Eyelashes fall out for a variety of reasons: some perfectly natural, others symptoms of more serious problems. Of course, you should see a doctor to know the real reason, but in the meantime you can try some remedies to make sure they grow back. For example, change your beauty habits and always keep your face clean.
Part 1 of 3: Promote Eyelash Growth

Step 1. Don't expect miracles
Indeed, it is impossible for eyelashes to grow at the speed of light. What you can do is prevent them from continuing to fall instead. This means focusing on prevention and maintenance. They won't grow back immediately: accept it. In the meantime, however, you can intervene to encourage growth.

Step 2. Wear as little makeup as possible
If you know the fall is due to chemotherapy or hormonal problems, don't worry. If it doesn't have any explanation, you should avoid eye makeup. There are two reasons for this: the products expire at a certain point, and the bacteria that form can cause the loss of eyelashes; secondly, maybe you are allergic to makeup ingredients. This can put stress on the skin and cause shedding.
If you wear make-up, take your make-up off every night. This allows you not to irritate the skin and eyelashes more than necessary

Step 3. Wash your face regularly
Falling out eyelashes is often caused by an excess of bacteria in the eyelid area and on the face in general. Cleanse your skin daily with a specific delicate product, in order to keep contaminants under control.
Also, you shouldn't let the skin dry out: the cracks that can form - even microscopic ones - have the power to cause further infections

Step 4. Eat a healthy diet
If you are on a particularly restrictive diet, food deprivation can have a detrimental effect on hair follicles and overall health. By not getting enough vitamin D, vitamin A and the so-called complete protein, you can lose eyelashes or make them worse. Opt for a balanced diet, consuming different types of foods. You will make sure that the body receives everything it needs to feel good and reflect it outside.
Foods rich in essential nutrients include fortified cereals, milk, carrots, kale, fish and nuts

Step 5. Do not alter the natural shape of the lashes
By overdoing or misusing the curler, you can accidentally pull them out, especially if the hair is already weak. Do not use this tool for some time and see if there are any improvements.

Step 6. Keep your hands well away from your face
The palms and fingers are a receptacle for bacteria. When you touch the skin (to scratch it, pick a pimple, wipe sweat, and so on) you introduce contaminants. The eyes are very sensitive to bacteria and can easily become infected. By keeping your hands at a distance, you ensure that this area, including the eyelashes, remains healthy.
- If you find it difficult to get rid of this habit, try wrapping your fingertips with duct tape when you are around the house. This way, you will remember it when you try to touch the skin. This is an effective way to get out of the habit.
- Look for other ways to keep your hands busy, such as wearing a rubber band around your wrist and playing with it.
Part 2 of 3: Camouflage the Fall

Step 1. Maybe the trick is causing the problem
Before putting on make-up and using other products to hide the fall out of your eyelashes, make sure that it is not the make-up that is causing the loss. Talk to your doctor or experiment with it and avoid using it for a couple of months. Then, slowly introduce one product at a time. Try it for a week before moving on to another.

Step 2. Use eyeliner
Liquid can have the effect of thicker lashes when it doesn't. A double row should be created right at the hairline. Try to use a color similar to that of the hair. If they are dark, go for black; if they are light, choose a brown or beige one.

Step 3. Use mascara
If you have at least some lashes, you can use it to make them look fuller and longer. Try choosing a moisturizer to keep them as healthy as possible.
You could also add some extra volume by applying baby powder between coats of mascara

Step 4. Put on false lashes
If you don't have any eyelashes, you can try this method. They are cheap and easily available in perfumery or on the internet. All you have to do is use a special glue (often included in the package) and apply them with tweezers.
You can use false lashes even if you already have your own. This is especially useful if you've only lost hair in a small spot. Cut a piece of false lashes and glue them in the right areas

Step 5. Draw attention to other parts of the face
Use makeup and related techniques to draw attention to other areas of the face. This will take your gaze away from your eyes and direct it elsewhere. For example, you can apply a particularly bright lipstick to enhance the mouth. Another solution is to wear straight bangs right at eye level. The hair will give the impression that there are actually many more lashes.
You can also some accessories. Try wearing bright, thick-rimmed glasses to distract attention from your eyes, otherwise wear a necklace to draw attention to your chest
Part 3 of 3: Treating the Causes

Step 1. Keep your face clean
One of the main causes of the fall is an infection called blepharitis. It occurs when bacteria proliferate on the skin of the face and can have many causes, from poor personal hygiene to parasites. The best thing to do to prevent this problem is to wash your face regularly.
If your face is exposed to bacteria because an animal licks your face or rubs your skin while you cook, wash it immediately

Step 2. Don't pull your lashes
There is a very common obsessive-compulsive disorder that causes people to pull their hair and hair. Most people who suffer from it tend to do it with their hair, but others also pull out eyelashes and eyebrows. This bad habit is called trichotillomania. If you think you have it, see a therapist - there are medications and behavioral therapies that can help you quit and feel more relaxed.
Even if you don't think you suffer from it, it is best to avoid plucking hair and hair, in any case. If you can't stop, consider the situation well: maybe you have this disorder

Step 3. Get tested for thyroid or hormonal dysfunction
Sometimes the falling out of the eyelashes can be caused by physical ailments that go well beyond the skin surface. Maybe your thyroid or hormones aren't working as they should. This limits or inhibits hair growth. Leakage is usually seen in other areas of the body as well, but it is not guaranteed.
If you are young, it may be that the problem is triggered by a hormonal disorder. On the other hand, if you are an adult (especially if you are over 40 or 50), there is a much greater chance that this will happen. However, there are drugs to remedy a fall that is normal. Make an appointment with your doctor

Step 4. Look for hairs elsewhere
Does the loss affect only the eyelashes? It is probably an infection. However, if you observe that the fall also occurs in other parts of the body (especially on the sides of the head), it may be that you suffer from alopecia. It is a relatively common ailment that causes hair and hair loss all over the body. Talk to your doctor about the treatments that are right for you.

Step 5. Go to the doctor
Is it a fixed or recurring problem? You should definitely go to an expert. In some cases, eyelash loss is normal. If it is excessive, it is usually a symptom of other health problems. Some disorders (such as thyroid disorders) can be more serious than others. Consequently, it is best to discuss this with a specialist when the problem is constant or occurs often.