If you find yourself suffering from anxiety, having difficulty falling asleep due to worries about the next day, and if you are accompanied by constant headaches, you have probably entered a phase of intense stress. You need to reflect on your tensions, and to relax your mind and body in a preventive way, to avoid further damage in the future. If you go through every single experience with difficulty, living it as if it were overwhelming, tiring and frightening, do yourself a big favor by allowing yourself to relax. If you want to know how to lead a more relaxing life, continue reading the article.
Part 1 of 3: Reflect on your Stress

Step 1. Take note of your thoughts
Before you begin to relax and minimize the amount of stress in your life, take a moment to sit down and describe your feelings on a piece of paper. If you are really stressed out, you most likely haven't had much time to stop and be alone with your thoughts. By writing down your emotions, you are already starting the process. Here's what you can write:
- How do you feel? What goes through your mind and body on a daily basis? How much tension are you feeling? Would you say that you have always been stressed or that you are going through a period of particular stress in your life?
- Assess the sources of your stress. Are you stressed due to a work, family, couple, or a combination of several factors? What can you do to deal with these situations with the aim of minimizing stress?
- If you think it will be useful to you, describe your thoughts daily. Being aware of your emotions and the elements that trigger your tensions can be of great use when trying to cope with stress.

Step 2. Prepare a plan of attack
Once you have written down your general feelings, and when you feel more comfortable expressing your real tensions, you should take the time to prepare a strategy to help you cope with stress. While many aspects of life are naturally stressful, there are many ways to relax more easily. Your strategy should contain three main parts:
- Short-term solutions. Make a list of short-term actions that can minimize your stress. For example, if your commute to work is similar to a hellish ride, try leaving the house twenty minutes early to avoid traffic.
- Long-term solutions. Plan to be a more relaxed person overall. Your strategy will need to include how you view your job, your relationships and your responsibilities. For example, if one of the biggest causes of your stress is that you have too many work commitments, plan to reduce your work responsibilities over an extended period of time.
- Take some time to relax. Take a look at your agenda and set aside some daily time for relaxation. While one of the reasons you're so tense is a lack of free time, try to squeeze in some time where possible, whether it's a few moments in the morning or just before bed.

Step 3. Make a commitment to eliminate as many sources of stress as possible
While you can't completely turn your life around to eliminate stress, of course, you can find ways to remove some constant sources of stress. This will make a huge difference on your everyday life. Here is an example of some stressful situations you can eliminate:
- Get rid of harmful friends. If you have a "friend" who does nothing but cause you pain, tension and make you sick, it's probably time to do some "spring cleaning" on your friends list.
- Really do your spring cleaning. If your desk, your briefcase or your house is in a mess and full of "rubbish" that you search in vain, give it a clean to make your life easier.
- Try to avoid stressful situations. If going to concerts has always caused you a lot of stress, but your boyfriend loves them, just listen to music at home. If you think cooking for your guests is very stressful, place a home order.
- Plan ahead. If you are worried because you have not been able to work out the details of your next trip, start booking flights and hotels now to cut your worries.

Step 4. Share your feelings
You don't have to feel alone in your plan to minimize the stress in your life. By opening up to a friend or family member, and speaking truthfully about your concerns, you will be able to feel better and less isolated. Simply having someone who can listen to your problems will help you reduce your stress levels.
- Tell a close friend about your emotions and concerns. In all likelihood, your friend is also experiencing, or has experienced, equally stressful situations in his life, be open to receiving suggestions and advice.
- Talk about your stress with a family member. A member of your family can provide you with the affection and support you need to cope with your stress.

Step 5. Recognize when you need help
If you feel completely debilitated by stress and find it hard to sleep, eat, or look forward to the future because all your worries and responsibilities make you feel completely helpless, you may not be able to deal with the problem on your own. Seek professional help to be able to deal with situations constructively.
A professional can help you even if your feelings are related to the circumstances. If you are stressed out due to the combination of an upcoming marriage and a new job, a professional can teach you some stress management techniques that can be useful for the rest of your life
Part 2 of 3: Relax the Mind

Step 1. Meditate
Meditation is a great way to relax the mind, and it is practicable in any place and at any time. Look for a quiet place where you can sit on the floor and close your eyes. Cross your legs and keep your hands in your lap. Focus on inhaling and exhaling and let your body be dominated by your breath. Stay as still as possible and avoid continuing to move.
- Be aware of the things you cannot control. Concentrate and absorb the smells and sounds of the surrounding world.
- Free your mind. Don't think about the amount of work you still have to do, or what you are going to make for dinner. Simply focus and clear your mind as you control your breathing.
- Relax every part of the body. You can focus on only one part of the body at a time until you feel that your entire system is loose and relaxed.

Step 2. Watch a movie
Going out to see a movie at the cinema or watching it in the comfort of your home can help you move to another universe by moving your mind away from your problems. While watching the film try to clear your mind as much as possible, and think about the actions and words of the characters rather than what you will have to do or say at the end of the film.
- For complete relaxation, choose a comic or romantic comedy. Actions that are too violent or bloody will only cause additional stress or anxiety and disturb your sleep.
- If you are watching a movie on television, avoid commercials. Prefer a DVD movie to skip commercials or get up and take a little break. Otherwise, you will feel more hectic and distracted due to the influence of multiple messages.

Step 3. Spend time with friends
Spending time with friends is a great way to unwind. There are several ways to be able to relax in company, for example by playing a board game or reviewing the lesson over a coffee. Spending time with friends can help you unplug from the daily grind, and sharing your emotions with a loved one can make you feel less agitated. Here's what you can do:
- No matter how busy you are, it's important that you spend time with your friends at least twice a week, if not more. Put social events on your agenda and stick to your commitment to yourself, or you will feel even more isolated.
- Make sure you spend quality time with your friends. Quality time means talking and listening to each other, in small groups, not being in the middle of the crowd at a concert or party while the music is at very high volume.
- Open your heart. You won't need to tell your friends every little detail or concern, but you shouldn't be afraid of other people's opinions.
- Try to attend events that can make you laugh. If you have a busy schedule, choose a game night or go see a funny comedy with friends. Avoid crowded bars where you wouldn't have many opportunities for good laughs.

Step 4. Drive for a long time
If you love to drive, taking a little overnight trip can help you relax and feel more responsible for your life. Driving during the day you may feel overwhelmed by traffic, or bothered by the aggression of other drivers, but driving the roads at night, you will feel calmer and more energetic.
- Find your own path. As you walk down the same road each time, you'll become more familiar and won't have to worry about road signs to find out where to turn.
- While you are behind the wheel, listen to some jazz or other relaxing music.
- A road trip is perfect after spending a few hours in company. If you are leaving a party after hours of laughing, sharing and listening, driving alone for 20 minutes on the way home will help you drain your energy and relax.

Step 5. Read
Reading is a great way to relax, especially before bed. In the last hour of the day, try to stop all sources of noise and visual stimuli and take the time to read a few pages while sipping a chamomile tea. Reading is also a great way to start the day and to feel fit and bright in the morning. Not only will reading increase your knowledge, it will allow you to rest your body and calm your mind as you focus on the material in front of you.
- Reading allows us to slow down in a fast-paced environment. Make it a goal to read at least half an hour a day.
- If you feel so agitated that you cannot concentrate on what you are reading, pause to meditate, or whisper the words aloud to absorb the meaning.

Step 6. Before going to sleep, calm your mind
To do this, look for your space and make it dark. Illuminate it only with a soft light or with candles. Choose a relaxing background music and stretch out on a comfortable bed or sofa. Relax for as long as you like or until you feel the benefits.
- Focus your mind on positive thoughts, or don't think about anything. Visualize yourself sleeping in your comfortable bed easily falling into a deep, restful sleep.
- Slowly, turn the music down and blow out the candles before you fall asleep.
Part 3 of 3: Relax the Body

Step 1. Get a massage
Self-massage is very effective in reducing muscle pain caused by stress tensions. Massage your shoulders, forearms, thighs, and even your hands. You can do this at any time of the day - even when you're sitting at your desk.
If you enjoy self-massage, consider having a friend or professional massage you. Your body may feel abundantly refreshed, especially in the case of sedentary work or back pain

Step 2. Avoid excessive amounts of caffeine
Although caffeine is able to give you that boost you need in the morning, in the long run, it's not worth indulging in its consumption. After a few hours, if you wear off the caffeine effect, you will feel agitated and irritable, and you may even be the victim of a headache. Excessive doses of caffeine will also disturb your night sleep.
- If you are heavily addicted to caffeine, try reducing your intake to just one cup per day or week. Alternatively, try replacing coffee with tea.
- If you really can't do without caffeine, avoid it at least in the afternoon, you will find that you can fall asleep more easily. If you love drinking a cup of coffee after dinner, switch to decaf.

Step 3. Exercise
Just 30 minutes a day of healthy exercise will help you relax your body profusely. You won't need to do a grueling workout, or get out of your comfort zone, to get your heart rate up and to be able to relieve stress. Try to include 30 minutes of exercise on your schedule at least 3 days a week. Here are some great ideas to draw from:
- Power yoga. Not only will you train your body effectively, you will learn to clear your mind and focus on your breathing.
- Race. It's a great way to clear your mind while your body is engaged in a cardio workout.
- Hiking. By getting in touch with nature you will immediately feel more relaxed.
- Find a gym buddy. By going to the gym with a friend, once or twice a week, you can effectively train your body while laughing and sharing your thoughts.
- Remember to always do the necessary stretching. No matter what type of exercise you have chosen, it will take at least 5-10 minutes of stretching before and after each workout. Stretching your muscles, in addition to preventing injuries, allows you to slow down and relax.

Step 4. Take a bubble bath
Give yourself a warm and fragrant bath. Relax in the bath for about 10 to 20 minutes. They will be enough to make you find freshness and energy.

Step 5. Eat right
Proper nutrition is the key to having a more relaxed body. Your body may feel out of shape because you have been too busy to guarantee it three healthy, balanced meals daily. Here are some dietary tips to help you relax your body:
- Never skip breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal, skipping it will make you feel out of shape for the whole day. Eat a full breakfast that includes protein, such as eggs or lean turkey meat, fruits and vegetables, or go for a healthy cup of oatmeal.
- Eat three balanced meals every day. Try to eat at regular times and make sure you have the correct balance of proteins, carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables.
- Avoid foods that are high in fat or very greasy. They are difficult to digest and will give you a feeling of apathy.
- Prefer healthy snacks. Between meals, eat fresh and dried fruit, or a vegetable dip.

Step 6. Sleep well
Having a healthy sleep pattern can be a huge help in trying to feel less stressed. By getting enough sleep, you will feel that you have more control over your life and will be ready to handle daily responsibilities and challenges. Here's how to get a good sleep:
- Every day, do what you can to fall asleep and wake up at the same time. Having a sleep routine will make it easier for you to go to bed and wake up at a set time.
- Find out how many hours of sleep your body needs. On average, people need about 6 to 8 hours of sleep. Remember that excessive sleep, as well as lack of sleep, can make you feel groggy.
- Before falling asleep, visualize your pleasant awakening. Close your eyes and think about how well and rested you will feel at the sound of the alarm, ready to stretch your muscles, get up and start a new day.
- Avoid caffeine, chocolate and spicy foods during the evening hours, otherwise it will be difficult to fall asleep.
- Make sure you are not disturbed during your "relaxation". If you are feeling particularly frustrated and stressed, try to relax and avoid interruptions, otherwise you will become even more frustrated.
- Avoid loud noises and annoying music.