3 Ways to Make Paper Flowers at Home

3 Ways to Make Paper Flowers at Home
3 Ways to Make Paper Flowers at Home

Table of contents:


Would you like to make a flower? You can create one with a realistic style, or a unique and inimitable model! Flowers make a great gift for Mother's Day, for romantic encounters or as simple decorations. Some methods are more suitable for children, others for older children; check the various options carefully before starting. Now you just have to try!


Method 1 of 3: Paper Daisies

Make Homemade Paper Flowers Step 1
Make Homemade Paper Flowers Step 1

Step 1. Cut out the grass base

Take a long green card and fold it in half lengthwise (hot dog style). Along the closed edge make parallel cuts towards the open edge, stopping about 4cm from the edge. Diversify the width of the space between the cuts: some closer together, others more sparse (they will form the stems).

If you are working with very young children, you can draw the lines to be cut with a marker

Make Homemade Paper Flowers Step 2
Make Homemade Paper Flowers Step 2

Step 2. Form the grass base

From the uncut base, roll the paper into a tube shape and glue it.

Make Homemade Paper Flowers Step 3
Make Homemade Paper Flowers Step 3

Step 3. Make the flowers

Draw the flowers on different colored cards. Then, cut them out. You can add an original touch by gluing pom poms, buttons or other objects in the center of the flower.

You can decide to make more realistic models if you want

Make Homemade Paper Flowers Step 4
Make Homemade Paper Flowers Step 4

Step 4. Attach the flowers to the stems

Use glue or duct tape to glue the flowers to the thicker strips you left at the base (the stems).

Make Homemade Paper Flowers Step 5
Make Homemade Paper Flowers Step 5

Step 5. Have fun

You can put the flowers in a vase full of beans, to make them more realistic. Or you can make a bouquet of it, making the handle with rolled paper.

Method 2 of 3: Crepe Paper Poppies

Make Homemade Paper Flowers Step 6
Make Homemade Paper Flowers Step 6

Step 1. Prepare the card

Use crepe paper or red tissue paper and cut it into circles of your preferred size. Once you have the circles, shape the petals by cutting out the paper with rounded strokes. You will need two circles for each flower.

Make Homemade Paper Flowers Step 7
Make Homemade Paper Flowers Step 7

Step 2. Define the petals

Squeeze the center of the circle with your finger and pull the edges to make it take the shape of a cup. Squeeze again, roll up, create additional folds starting from the base and continuing along the petal. Once curled well, flatten the petal.

Make Homemade Paper Flowers Step 8
Make Homemade Paper Flowers Step 8

Step 3. Cut the petals

Cut them along the lines you made earlier, up to two thirds of the circle.

Make Homemade Paper Flowers Step 9
Make Homemade Paper Flowers Step 9

Step 4. Glue the petals together

Glue the circles between them by staggering the petals to give them a more realistic look.

Make Homemade Paper Flowers Step 10
Make Homemade Paper Flowers Step 10

Step 5. Create the centers

Use green and black squares of tissue paper, crumple them like you did with the petals earlier.

Make Homemade Paper Flowers Step 11
Make Homemade Paper Flowers Step 11

Step 6. Glue the centers

Place the black square on top of the green one and glue them together. Then, glue them to the center of the flower.

Make Homemade Paper Flowers Step 12
Make Homemade Paper Flowers Step 12

Step 7. Add pollen

With the bleach or a white marker, make small dots on the black center and you will have your paper poppy.

Method 3 of 3: Roses with Coffee Filters

Make Homemade Paper Flowers Step 13
Make Homemade Paper Flowers Step 13

Step 1. Fold the coffee filter into eight parts

Fold the paper filter into eight parts, folding it in half 3 times. Fold 7 filters like this.

Make Homemade Paper Flowers Step 14
Make Homemade Paper Flowers Step 14

Step 2. Fold a couple of coffee filters differently

Fold them in half twice and then, instead of repeating the operation, fold them in 3 parts. Fold these in half twice, but then, instead of doing that one more time, do the final fold in three parts.

Make Homemade Paper Flowers Step 15
Make Homemade Paper Flowers Step 15

Step 3. Make the petals

Cut out the folded triangles in eight pieces to round off the wider top. This is the basic shape of the petal. Cut out one and use it as a template for the other petals. Once finished, open them in a semicircle and cut it in half. Set aside the petals that have been folded in three parts, as they will form the center of your rose.

Make Homemade Paper Flowers Step 16
Make Homemade Paper Flowers Step 16

Step 4. Make the bud

Take the petals folded in three parts and fold the base. Glue the folded stitch to the stem (made separately), wrapping it around the stem. Add the other petals in the same way, being careful to distribute and alternate them.

You can make the stem with a green pen, thick thread, or buy a fake one

Make Homemade Paper Flowers Step 17
Make Homemade Paper Flowers Step 17

Step 5. Add the rest of the petals

When you are done with petals folded in three parts, continue with the others. These too must be folded at the base, glued and wrapped around the other petals. Don't forget to stagger the petals. Keep adding the petals until the rose is complete.

Make Homemade Paper Flowers Step 18
Make Homemade Paper Flowers Step 18

Step 6. Add some small tweaks

Once you've made the rose, you might want to add some tweaks. For example, glue some green tissue paper to the base or curl the edges of the petals with a pencil.


  • After making a flower, try designing new ones.
  • Try making flowers of different sizes.
  • Try making a bouquet with lots of different flowers.
  • Try bending the ends of the stems (pipe cleaners) so you don't prick your fingers.
  • Try to thread some beads to the stem of the flowers (pipe cleaner).
  • Spray the perfume about 3 cm away from the flower to avoid getting it drenched.
  • Try adding the leaves, cutting them out of green paper and gluing them to the stem.
  • Try bending the petals of the flower to make it more realistic.


  • Don't spray too much perfume on the flower. You could damage it.
  • If you are using a perfume that is not yours, ask for permission first.
  • Pipe cleaners can prick your fingers if you're not careful.
