3 Ways To Prevent Acne From Always Returning In The Same Area

3 Ways To Prevent Acne From Always Returning In The Same Area
3 Ways To Prevent Acne From Always Returning In The Same Area

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Witnessing the continuous appearance of imperfections always in the same area can be a real annoyance, but remedying is possible! The solution is indeed simple. The first step is to take care of the skin. If the problem persists, take action by taking preventive measures. Does acne affect the body instead of the face? Make sure you wear clothes made of fabrics that allow your skin to breathe, but also keep your body and bedding clean.


Method 1 of 3: Taking Care of Your Skin

Stop Getting Acne in the Same Spot Step 1
Stop Getting Acne in the Same Spot Step 1

Step 1. Limit contact with foreign objects

If you are constantly suffering from acne in a specific area of your body, consider the things you regularly come into contact with. You may notice that blemishes appear in a certain area because it is frequently touched by hands or a piece of clothing. To avoid this, do not put your hands to your face when they are dirty and do not wear dirty or too tight clothes.

  • For example, if you are wearing a cap and your forehead is permanently affected by impurities, try not to use it and see if there is any improvement.
  • Acne can also manifest itself in places that regularly come into contact with the hair (for example on the forehead if you wear bangs). This can be a problem especially if you are using oily products. Try to move your hair away from the affected area and prefer oil-free products.
Stop Getting Acne in the Same Spot Step 2
Stop Getting Acne in the Same Spot Step 2

Step 2. Clean your skin regularly

To prevent acne, the areas predisposed to the appearance of imperfections must be washed only 2 times a day. Washing removes the sebum and dead skin cells potentially responsible for pimples. If you are looking for acne creams or gels, prefer products that have benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid as an active ingredient.

  • Do not wash your face more than necessary, as you risk dehydrating and irritating it.
  • If you don't know what type of cleanser to use, talk to your dermatologist.
Stop Getting Acne in the Same Spot Step 3
Stop Getting Acne in the Same Spot Step 3

Step 3. Eat healthy

Foods like chocolate aren't responsible for acne - it's just a myth. However, nutrition still affects the functioning of hormones, triggering the formation of impurities. To prevent them, try to eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, non-starchy vegetables, and whole grains. You should also avoid fatty, sugary, and industrially sourced foods. A healthy and balanced diet will help you regulate hormones and prevent blemishes.

Stop Getting Acne in the Same Spot Step 4
Stop Getting Acne in the Same Spot Step 4

Step 4. Limit your stress

Anxiety alone can't trigger acne, but it can definitely make it worse. Stress causes the body to circulate hormones that can cause pimples to appear. To limit the impact of anxiety, try to relax and practice mental awareness. You can also do physical activity, which is effective for fighting tension.

Stop Getting Acne in the Same Spot Step 5
Stop Getting Acne in the Same Spot Step 5

Step 5. Avoid teasing or squeezing pimples, as this can cause infections and leave scars

Touching imperfections also slows down their healing and permanent elimination. If you hate seeing them, hide them with a concealer until they are gone.

Stop Getting Acne in the Same Spot Step 6
Stop Getting Acne in the Same Spot Step 6

Step 6. See a dermatologist

If you are having trouble coping or managing acne, you should see a specialist. It is important to treat it in order to prevent scarring. A dermatologist will be able to prescribe specific medicines, ointments or cleansers to combat it. There are also more intensive therapies, such as chemical peels and steroid injections, prescribed in the most severe cases.

Many prescription treatments only start working after a few weeks, so try to be patient

Method 2 of 3: Preventing the Appearance of Blemishes on the Face

Stop Getting Acne in the Same Spot Step 7
Stop Getting Acne in the Same Spot Step 7

Step 1. Try different tricks

Makeup is effective at hiding blemishes, but it can also cause more pimples to appear. Applying abundantly or using particularly oily products can clog pores and cause impurities. If you have pimples on certain parts of your face, try a different cosmetic and see if they go away.

  • In general, use oil-free or non-comedogenic products. You should also look for makeups containing ingredients that can help you fight acne.
  • Always remove your make-up before going to bed. If you have particularly oily skin, you may want to use a special makeup remover rather than just superficially washing your face.
Stop Getting Acne in the Same Spot Step 8
Stop Getting Acne in the Same Spot Step 8

Step 2. Change the products you use for your hair

If you suffer from impurities on your forehead, scalp, neck and back, it is possible that the cause is due to the products you use for your hair, such as gels, waxes and sprays, which tend to clog the pores and irritate the skin. They can also cause allergic reactions and consequently acne. To avoid this, experiment with different products until you find one that doesn't irritate your skin.

  • In general, look for products that have a short list of natural ingredients. In particular, prefer those that are fragrance-free and non-comedogenic (meaning that they do not clog pores).
  • To avoid using excess product, try to wash your hair 2-3 times a week or do a daily rinse with conditioner. You may also want to try to pick them up before bed to avoid rubbing them all night long.
  • If you feel you are having an allergic reaction to a certain product, stop using it and see a dermatologist. Try to get tested so you know what to avoid in the future.
Stop Getting Acne in the Same Spot Step 9
Stop Getting Acne in the Same Spot Step 9

Step 3. Try not to touch your face

Since the hands come into contact with many objects throughout the day, they can transfer thousands of bacteria to the face, causing blemishes to appear. If you rest your head on your hands, you risk getting pimples on your chin or cheeks. To avoid this, wash them regularly and try to touch your face as little as possible.

Stop Getting Acne in the Same Spot Step 10
Stop Getting Acne in the Same Spot Step 10

Step 4. Prefer contact lenses to glasses

If you tend to have imperfections in the nose area, it is possible that the fault lies with the frame, where bacteria that cause blemishes lurk. In addition, the glasses rub and put pressure on the skin, which can irritate it and stimulate the production of sebum. If glasses are responsible for acne, try using a targeted treatment, or avoid using them and wear contact lenses.

Make sure you regularly clean your nose pads using warm soapy water, which is effective in removing the bacteria responsible for blemishes

Stop Getting Acne in the Same Spot Step 11
Stop Getting Acne in the Same Spot Step 11

Step 5. Limit the use of tweezers and waxing

Each time a hair is plucked from the follicle, an opening prone to infection is created. If you pluck your eyebrows with tweezers or remove facial hair (such as in the mouth and chin area) by waxing, you risk getting blemishes. How can you avoid it? Limit how often you shave.

  • Shaving with a razor can have a similar effect, especially if you use one with dull blades that pulls hair from the follicles rather than cutting them.
  • Try replacing tweezers or waxing by shaving with a sugary paste or threading method.
Get Rid of Red Acne Marks Step 6
Get Rid of Red Acne Marks Step 6

Step 6. If you must use tweezers or wax, prepare and treat the skin properly

Take basic precautions to avoid blemishes.

  • Before shaving, gently exfoliate and cleanse your skin using an antimicrobial preparatory cleanser.
  • Before hair removal, wash your hands and nails thoroughly, then put on disposable gloves during the procedure and cleaning.
  • Remove the skin after shaving it. The next day, gently exfoliate it. Fresh hair removal areas should be kept clean and free from sweat, dirt or irritating products.
Stop Getting Acne in the Same Spot Step 12
Stop Getting Acne in the Same Spot Step 12

Step 7. Put your cell phone away

Since most people carry it around everywhere (even to the bathroom) and touch it constantly, it's a breeding ground for bacteria. The use can therefore cause pimples on the cheeks and chin.

  • To prevent pimples associated with cell phone use, try turning on the speakerphone or buy a Bluetooth headset.
  • You can also minimize the pimples associated with using your phone by wiping it regularly with antibacterial wipes.

Method 3 of 3: Avoid Body Acne

Stop Getting Acne in the Same Spot Step 13
Stop Getting Acne in the Same Spot Step 13

Step 1. Wear clothes that allow your skin to breathe

If you have acne breakouts on your chest, back, or buttocks, avoid tight clothing, which can trap sweat and irritate the skin, causing blemishes. Instead, prefer clothing made of natural fibers, such as cotton or silk, which promote adequate air circulation and expel sweat.

  • This is especially important with the clothes you use for sports or other activities that cause sweating.
  • If you have acne breakouts on your back from backpack contact, try using a shoulder or crossbody bag.
Stop Getting Acne in the Same Spot Step 14
Stop Getting Acne in the Same Spot Step 14

Step 2. Shower immediately at the end of a workout

After exercising, take off your clothes and wash immediately. This allows the skin to breathe, and also eliminates the sebum and sweat, responsible for impurities. If your gym doesn't have showers in the locker rooms, be sure to wash as soon as you get home.

If you can't shower right away, try using travel wipes containing salicylic acid

Stop Getting Acne in the Same Spot Step 15
Stop Getting Acne in the Same Spot Step 15

Step 3. Gently remove unwanted body hair

Since hair removal (whether with razor or wax) exposes pores and follicles to bacterial proliferation and the possible appearance of pimples, you should consider laser removal, which is less irritating to the skin. If you really have to use the razor, be sure to help yourself with a specific depilatory cream for sensitive skin.

  • This is especially important if you have an acne breakout in the bikini area.
  • You can also try gentler alternatives, such as sugary dough or threading.
Stop Getting Acne in the Same Spot Step 16
Stop Getting Acne in the Same Spot Step 16

Step 4. Do your laundry regularly

Since bacteria can lurk in the fibers of clothing and bedding, you should wash all fabrics that come into contact with the skin regularly. Bacteria on dirty pillows and clothes can cause pimples to appear on the face and body. Make sure you do your laundry consistently and change the sheets at least every 2 weeks.
