Male infertility is difficult to detect; the diagnosis is usually made after testing both partners and identifying reproductive problems in humans. One in five sterile couples cannot have children for this very reason; the causes can be genetic or attributable to factors such as drug abuse, infections and excessive exposure of the testicles to heat. To determine if you are infertile, you should consider your risk factors, examine your health condition, and ask your doctor for tests.
Method 1 of 3: Recognize the Symptoms

Step 1. Understand that infertility is often asymptomatic
However, many men who cannot have children have a normal sex life and their sperm is not abnormal to the naked eye. From this point of view, it is difficult to identify physical clues; warning signs are rare, but some individuals have lumps or lumps near the testicles, more prominent breasts, erectile dysfunction, and difficulty breathing.

Step 2. Check for a lump or swelling in the gonads
A "bump", enlargement, pain or discomfort in the scrotum region can be a symptom of infertility.
- Examine your testicles while standing in front of the mirror. Hold the right one in the hand with the thumb at the top, rotate it gently to feel any discomfort or pain; then switch to the left one and repeat the palpation. Don't worry if one testicle is slightly larger than the other, as this is completely normal.
- If you have pain or heaviness in the groin area, contact your doctor.

Step 3. Inspect your breasts to make sure they are not overdeveloped
If the breast tissue is really very large (a condition known as gynecomastia), you may be sterile.
If so, see your doctor. Gynecomastia is often confused with excess fatty tissue, so you should ask your doctor to see you so they can rule out a cancer or an infection called mastitis

Step 4. Look at the facial and body hair
One of the possible signs of infertility in humans is the reduction of hair which can indicate a hormonal imbalance; if you have very little hair compared to normal, there is a possibility that you will not be able to have children.

Step 5. Consider if you are having difficulty maintaining an erection
Erectile dysfunction is another cause of infertility; in this case, you must ask your doctor about specific treatments for this disorder.
Typically, drugs such as sildenafil (Viagra), tadalafil (Cialis), avanafil (Spedra) and vardenafil (Levitra, Vivanza) are prescribed; these active ingredients help the body to increase blood flow to the penis. However, you should always go to your doctor for comprehensive therapy and make sure you can take certain products; in particular, those described above are dangerous for hypothetical individuals with liver or kidney disease

Step 6. Monitor for respiratory problems or infections
This is another series of symptoms related to human infertility. If you suffer from shortness of breath or have had several airway infections, you may have a disease associated with reproductive disorders.
Method 2 of 3: Undergo the tests

Step 1. Take a sperm count
About two-thirds of men with infertility problems show difficulties in producing spermatozoa that are not only related to the number, but also to the quality. In quantitative terms, a concentration of less than 15 million spermatozoa per milliliter of semen is considered low; if you are concerned that this is your problem, you should ask the doctor to perform the test. Eventually, you can also take a home exam.
- Get a sperm count at home. You can buy specific kits online; in Italy they are not yet widespread (and in some cases their reliability is doubtful), but trying doesn't hurt. You have to ejaculate in a container, wait ten minutes and then observe the results.
- Remember that these home kits have limitations in evaluating male infertility; they are able to measure the sperm concentration, but not the shape, motility and other qualitative characteristics.

Step 2. Remember that exams are not always covered by the National Health Service
You can inquire at the relevant ASL or, if you have private health insurance, contact your agent to find out the details of the policy and find out which tests you can carry out at no additional cost.
- In some cases, the insurance covers the costs for the diagnostic procedure, but not for the treatments; check this detail too.
- Also check that there are no restrictive clauses regarding age and gender.

Step 3. Ask your doctor to go through the diagnostic process
The doctor probably performs a physical exam and collects medical history, including data on your sex life. The next phase involves sperm analysis; you have to masturbate and ejaculate in a container, so that the sample can be sent to a laboratory for sperm counting.
- If the tests are insufficient to make a diagnosis, the doctor may order an ultrasound of the scrotum. You may see any problems during the procedure, such as varicocele (varicose veins in the scrotum).
- Do hormone tests to see if there are any problems with testosterone production.
- Get post-ejaculation urinalysis. This test is used to determine if the sperm follows a wrong anatomical path and ends up in the bladder.
- Evaluate genetic tests. If your sperm count shows a very low concentration, you can have these tests done to see if it is a hereditary problem.
- In abnormal circumstances, a testicular biopsy can also be performed, which allows us to understand if the problem is localized in the production of spermatozoa or their transport.

Step 4. Go to a specialist to assess possible male infertility
If you have been trying to conceive for years and have not been able to determine the problem with the support of your family doctor, you must go to a specialist who evaluates the situation in detail and prescribes very targeted tests.
Method 3 of 3: Understanding Your Risk of Infertility

Step 1. Review your medical history
In particular, you should understand if you have had problems with the reproductive organs; if you have had scrotum surgery, you should let your doctor know as you discuss your possible infertility.

Step 2. Evaluate the presence of toxins in the workplace
See if you have been exposed to a number of harmful substances, such as lead, pesticides, and other toxins that can jeopardize your ability to reproduce.

Step 3. Consider a possible history of alcohol and drug abuse
If you have used these substances in abundance, you run the risk of not being able to have children.
Sperm production can be impaired by the abuse of steroids, cocaine, cigarette smoking and marijuana

Step 4. Consider if you have cryptorchidism
It is the failure of one or both testicles to descend, which therefore do not "hang" out of the body; if so, you only have one testicle and your doctor should examine you to better define the situation.

Step 5. Observe your medical history regarding cancer treatments
If you've had cancer and been treated with chemotherapy or radiotherapy, you run a higher risk of infertility.

Step 6. Think about whether you have subjected your testicles to excessive heat
If you regularly take the sauna, immerse yourself in very hot baths or wear extremely tight clothing, you may overheat the groin area; these are all behaviors that increase the risk of not being able to have children.