How to Fight Bad Breath Caused by Garlic and Onion

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How to Fight Bad Breath Caused by Garlic and Onion
How to Fight Bad Breath Caused by Garlic and Onion

Garlic and onion are common and tasty ingredients, perfect for adding flavor to many dishes. In particular, garlic has been recognized as having beneficial health properties, ranging from treating athlete's foot to potentially reducing the risk of developing certain types of cancer. Unfortunately, both garlic and onion can cause unwelcome side effects in the stomach and mouth, including the well-known bad breath. When we cut garlic or onion we cause the release of methyl-allyl sulfide (among other compounds); once ingested, this compound is absorbed into the bloodstream and can affect the smell of breath and sweat for even a full day. Read this article and find out how to combat bad breath caused by garlic and onion to avoid embarrassing situations.


Part 1 of 4: Fighting Bad Breath with Food

Get Rid of Bad Breath from Onion or Garlic Step 1
Get Rid of Bad Breath from Onion or Garlic Step 1

Step 1. Eat fruit

The same properties that cause fruit to oxidize (causing it to turn black when the pulp is exposed to air) also fight bad breath caused by garlic and onion. Among the most effective fruits can be included apples, pears, plums, peaches, apricots, grapes and cherries.

Get Rid of Bad Breath from Onion or Garlic Step 2
Get Rid of Bad Breath from Onion or Garlic Step 2

Step 2. Eat vegetables

Some vegetables are very effective at fighting the compounds found in garlic and onion, including spinach, lettuce, potatoes, and eggplant. Use them to accompany a meal that contains a lot of garlic or onion.

Get Rid of Bad Breath from Onion or Garlic Step 3
Get Rid of Bad Breath from Onion or Garlic Step 3

Step 3. Use herbs

Basil and parsley in particular are two of the most effective natural antidotes, when you want to fight bad breath caused by garlic and onion. Add herbs to your dishes or chew parsley after a meal.

Get Rid of Bad Breath from Onion or Garlic Step 4
Get Rid of Bad Breath from Onion or Garlic Step 4

Step 4. Accompany your meals with bread

In addition to causing unwanted side effects on the health of the body, a shortage of carbohydrates can negatively affect bad breath. Eating bread or other carbohydrate-rich foods will help you fight bad breath.

Part 2 of 4: Fighting Bad Breath with Drinks

Get Rid of Bad Breath from Onion or Garlic Step 5
Get Rid of Bad Breath from Onion or Garlic Step 5

Step 1. Drink some green tea

Green tea contains polyphenols, plant chemicals that help neutralize the sulfur compounds released by garlic and onion. The antioxidants in green tea also effectively fight bad breath.

Get Rid of Bad Breath from Onion or Garlic Step 6
Get Rid of Bad Breath from Onion or Garlic Step 6

Step 2. Drink a glass of milk

The effectiveness of milk in fighting bad breath caused by garlic has been scientifically proven. In particular, whole milk reduces the concentration of malodorous compounds present in the mouth.

Get Rid of Bad Breath from Onion or Garlic Step 7
Get Rid of Bad Breath from Onion or Garlic Step 7

Step 3. Drink acidic drinks with a pH level below 3.6

Lemon, lime, grapefruit and cranberry juice help fight alliinase, the enzyme responsible for the odor emitted by garlic and onion.

Part 3 of 4: Fighting Bad Breath Before and After Meal

Get Rid of Bad Breath from Onion or Garlic Step 8
Get Rid of Bad Breath from Onion or Garlic Step 8

Step 1. Chew gum

Chewing gum after a meal increases saliva production and consequently fights bad breath.

Choose a chewing gum that contains natural essential oils. The essential oils of mint and cinnamon have been shown to fight bad-smelling bacteria in the mouth

Get Rid of Bad Breath from Onion or Garlic Step 9
Get Rid of Bad Breath from Onion or Garlic Step 9

Step 2. Chew some coffee beans

It may not be easy, but chewing on coffee beans and then spitting them out is known to help mitigate the bad breath caused by garlic.

Rubbing a few coffee beans on your hands (and then washing them) can help you remove the garlic and onion smell from your skin

Get Rid of Bad Breath from Onion or Garlic Step 10
Get Rid of Bad Breath from Onion or Garlic Step 10

Step 3. Eat less garlic and onion, raw and cooked

If other remedies to help alleviate bad breath caused by garlic and onion don't seem to work, the only solution is to reduce the amounts used in your recipes.

If you wish to benefit from the potential healing properties of garlic, replace raw garlic with an odorless supplement. In this regard, he notes that multiple varieties and qualities of supplements are available on the market and that research to identify benefits and side effects is still ongoing

Part 4 of 4: Fighting Bad Breath with Proper Hygiene

Get Rid of Bad Breath from Onion or Garlic Step 11
Get Rid of Bad Breath from Onion or Garlic Step 11

Step 1. Brush your teeth

Wash them at least twice a day and make sure each cleansing session lasts at least 2 minutes. If you often eat garlic and onion on the go, buy a pocket-sized toothbrush and toothpaste to keep on hand.

Get Rid of Bad Breath from Onion or Garlic Step 12
Get Rid of Bad Breath from Onion or Garlic Step 12

Step 2. Use dental floss

The toothbrush allows you to clean only a part of the dental surface: it is therefore important to also use dental floss. Ideally you should use it after every meal.

Get Rid of Bad Breath from Onion or Garlic Step 13
Get Rid of Bad Breath from Onion or Garlic Step 13

Step 3. Use mouthwash

An antibacterial mouthwash that contains chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, or cetylpyridinium chloride will help prevent bad breath. Many of the common mouthwashes on the market contain alcohol, an ingredient that could dehydrate the mucous membranes of the mouth (a potential cause of bad breath), so make a careful choice when buying.

Get Rid of Bad Breath from Onion or Garlic Step 14
Get Rid of Bad Breath from Onion or Garlic Step 14

Step 4. Use a tongue cleaner

The filaments on the tongue trap microparticles and bacteria; most of the bacteria that cause bad breath are found right on the tongue. So when you brush your teeth don't forget to wash your tongue too, with a toothbrush or a special tongue cleaner.

Get Rid of Bad Breath from Onion or Garlic Step 15
Get Rid of Bad Breath from Onion or Garlic Step 15

Step 5. Use a dental water jet

The continuous jet of water from the water jet eliminates food particles trapped under the gums and between teeth. Food particles that you can't get rid of with regular brushing and flossing tend to rot and infect your mouth. A dental water jet will allow you to remove even the most insidious food residues.


  • The smell of garlic can also impregnate clothing and transpire through the skin pores: it is therefore advisable to use a perfume to mask it.
  • Over time, the bad breath caused by garlic and onion will gradually dissolve.
