3 Ways to Avoid Sharks While Surfing

3 Ways to Avoid Sharks While Surfing
3 Ways to Avoid Sharks While Surfing

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While extremely rare, the risk of encountering a shark while surfing is enough to keep some people from surfing the waves on a board. The odds of being attacked by one of these fish are believed to be 1 in 11.5 million, and only 4-5 people worldwide are attacked each year. If despite the statistics you are still afraid of encountering one of these ocean predators, read the instructions in this article to minimize the risk.


Method 1 of 3: Choose a Safe Place

Avoid Sharks While Surfing Step 1
Avoid Sharks While Surfing Step 1

Step 1. Avoid areas where sharks are likely to eat

There are obvious areas, for example near fishermen or their boats, where bait, injured fish, blood and entrails attract large predators. The other potentially dangerous points are:

  • The mouths of rivers and canals. These areas are very popular with sharks, because they are attracted by food, dead animals and fish that follow the current that flows into the ocean.
  • The points where the sewage systems enter the sea. Slag attracts fish, which in turn attract sharks.
  • Deep channels, areas near sandbars or points where the seabed suddenly becomes very deep with steep walls. Sharks populate these areas to catch fish that venture out of the shallow waters.
  • Areas frequented by large groups of shark's natural prey. If the waters are inhabited by baby seals or other marine animals, they are likely to be shark hunting grounds and these predators could easily mistake you for a meal of their own.
Avoid Sharks While Surfing Step 2
Avoid Sharks While Surfing Step 2

Step 2. Look for warning signs

If sharks have recently been spotted, there should be signs posted on the beach, respect them! If the beach is closed, come back another day for surfing.

Avoid Sharks While Surfing Step 3
Avoid Sharks While Surfing Step 3

Step 3. Do not enter the water during the best hours for hunting

Sharks usually eat at dusk, dawn and at night, so go surfing in the late morning or afternoon.

Avoid Sharks While Surfing Step 4
Avoid Sharks While Surfing Step 4

Step 4. Avoid murky waters

Most shark attacks occur because the shark confuses the surfer with prey. In murky waters visibility is reduced, increasing the chances of the big fish making a mistake and attacking you.

The water is particularly muddy after storms or torrential rains; rain can also "scramble" schools of small fish and attract sharks

Avoid Sharks While Surfing Step 5
Avoid Sharks While Surfing Step 5

Step 5. Consider surfing in areas with lots of algae

Some specimens, especially adults of the great white shark, tend to avoid kelp forests.

Avoid Sharks While Surfing Step 6
Avoid Sharks While Surfing Step 6

Step 6. Take a break from surfing in October

It is very unlikely that you will ever spot a shark, but some experts believe that certain specimens move close to the mainland in October, perhaps to give birth. Consequently, if you are really worried about encountering one of these large animals, wait until November and take a month off from the board and pack.

Method 2 of 3: Surf Safely

Avoid Sharks While Surfing Step 7
Avoid Sharks While Surfing Step 7

Step 1. Play your sport with friends

Instead of going out to sea alone, go with a friend or a group of people. Sharks prefer to choose their prey from solitary individuals and rarely approach groups.

Surfing with a friend increases your chances of survival in the unlikely event of a shark attack. Most of the fatal accidents are due to the fact that the aid did not arrive in time; a friend who helps you out of the water and warns the lifeguards could save your life

Avoid Sharks While Surfing Step 8
Avoid Sharks While Surfing Step 8

Step 2. Avoid looking like prey

Sharks cannot recognize colors, but they perceive contrasts (such as black and white swimsuits); moreover, shiny objects can reflect light just like fish scales. Remove all jewelry before entering the water and only use solid and dull-colored wetsuits or swimsuits.

  • You should avoid yellow, orange, white or flesh-colored swimsuits.
  • If you have a tan with a lot of contrast (areas of skin that are very dark with others that are very pale), wear a wetsuit that covers the white areas for a uniform look.
Avoid Sharks While Surfing Step 9
Avoid Sharks While Surfing Step 9

Step 3. Do not enter the water if you have open cuts or wounds

If you got hurt while surfing and start bleeding, get out of the sea. A little blood in the water can attract sharks within 500 meters.

Some experts advise women not to enter the water during menstruation. Although sharks rarely associate menstrual blood with food, other fluids mixed in with leaks could pique these predators' curiosity

Method 3 of 3: Confronting a Shark

Avoid Sharks While Surfing Step 10
Avoid Sharks While Surfing Step 10

Step 1. Stay calm

Sharks are attracted to uncoordinated movements, because they associate them with those of a wounded prey; they also perceive fear, which stimulates their hunting instinct. Try to think quickly, to make smart decisions and prepare for defense.

Avoid Sharks While Surfing Step 11
Avoid Sharks While Surfing Step 11

Step 2. Get out of the sea

If the shark is nearby and has not attacked, approach the shore as quietly but quickly as possible, perform fluid and rhythmic strokes.

  • Try never to lose sight of the animal.
  • If you find him engaging in aggressive behavior (jerky movements, arching his back, or changing direction quickly), move as quickly as possible to reach a rock, kelp forest, or shore.
Avoid Sharks While Surfing Step 12
Avoid Sharks While Surfing Step 12

Step 3. Try using the surfboard as a shield

Put it between you and the shark, protecting yourself from the sides and front.

The buoyancy of the board prevents the shark from dragging you under the water should it attack

Avoid Sharks While Surfing Step 13
Avoid Sharks While Surfing Step 13

Step 4. Defend yourself aggressively

If the animal does attack, don't pretend to be dead. Use the board as a weapon and do not use your bare hands if possible, as you could injure yourself with the predator's teeth; direct the blows towards the eyes, gills and nose of the fish.

Avoid Sharks While Surfing Step 14
Avoid Sharks While Surfing Step 14

Step 5. Get out of the sea and seek medical help immediately if you have suffered a seizure

Your life depends on the speed of the intervention of the health personnel; yell for help, get a friend to go to the beach attendant and call 911, do everything you can to ensure that help arrives as soon as possible.


  • It's a good idea to learn how to survive a shark attack, just in case.
  • Don't let pets swim in shark-infested waters.


  • Avoid bright colors.
  • If there's a shark around, Not stay in the water. Take your time to go out and notify the beach guards, in case the animal is near the shore.
  • Don't think you are safe just because you are swimming among dolphins.
