The 21 card trick does not require special dexterity, so it is also perfect for aspiring magicians. It is based on mathematical calculations and practically does itself. Once you've taken on the role of the magician, you'll need to choose a volunteer from the audience to draw any card from a deck of 21 cards. Through a process that requires you to arrange the cards in a column, you will be able to move the chosen card to the eleventh position in the deck and easily reveal which one it is. If you want an even more surprising ending, find out how to reveal the card in a more original way.
Method 1 of 2: Learn the Basic Makeup

Step 1. Choose any 21 cards from a classic 52 deck
You can choose 21 cards at random. Color and suit do not matter, what matters is that they are 21. You can create the small deck in advance or directly in front of the spectators.
Count the cards twice to make sure they actually are
Step 21
Step 2. Ask a volunteer to draw a card and then return it to the deck
Fan the cards and ask an audience member to choose one at random. Make sure the volunteer memorizes it and shows it to the rest of the audience, then ask them to reinsert it anywhere in the deck. At this point, shuffle the cards.
For an even more amazing effect, you can ask the volunteer to shuffle the cards for you. This way the audience will be convinced that you are not cheating
Step 3. Form 3 columns of 7 cards each
You must arrange the cards by row and not by column. Start by placing 3 cards horizontally, slightly apart from each other, then create the second horizontal row by placing 3 cards under the first 3 and so on. Continue until the 3 columns consist of 7 cards each.
Make sure each column consists of 7 cards, otherwise the trick won't work
Step 4. Ask the volunteer to tell you which column their card is in
There is no need to ask him in a sophisticated way, simply ask him "Could you tell me in which column the card is contained?". Know that if you lie, the trick won't work, so try to emphasize the importance of telling the truth.
If you are in doubt that the person in question may be lying, you can clearly tell him that he must be honest or the magic will not work
Step 5. Group the cards, placing those of the column containing the card chosen at the beginning in the middle of the other two piles
Collect the cards of the three columns forming three separate piles, then put the one containing the card to guess in the middle of the other two. Quickly rearrange the deck in a casual way, so that the volunteer does not notice that you are ordering the piles of cards in a particular way.
For example, if the second pile contains the card to guess, you will have to put it between the cards of the first and third column
Step 6. Arrange the cards again on the table in the same way and repeat the process
Divide them into 3 columns of 7 cards each, then ask the volunteer which column their card is in. Group the cards again as you did before, placing the pile with the card to guess in the middle of the other two.
Do not shuffle the cards before placing them back on the table, or you will screw up the trick
Step 7. Arrange the cards in the deck the same way for the third time
Form 3 columns of 7 cards each again, then ask the volunteer to indicate in which column the card they have chosen is located. Collect the cards as you did before, placing the pile with the guessing card in the middle of the other two.
When the volunteer shows you the column, you will know that his card is the fourth from the top. The reason is due to the way you ordered the three piles of cards each time
Step 8. Announce to the audience that the eleventh card in the deck is the one chosen by the volunteer
Count 11 cards and stop at the eleventh. Point it out and announce that it is the card drawn by the volunteer. The audience will be amazed when they realize that you have been able to guess what card it is.
Whenever you asked the volunteer to indicate which column their card was in, you were simply narrowing down the possibilities
Method 2 of 2: Create a Effect Finish

Step 1. Do the basic trick, but don't reveal immediately which card the volunteer has chosen
Perform all the steps normally, arranging and collecting the cards 3 times in a row. In the end, instead of counting 11 cards and announcing which one the volunteer is, involve the audience to increase the mystery and suspense.
Step 2. Ask those present to spell out the words "magic card" as you place the cards one by one on the table
For each letter they say, put one card face down on the table. Since the words "magic card" contain 11 letters, the card you put on the table when the last letter is spoken will be the eleventh and, therefore, the card chosen by the volunteer. Enjoy the astonished reaction of the audience.
You can also use a 10-letter phrase, such as "magic magic" and then turn the card over when they're done spelling it out
Step 3. Arrange the cards face up to form 7 piles for an alternate ending
The volunteer card will be the eleventh put on the table. Ask the volunteer to choose 4 piles of cards. If one of the 4 chosen piles contains his card, remove the 3 piles he did not indicate from the table. If his card is not in one of those 4 piles, remove them and leave the 3 remaining piles on the table. Keep asking the volunteer to choose some piles and remove the ones that do not contain his card until there is only one pile of 3 cards left on the table. Finally, scatter the 3 cards and reveal which is the one chosen by the volunteer.