Nausea is an annoying symptom that each of us is forced to deal with several times in life. Find out how to eliminate it by simply conditioning your mind.

Step 1. Take deep breaths
Nausea is often caused by a lack of oxygen in the brain. For this reason, breathing slowly and deeply can be able to attenuate it.

Step 2. Take fluids
Nausea often causes the body to dehydrate, which is why it is advisable to sip natural liquids such as water or herbal teas. Sweet drinks can help calm your stomach, but avoid any acidic ingredients like coffee or orange juice. You could also try sucking on an ice cube.

Step 3. Use ginger
Ginger is known to be a natural remedy for nausea. Take it in capsules, in herbal tea or just suck a raw root.

Step 4. Choose light foods
If you are vomiting, it may be helpful to ingest small portions of dry bread or crackers to help your stomach. Avoid fatty or acidic foods and anything that smells strong or unpleasant.

Step 5. Take a nap
Normally, in a lying position you will experience the symptoms of nausea with less intensity. Visualize a happy place and focus on the feeling of relief from the disappearance of nausea.
- Do not get up quickly and do not make sudden movements so as not to get dizzy.
- Sip liquids slowly to avoid encouraging vomiting.
- Try to relax, stress could be the cause of your nausea.
- Chewing or sucking on a peppermint candy or gum can help relieve symptoms of nausea.
- Try lying on your side by bringing your legs to your chest.
- Relax your mind by listening to music or watching your favorite show (however, remember that suspense or excitement can cause nervousness and make symptoms worse).
- Nausea could be caused by hunger. Swallow small portions of bread or crackers to slowly fill your stomach. Stay away from fatty, acidic, or spicy foods.
- Gently massage your stomach.
- Try placing a wet washcloth on the back of your neck for relief.
- If symptoms worsen or persist consult your doctor.
- Eat a banana slowly and drink some water, lie down and take slow deep breaths.