Alexandria's genesis is a fake mutation that creates superwomen. While it's not real, you can pretend you are affected by it. It causes several changes: eyes turn purple, hair black, skin pale, shiny and unable to tan. In addition, the body becomes more beautiful, you live really long, you have a strong immune system, you never feel the urge to go to the bathroom and you age slowly. While you can't really live it, you can pretend it's happening to you!
Part 1 of 4: Transforming the Body

Step 1. Put on contact lenses
It is biologically impossible to have purple eyes (although certain lights and tricks can make blue eyes appear this color). So, try the lenses. It will be easier if you already have vision problems and wear corrective lenses, but you can also order non-prescription lenses from your optician or online.

Step 2. Dye your hair
Most of the stories about Alexandria's genesis do not explain what color the hair should be. Some say dark ones (black or brown) are the most common. If you want, you can dye them. You should also take care of them so that they are beautiful. Kinky black hair that looks like it hasn't been combed is to be avoided. Use quality shampoo and conditioner, comb or brush your hair with products suitable for your type of hair and treat it to prevent split ends.

Step 3. Lighten your skin
To begin with, take care of your skin to reduce acne. Wash it, exfoliate and moisturize it daily. Afterward, you can use lemon juice or a mild lightening product. Take a look at the pharmacy or perfumery to find specific products.
You can also buy a lotion or spray that contains very fine (or otherwise shimmery) glitter. In this way, you will be able to give that bright aspect that distinguishes the effects of the genesis of Alexandria

Step 4. Get in shape
One of the "symptoms" of Alexandria's genesis is the inability to gain weight and be overweight. Eat healthy and move to maintain a healthy weight. A balanced diet (low in fat and sugar, but high in vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins) can work wonders. Plus, it actually makes you look healthy and makes you feel great!

Step 5. Shave, with a razor or wax, the areas that should be free of unwanted hair
Girls with Alexandria genesis should not have hair anywhere on the body, except hair. Reduce irritation and pimples from hair removal by exfoliating the skin. Make a salt or sugar scrub and use it before removing hair once a week. You will keep the skin smooth and prevent the appearance of ingrown hairs. If you don't want to shave, opt for waxing, even though many are painful. Moisturize and soothe the skin after hair removal: it can be very aggressive.
Part 2 of 4: Changing Your Actions

Step 1. Fight the menstrual cycle
When you have your period, make sure it doesn't show up. Be discreet when changing your tampon or tampon. You can actually get rid of it by using a hormonal intrauterine device or by taking the contraceptive pill (you will have to skip the placebo tablets).

Step 2. Try to be healthy
A healthy lifestyle in principle strengthens the immune system. If you tend to get the flu often, get vaccinated and avoid germs. Eat lots of fruit or take vitamin C and vitamin D supplements, which help your body absorb C. Take a zinc supplement if you feel like you are getting a cold. Use hand sanitizer when in public places. You will avoid contracting diseases.

Step 3. Age the right way
Look after your lifestyle, stay fit and safe. Get regular checkups, treat diseases, and do everything you can to live longer. Try to get over 100 years old. If in the future they invent a miracle pill, which will really prolong the life of those who take it, take it!

Step 4. Try to look “old”
You can lie about your age. In fact, you can give the impression of being much older than you are. Learn about the history and culture of other historical periods, talking about them as if you had lived them directly during other centuries. You can listen to the music and wear the clothes in vogue in the past. Buy antiques, claiming you bought them brand new at the time!

Step 5. Avoid taking time off to go to the bathroom when you are with other people
While you actually have physiological needs, just like everyone else, don't let it show in public. Do it in the privacy of your home. Of course, if it's really urgent, don't hold back. Apologize by saying you need to touch up your lipstick or wash your hands.
Part 3 of 4: Understanding the Alexandria Genesis

Step 1. Learn about the origin of Alexandria's genesis
According to legend, this phenomenon first manifested itself a thousand years ago, when a sparkling light appeared in the sky of Egypt. In reality, however, this genesis was created by Cameron Miquelon. The young woman wrote a fanfiction (story written by fans of an existing literary, film or television product) for "Daria", an MTV television program from the 1990s.

Step 2. Understand the "symptoms" of genesis
They include:
- White skin that does not tan or burn.
- Purple eyes.
- Many believe that hair should be dark. What is certain is that the rest of the body should be hairless.
- Absence of menstruation, but fertility preserved.
- Life expectancy exceeding 150 years and immunity to disease.
- Weight gains never occur.
- Digestion does not generate body waste.

Step 3. Obviously these symptoms are unrealistic
In theory, Alexandria's genesis is a genetic mutation. However, the genes affecting these various parts of the body are not found in the same area. Only some mutations could occur, certainly not all. And most importantly, some are not even feasible. Being fertile despite the absence of menstruation is physically impossible and no one has ever reached and exceeded 150 years of life.
As for the rumors made by people, let's take Elizabeth Taylor's eyes as an example. It is said she was born with purple eyes, but this is not true. Many photographs and films clearly demonstrate that they were blue. The images with purple eyes were obtained using light effects or Photoshop
Part 4 of 4: Extras

Step 1. If you want to lighten your skin safely, see a dermatologist
There are numerous ways to do this. Do you prefer DIY? There are also more natural approaches.

Step 2. Exercise
While only pretending to have undergone this genesis, getting fit is good for you regardless. However, choosing the right exercise and doing it correctly is not totally intuitive. However, you can learn how to move properly to protect your body and get the results you want.

Step 3. Learn how to shave the right way
It is more difficult than it may seem. If you have never shaved in your life, especially in rather delicate areas, you may want to ask for help.
- If you move elsewhere, you can better pretend that you have undergone genesis. Make believe you are a super-human by following all these steps.
- Do not convince yourself that you have really undergone a mutation!
- Alexandria's genesis is not real. It was invented for a “Daria” fanfiction. However, you can pretend you have it and convince others about it.
- People might think you're weird.
- The genesis of Alexandria does not exist! If people want to know more and want to have you examined in a science lab, explain to them that it's all fiction, that you don't actually have it.