Do you wake up covered in insect bites? Even if you don't notice any stinging, you may still decide to take precautions to avoid problems in the future. It is very difficult to keep insects away outdoors, while indoors it is easier. Either way, with little effort you can protect your skin.
Part 1 of 3: Protect yourself from bites at home

Step 1. Find out what stings you
By knowing which insect you have to deal with, you will be able to prevent its bites. Bed bug bites form large red patches on the skin, much like mosquito bites.
- Flea bites are smaller red spots. They often appear on the ankles or lower legs. If you have pets, check for fleas. If necessary, ask your vet for a prescription for a flea medication.
- Lice bites appear in the hair. You may not be able to see them, so ask a friend or relative to check for you. They are red, itchy, and can also show up on other hair-covered parts of the body.
- Don't mistake the action of other irritants for a bed bug bite. Allergies can cause similar redness and swelling, as well as toxic chemicals (pesticides and solvents). Stress and anxiety can also cause outbreaks of this nature.

Step 2. Change the blankets
To prevent insect bites at night, wash and change blankets often. Your dead skin cells accumulate in the bed and attract insects. Washing the sheets every two weeks is a good solution, but doing it every 7 days is the ideal choice.
- Even if you can't see any bugs in your bed, it doesn't mean they're not there. During the night, tiny dust mites may sting you. These insects are attracted to dead skin cells that stick to dirty blankets.
- Wash the sheets with warm soapy water to clean them thoroughly. Make sure you let them dry completely in the dryer. Mold can form on damp sheets.
- If you've washed the sheets and still find bugs in the bed or wake up with bites, buy new ones. This is an investment, but in the long run you will be paid back with interest.
- Try moving the bed base from the wall. Even a few inches of space can make a difference, as it will be more difficult for insects to move from the wall to the bed.

Step 3. Slip the sheets between the mattress and the slatted base
Insects can crawl into any openings they find. For this reason, it is best not to offer them any place to nest. Don't let sheets and blankets reach the floor.
- Remember that bedbugs cannot fly or jump. You can take advantage of their poor mobility by tucking the blankets under the mattress.
- If dust mites are responsible for your bites, you should not make the bed instead. Leaving it uncovered will allow any moisture left on the blankets and mattress to evaporate. Eventually, the mites will dehydrate and die. These insects need moisture to survive, so dry environments are hostile to them.

Step 4. Vacuum regularly and do it carefully
It is not enough to remove bugs from your bed. You will need to use a vacuum cleaner to get rid of any remaining ones. Also collect all the crumbs from the carpet. Any debris will attract bugs, so vacuum frequently to make sure your carpets are free of unwanted guests.
- Get an extension cord for your vacuum cleaner that allows you to reach the most difficult to clean places, such as behind the head of the bed or along the skirting boards. When cleaning, be sure to move the bed out of its usual position. If you have carpet in your room, you will need to clean the entire floor.
- If you don't have carpet, you can use a rag with soap and water to clean the area around the bed.

Step 5. Eliminate standing pools of water in the house
Even if you don't have a swimming pool and there are no bodies of water near your home, insects may still be attracted to your property. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in water, so they will use whatever liquid is in your home.
- Make holes in the bottom of open containers, such as trash cans, where water could collect.
- Change the water in pet bowls and bird tubs as often as possible. These are ideal habitats for mosquito breeding.
- Do not leave vases, pots and glasses full of water at home.
Part 2 of 3: Taking More Drastic Preventive Measures at Home

Step 1. Have sheets and blankets professionally cleaned
By taking these bulky items to a laundromat for a full treatment, you can prevent future insect infestations. Inform the owners of the business of your concerns. Many laundries can treat your blankets with relatively safe chemicals and procedures that can discourage insect infestations.
- For more severe cases of insect infestations, call a professional cleaning service and make an appointment for a full home treatment. Do not resort to this solution if you are not sure that bugs are living in your bed, as it can be quite expensive.
- You can invest in a mattress topper designed to keep bed bugs away. The protective fabric should be wrapped around the entire mattress. Any insects trapped inside will die.

Step 2. Change the bed base
Unless your bed infestation is very severe, this remedy will not be necessary. Insects often hide inside wooden nets, so switching to a metal netting could eliminate them from your room. Wooden nets are also usually found closer to the floor, making it easier for insects to access.
Avoid beds with headboards if possible. Headboards are ideal breeding habitats for insects, which will have the ability to move easily between porous wood and blankets. If you are going to use a headboard, choose a metal model

Step 3. Seal your home well
If you prevent insects from entering your home, they will not be able to bite you at night. You'll also avoid having to pay big bucks for new furniture or a professional cleaning service.
- Close the cracks and crevices near pipes and cables. Smaller insects can easily walk through these narrow burrows.
- Get some quality silicone or acrylic putty mixed with latex to fill the gaps around doors and windows. For larger openings, you will need a stronger filler, such as drywall or mortar.
- The bugs that bite you are probably very small, so nets on doors and windows won't do much. Keep the house openings closed if possible.
- Improving the general hygienic conditions of the house can help solve the insect problem. Do not leave dishes in the sink overnight and always clean all crumbs.

Step 4. Get help from a pest control service
If you can't completely get rid of bugs from your home, you can call a professional. Pest control companies use a combination of steam treatments and the application of insecticides. The best option is to start with a steam treatment; the insecticide will eliminate any remaining insects.
- Make sure the company uses an insecticide with d-phenothrin as the active ingredient. The main purpose of this substance is to eliminate the annoying little insects, such as bedbugs and ticks. They are most likely responsible for your bites.
- If you don't want to pay for a pest control service, you can try applying a steam treatment yourself. You will need to purchase a dedicated cleaner and make sure it produces high-temperature steam.
- Get as close to the insects as possible. Move at a rate of 6 inches per minute. If you are faster, the bugs could survive.
Part 3 of 3: Preventing Outdoor Bites

Step 1. Find a camping area where there are no bugs
Identify the places where these animals congregate. You may be able to avoid them even in the open air. They can be found anywhere, but usually surround pools of standing water. When camping in a hot and humid climate, you must absolutely avoid ponds and lakes.
- When looking for the best spot to camp, try to find an elevated spot, perhaps on the side of a hill. By avoiding flat, low-lying areas you will be further away from standing pools of water.
- Choose an elevated location, even if the area you are in is quite dry. The rains, even if small, will attract insects.

Step 2. Invest in a waterproof tent
It is easy for insects to fly inside a traditional tent. Waterproof models, on the other hand, although more expensive, are more effective in protecting you from small animals. This will allow you to wake up with fewer bites.
Waterproof tents, even if they are thicker than traditional ones, are more breathable. This means that you will not notice the large protective layer that surrounds them, because the fresh air will be able to penetrate freely

Step 3. Purchase a mosquito net
In addition to a waterproof tent, you could also purchase a mosquito net. These nets are great for protecting you from insect bites during the day and can be easily installed around a hammock. You can take a nap without worrying too much.
- You can try a floor mosquito net. It is a kind of small tent that can be moved easily, supported by a metal or plastic structure. You can easily fit it into a larger tent to prevent insects from entering.
- If you are not using a tent to camp, you can use a mosquito net. This model hangs from two points off the ground and can cover your sleeping bag. It is easy to use and inexpensive.

Step 4. Use insect repellent before bed
Make sure you choose a product that is safe for your skin, as some repellents are meant to be sprayed into the environment. DEET and picaridin are the two most effective active ingredients.
- You have to be careful when using an insect spray. Do not spray it in an enclosed area, such as your tent. Apply the product only on bare skin; do not spray it under your clothes.
- If you want to apply repellent on your face, spray it on your hands first, then spread it on your face. Splashing a product directly in your eyes is not a good idea.
- Always check the repellent label before using it on the skin. Some products can be extremely toxic and dangerous.
- Experiment with natural ways to keep insects away by making a repellent yourself. From eucalyptus oil to vanilla extract, there are many products that are easy to buy and that you can use to make simple solutions.
- You will have to make some attempts to perfect these recipes. Remember, though, that this is a great way to avoid releasing toxic chemicals into the atmosphere.

Step 5. Burn some sage
Throw a sage stick into your bonfire just before bedtime to keep the bugs away. For many people, the smell it produces is relaxing and is an effective way to avoid spraying chemicals around the area where you are camping.
- You can throw fresh or dried sage on the flames. To dry the leaves, leave them hanging in a cool, dry place. You can also use dried sage to rekindle the fire.
- You can also use other herbs, such as lavender and mint, with similar results.

Step 6. Cover your skin
Do not leave your skin uncovered when you are in the middle of nature. You would invite insects to bite you. Mosquitoes, in particular, would hunt you down. While the heat might tempt you to find out, you'll be glad you didn't when you don't have to scratch all over the place.
- Make sure you sleep in long pants and socks. Pull your socks over your pants so bugs can't get into your pajamas.
- Also wear a long-sleeved shirt and tuck it into your pants.
- Any clothing you use for sleeping should be tight around the ankles, wrists and neck area. It will be impossible to completely cover your hands and neck area, but do what you can.
- Apply permethrin to your clothing, an excellent insect repellent.