37
Get White Hair Step 37

Step 4. Thoroughly hydrate your hair at least once a week

Buy a good moisturizer from a beauty salon or cosmetic store. Avoid supermarket brands, as those products may only cover your hair with a heavy, waxy sheen.

Get White Hair Step 38
Get White Hair Step 38

Step 5. Apply the concealer regularly

To keep your hair white, you'll need to use toner regularly, even once every one or two weeks. Using a corrective shampoo will help you reduce the need for a specific concealer.

Part 6 of 7: Bleaching the Roots

Get White Hair Step 39
Get White Hair Step 39

Step 1. Check for regrowth

Try to renew the discoloration when the regrowth is at most 2.5 cm, in order to keep the hair of a uniform color.

If you let the regrowth become excessive, you may have a hard time retouching it without causing any problems to the rest of the hair

Get White Hair Step 40
Get White Hair Step 40

Step 2. Prepare the bleach mixture

You will need to follow the same procedure you used when you first bleached your hair. Mix the whitening powder with the developer, in a 1: 1 ratio, then add any red-gold concealer as indicated in the instructions.

Get White Hair Step 41
Get White Hair Step 41

Step 3. Apply the mixture to dry, unwashed roots

Use a tint brush, and spread the bleach only on the roots; you may want to let a little bit go on the already bleached part, but avoid covering too much the already bleached parts.

  • If you have thick or long hair, you will need to separate it with bobby pins. You may also want to make it easier for yourself by moving your shorter hair out first, to make sure you treat all the roots.
  • Use the tip of the brush handle to cut your way through your hair, then apply the mixture on the roots, then flip the strand with the handle and spread the bleach on the other side as well; finally goes to the next one.
Get White Hair Step 42
Get White Hair Step 42

Step 4. Check your hair regularly

After about 15 minutes, check that they are not bleaching too much. Keep watching the progress every 10 minutes until you get the color you want.

Get White Hair Step 43
Get White Hair Step 43

Step 5. Rinse off the bleach

Rinse your hair thoroughly with cool water, then wash it and apply conditioner as usual. Gently squeeze out the excess water using a clean towel.

Get White Hair Step 44
Get White Hair Step 44

Step 6. Apply the concealer

As before, prepare the toner and put it on the roots with the tint brush.

  • If you think the rest of your hair would also need concealer, start at the roots and then spread it all over the shaft.
  • Remember to check every 10 minutes to avoid finding yourself with a blue, silver or purple color.
Get White Hair Step 45
Get White Hair Step 45

Step 7. Remove the toner from your hair

Rinse them with fresh water, then wash them and apply conditioner as normal. Then squeeze them gently and, if possible, let them air dry naturally.

Part 7 of 7: Fixing Errors

Get White Hair Step 46
Get White Hair Step 46

Step 1. Don't panic if you run out of bleaching mixture before you've applied it all over your hair

If you had to run out of the whitening mixture in the course of work, it wouldn't be much of a problem anyway.

  • If you run out of the prepared mixture, but still have all the ingredients you need, mix them quickly and then continue with the application. It won't take you more than a few minutes.
  • If, on the other hand, you have to go and buy new ingredients, finish the bleaching process for the part of the hair on which you have already spread the whitener (leaving it to act until they are blond, or in any case for a maximum of 50 minutes - depending on which of the two situations. occur first); then, as soon as you can, buy more material and oxygenate the area not yet treated.
Get White Hair Step 47
Get White Hair Step 47

Step 2. Remove the bleach stains from clothing

In theory, you should have been wearing old clothes, protecting them with a towel. If for some reason you get to dirty some important clothing, you can try to remedy it by following this method:

  • Pour a colorless alcohol, such as gin or vodka, onto a cotton ball.
  • Rub the stain and the surrounding area: you should be able to shift some of the original color of the dress on the bleached areas;
  • Continue until the color covers the discolored part;
  • Rinse well with cold water;
  • If that doesn't work, you could also bleach the entire garment and then dye it with a clothes dye of your choice.
Get White Hair Step 48
Get White Hair Step 48

Step 3. Be patient

If you apply the bleach and after 50 minutes you have not achieved a color similar to blond, do not be afraid: this often happens to those with dark or dye resistant hair. You may need multiple attempts to achieve the desired result.

  • If you need multiple applications to completely oxygenate your hair, make sure you allow at least two weeks between tests.
  • After each application, check the condition of your hair thoroughly. If you see it starting to get damaged, wait longer before trying again. Your hair will need to be healthy before being treated with the bleach, otherwise there is a risk of it breaking or falling out.
Get White Hair Step 49
Get White Hair Step 49

Step 4. Eliminate the darker streaks from the hair

After some tweaking of the roots you may discover some bands of various shades of yellow.

  • You can solve the problem by applying a small amount of bleach to the darker areas and letting it act for a few minutes, until the strand is the same color as the rest of the hair.
  • This situation usually becomes much less noticeable after using the hair concealer.


  • White hair is not suitable for those who do not feel ready to dedicate time to hair care: it is a demanding choice and that requires a lot of attention to maintain good results over time.
  • If you feel unable to cope with the difficulties and find the time to maintain platinum-colored hair, or if you have any doubts about the health of your hair, consider whether it is not better to go to a beauty salon to have your hair bleached. a professional.
  • You may find it useful to contact a professional hairdresser the first time, if only to get an idea of the necessary procedure; by doing so you will be able to obtain information and advice from the hairdresser, and you will only have to take care of the regrowth.
  • If you eventually find that you prefer a different look, allow at least 2 weeks to pass before using a permanent dye.
  • If you decide to dye your hair a different color after bleaching it, you may need to use a product to restore some pigmentation to your hair before dyeing.
  • If you don't know what the best shade of platinum is for your complexion, go to a wig store and try a few. Remember that some places may charge you for this service and that most of them won't let you try without the assistance of a salesperson. Call before you go to make sure they are not too busy and can help you.
  • If you insist on using tools like straighteners, be sure to apply a good heat shield to your hair first. These products are sold in hairdressers or in cosmetic stores in the form of sprays, creams and mousses.


  • If you don't use gloves, the bleach will seep into every cut of the skin, making it both an ugly white color and excruciatingly dry and itchy.
  • If you oxygenate already weakened or damaged hair, you risk more serious damage or hair breakage. Avoid using heated tools and shampooing too often before bleaching.
  • After swimming in the pool, your hair may turn a greenish color due to chlorine. If you can't avoid getting them wet, apply conditioner and cover your hair with a waterproof cap before entering the water.
  • Do not use the bleach immediately after washing your hair: doing so will dry them out much more than waiting at least 24 hours, because you will have removed the protective sebum.
  • Be patient; If you try to bleach your hair too quickly, you could end up causing it to break, fall out, or cause chemical injuries.
