It seems that nausea is an inevitable aspect of life, whether it be a pregnancy, a hangover, chemotherapy treatment, or motion sickness. Although you may have already heard of acupuncture, a therapy that involves the use of needles, know that acupressure (or acupressure) is instead a therapy that simply relies on massaging points of greater pressure to relieve symptoms. Acupressure is a quick and convenient way to manage nausea without harmful side effects, although research still needs to be done to prove its full effectiveness. Get to know the pressure points, stimulate them yourself with your fingers or with the use of a cuff, and you will soon begin to feel relief!
Method 1 of 2: Using the Fingers

Step 1. Relax and position your arms correctly
Extend your arms forward with your fingers facing up and palms facing you. Relax your shoulders and take a few deep breaths.
While acupressure can be done anywhere, try to get yourself in a place that is as comfortable as possible

Step 2. Find the pressure point on the arm
With the opposite hand, place 3 fingers under the crease of the wrist. Insert your thumb just below these three fingers and place it in the center between the two large tendons. This is the pressure point.
Specifically, you need to look for the P6, or inner gate, which is the pressure point that relieves nausea. The same point on the opposite side of the arm is known as the SJ5, or outer door

Step 3. Use your fingers to press on the pressure point
With your thumb and index or middle finger, press firmly on the spot on either side of your wrist when you feel nauseous. Then gently, but firmly, scrub in a circular motion for a few minutes. You should feel relief immediately, but it can sometimes take up to five minutes to feel the effect.
Repeat the process with the other wrist

Step 4. Lightly tap your wrists together on the acupressure points
Just give it a quick flick while taking some deep breaths. It doesn't matter which wrist is on it. If you wish, you can alternate arms. Do this movement for a few minutes, until you begin to feel a feeling of relief.
For some people, touching or rubbing the wrists may seem easier than locating and massaging the P6 pressure point. Try this method if you are still looking for the pressure point and have not yet found it accurately

Step 5. Locate the pressure point below the knee
Find the base of the kneecap and move four fingers below. With the opposite hand, place a finger right under the last finger you measured with (the little finger), on the outside of the shin. If you've found the pressure point correctly, you should notice a muscle that contracts as you lift and lower your foot.
In particular, you have to look for the ST36 pressure point, also called the stomach meridian, which is one of the most used pressure points, as it tones and energizes

Step 6. Apply pressure to this point below the knee
Use the toes, nails, or heel of the opposite foot to apply firm pressure. You can maintain the pressure without any massage or you can rub your fingers on the area. Either way, it's important that you hold the pressure for several minutes.
Method 2 of 2: Using a Bracelet

Step 1. Purchase a suitable bracelet
Anti-nausea bracelets are designed to put pressure on the correct place on the wrist. They usually have a flat knob or button positioned right on the acupressure point. They are commercially available in different models and styles and can be in knitted fabric, plastic or nylon.
Choose a model based on your personal tastes, budget and the style you prefer

Step 2. Create your bracelet
If you don't want to spend money on an anti-nausea bracelet, you can make your own by combining a wristwatch or band and a small stone or button. Simply place the stone or button under the band and make sure it stays in place firmly and securely.

Step 3. Locate the pressure point on the arm
With the opposite hand, put 3 fingers under the crease of the wrist. Insert your thumb right under your fingers and in the middle between the two large tendons. This is the pressure point.
In particular, you need to look for the P6, or inner gate, which is the pressure point that relieves nausea. The same point on the opposite side of the arm is known as the SJ5, or outer door

Step 4. Put the bracelet on correctly
Make sure that the knob, button, button or stone you have chosen directly covers the pressure point. Then, fix the band so that you feel medium but firm pressure at that point. It shouldn't slip or move around your wrist, but it should stay firmly in place.
- Make sure you don't over tighten the bracelet. You don't have to feel pain; if it hurts, loosen it a little.
- You may feel relief as soon as you put it on, but after some time your body gets used to the pressure, you will need to press a little harder for more relief.
- Light pressure is usually effective. Don't squeeze too hard! Stop immediately if you feel any pain or discomfort.
- Relax both arms and shoulders.
- If you suffer from chronic nausea, you should see a doctor; even if the technique works, it is still only a temporary solution.
- These are needle pressure points and not needle puncture points. Absolutely do not use needles!