How to Prevent Ingrown Hair in the Pubic Area

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How to Prevent Ingrown Hair in the Pubic Area
How to Prevent Ingrown Hair in the Pubic Area

Ingrown hairs form when the tip of the hair grows under the skin, often causing pain and irritation. The problem is more common in people with thick, hard hair. The easiest way to prevent it from occurring is to simply let the hair grow naturally. If this option is not desirable, the following tips will help you avoid this problem.


Method 1 of 2: Hair Removal of the Pubic Area

Prevent Ingrown Hairs on the Pubic Area Step 1
Prevent Ingrown Hairs on the Pubic Area Step 1

Step 1. Shorten the pubic hair

Remove the hair from the body and shorten it with scissors or a nail clipper.

  • Wet your hair with warm water for at least three minutes before shaving. It would be ideal to shave after a shower or bath.
  • Use a hypoallergenic hair removal cream or gel. Allergies to shaving products are very common in the pubic area, so test the product by applying a small amount first. Then before hair removal apply a generous dose.
Prevent Ingrown Hairs on the Pubic Area Step 2
Prevent Ingrown Hairs on the Pubic Area Step 2

Step 2. Shave the pubic area

  • Use a sharp single-blade razor. Multi-blade razors often cut the hair too short. Shave in the same direction of hair growth. Very often some types of razor blades have moisturizing pads or strips that prevent irritation.
  • Push the razor to remove all unwanted hair but never apply too much pressure.
  • Never shave flush and avoid the flush shave option if you use an electric razor. Do not pull the skin during hair removal.
Prevent Ingrown Hairs on the Pubic Area Step 3
Prevent Ingrown Hairs on the Pubic Area Step 3

Step 3. Wash the razor after each stroke

Reapply the hair removal cream as needed.

Prevent Ingrown Hairs on the Pubic Area Step 4
Prevent Ingrown Hairs on the Pubic Area Step 4

Step 4. Apply a cold towel or piece of cloth to the shaved area as soon as you are done

Prevent Ingrown Hairs on the Pubic Area Step 5
Prevent Ingrown Hairs on the Pubic Area Step 5

Step 5. Don't shave too often

The maximum recommended frequency for the pubic area is once a week. Don't continue shaving if you already have a lot of ingrown hairs.

Method 2 of 2: Taking Care of Your Skin

Prevent Ingrown Hairs on the Pubic Area Step 6
Prevent Ingrown Hairs on the Pubic Area Step 6

Step 1. Use a moisturizer if you have dry skin in this area

Make sure the product is suitable for the groin. If possible, choose a product without fragrances, sunscreen or additives.

Prevent Ingrown Hairs on the Pubic Area Step 7
Prevent Ingrown Hairs on the Pubic Area Step 7

Step 2. Keep your skin clean

Take a shower right away after exercising or sweating a lot.


  • Do not scratch or pick on the ingrown hair to avoid possible infections.
  • Go to the doctor if the problem is chronic.
  • Avoid waxing your groin if you have a tendency to have a lot of ingrown hairs. This type of hair removal increases the chance of hair growing under the skin and causing irritation. If you really want to do it, contact a professional.
