There is so much information available regarding healthy eating that it is difficult to decide who to give credit to. You may have read and heard all kinds of indications on which foods to prefer and which ones to avoid, but in order not to get confused, it is best to rely on a few simple rules to help you make the right decisions at the table. Start by making sure your diet includes healthy, nutritious foods and drinks. You will need to make some changes to your eating habits; for example: cooking your own meals, reading labels and replacing unhealthy foods with healthier and more wholesome ones. You can also benefit from spreading out meals and snacks correctly throughout the day.
Method 1 of 3: Improve Your Eating Habits

Step 1. Avoid unhealthy foods and replace them with healthier ones
With a few small substitutions you can improve your eating habits in a simple and painless way. Consider whether there are any foods that you eat regularly that are harmful to your health and look for a healthier alternative to satisfy your stomach without repercussions. In some cases it will be enough to choose a version with less fat, while in others you will have to find a different food, but just as satisfying.
For example, if you love sauces and chips, you can try replacing the chips with carrots, or cooking them in the oven instead of frying them, and dipping them in a light, homemade sauce, such as guacamole or a yogurt-based dressing, instead of the mayonnaise or in another ready-made sauce

Step 2. Get used to reading labels
This way you can avoid products that contain ingredients that are harmful to health, such as added sugars and trans fats. Read the nutrition label of all packaged foods and if they are high in fat, sugar or sodium, don't eat them.
- On the front of many products, it says whether it's a low-fat, low-sugar, or low-sodium food, but it's always best to check the nutrition label on the back to make sure it's really a healthy choice.
- Read also the list of ingredients. If you're trying to avoid a specific ingredient, such as sugar, oil, or wheat, you can easily figure out if a product is to be avoided by reading the ingredient list on the back of the label.

Step 3. Weigh everything you eat so as not to overdo the quantities
The weight of a single portion is indicated on the label of packaged foods. To make sure you don't exceed a person's recommended amount of fat and calories, you need to weigh or measure each food before eating it. Use a scale or liquid dispenser and follow the directions on the package to measure portions correctly.
- For example, if you want to make a pasta dish and season it with a ready-made sauce, read the directions on the pasta package and the sauce jar and use a scale and liquid dispenser to measure a single portion.
- Over the years, not only the portions in restaurants, but also those of packaged foods have increased. The size of bottles and packages has grown, so be careful, read the labels carefully and make sure you dose your portions well.

Step 4. Do not keep foods that are bad for your health at home so as not to fall into temptation
In order not to succumb to the lure of so-called junk food or any other food that is harmful to health, avoid buying it. If you don't have foods that are bad for you on hand, you won't be tempted to eat them. If necessary, sift through the contents of your pantry and refrigerator and throw out anything you shouldn't eat.
Talk to family members and roommates and arrange shelves for healthy food in the pantry and refrigerator. This way you will know that everything contained in those areas is healthy and safe to eat
Suggestion: When shopping at the supermarket, visit the departments that offer fresh food first. The healthiest and most genuine products are those that you can find in the departments dedicated to fresh fruit, vegetables, meat, fish and dairy products.

Step 5. Eat consciously to appreciate your food more and notice when you are full
If you stay focused at the table, you have the opportunity to slow down, eat less, digest better and enjoy each dish more. Eat sitting at the table, never standing, and try to keep a calm pace that allows you to finish the meal in about twenty minutes. Other strategies that can help you eat right are:
- Eliminate distractions during meals, for example turn off the TV and put away the mobile phone;
- Pay attention to the appearance and smell of food before starting to eat;
- Hold the fork or spoon with your non-dominant hand or use Chinese chopsticks;
- Chew slowly and savor each bite.

Step 6. Get help from a therapist to overcome nervous hunger
If you tend to eat to stave off negative feelings like boredom, sadness, or loneliness, you need to find ways to manage emotions and keep emotional hunger at bay. Nervous hunger leads you to eat even when you don't really need it, to choose unhealthy foods and to overdo the quantities. Learning to deal with negative emotions in other ways will help you develop healthier eating habits. Find a therapist who can help you overcome nervous hunger and set up a meeting.
- A good therapist can teach you to identify your emotions and take steps to feel better. There are a number of solutions that can help you relax and regain a good mood, such as walking, breathing deeply or listening to music.
- Ask your doctor for a referral to a qualified therapist.
Method 2 of 3: Choose Healthy Food and Drinks

Step 1. Fill half your plate with fruit and vegetables at each meal
They are both high in nutrients, fiber and low in calories than most other foods. At each meal, fill half of your plate with 1-2 servings of vegetables or fruit. they will help you feel full in a short time and for a long time.
- You can cook the vegetables as you like, for example steamed, in a pan or boiled in boiling water.
- If you prefer to eat raw vegetables, make a mixed salad as a side dish.
- When you're short on time, choose a whole fruit that you can eat on the fly, like a banana or an apple, or grab a portion of ready-made cooked fruit.

Step 2. Limit refined carbohydrates and include whole grains in your diet
In their integral version, carbohydrate-rich foods are healthier because they have a higher nutrient and fiber content. They also help you feel full longer and have energy for longer. Choose wholegrain bread, pasta and rice instead of the traditional refined version. The list of whole grains that are good for your health includes:
- Quinoa;
- Barley;
- Rye;
- Oats.

Step 3. Include a serving of lean protein in each meal
Proteins must always be present and take up about a quarter of the plate. High-protein foods include meat, fish, legumes, tofu, and eggs. Some dairy products are also high in protein, such as flaky cheese and Greek yogurt. Always go for lean proteins, for example you can choose between chicken breast, ground turkey meat, beans, tofu, egg whites and oily fish. This will reduce the intake of fat and cholesterol in favor of the overall health of the body.
Read the directions on the package to measure portions correctly. The recommended amount varies based on the protein source. For example, one serving of meat or fish equals about 90g, while one serving of beans or flaked cheese equals about 120g
Suggestion: You can reduce the fat content of the meat by removing the skin from the chicken or the fat from the steak.

Step 4. Limit your consumption of fats and oils
A healthy intake of fat corresponds to about 20-35% of the diet. For example, following a 2,000-calorie diet means you have to consume about 40-80g of fat per day as each gram equals 9 calories. Experts recommend choosing healthy fats, such as monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats, and limiting or avoiding those harmful to health such as saturated or trans fats. Include 2-3 servings of extra virgin olive oil, nuts, seeds, or avocados in your daily diet to provide the body with the right amount of healthy fats.
- Make sure the calories that come from saturated fat don't exceed 10% of your daily intake. For example, if you are on a 1,700-calorie-a-day diet, only 170 calories can come from saturated fat (the equivalent of about 20 g).
- Read all labels to find out if trans fats are present. If a food contains trans fat, don't buy or eat it. They are generally contained in margarine, vegetable fat used in pastry, soluble preparations and many packaged baked goods, such as snacks.

Step 5. Drink mainly water and limit or avoid sugary drinks
Water provides the body with the necessary hydration, and you don't need to drink anything else to stay healthy. If you like soft drinks, try to limit your consumption. Do not drink more than 250ml of fruit juice per day (the equivalent of one serving) and avoid fizzy or sugary drinks.
- There is no one-size-fits-all rule about how much water to drink each day. You should drink whenever you are thirsty. Check the color of your urine; if they are pale or transparent and you are not thirsty, it means that your body is well hydrated.
- Eliminate or moderate alcohol. Do not exceed the quota of one drink a day if you are a woman or two drinks if you are a man. One drink is equivalent to 330ml of beer, 150ml of wine or 45ml of liqueur.

Step 6. From time to time, treat yourself to something tasty and do not impose absolute prohibitions
It's important to make healthy choices most of the time, but sometimes there's nothing wrong with indulging in a treat. Provided you have a healthy daily diet, it is acceptable to indulge in a couple of slices of pizza, an ice cream or a slice of cake from time to time. Try to limit these occasions to 1-2 times a week and schedule them in advance to reduce the risk of overstretching.
- For example, you can decide to eat pizza on Friday night or ice cream on Sunday afternoon.
- Evaluate and record how many extra calories that allowance entails if you are following a calorie restricted diet. You can use a food diary or an app. For example, 2 slices of pizza equals about 600 calories, so it's best to plan a light lunch on Fridays to make ends meet.
Method 3 of 3: Share Meals and Snacks During the Day

Step 1. Know when you are really hungry
If you know how to recognize the signs of hunger, there is no risk of eating out of boredom or more than necessary. When you are not sure if you are hungry, think for a moment about when and how much you ate last time. If it's been more than three hours, you may be hungry. If, on the other hand, you ate less than three hours before, the urge to eat could arise from other reasons.
- If it's been less than three hours since your last meal, ask yourself a few questions before eating. You can use the "HALT" method to figure out if it is really hunger that drives you to eat. "HALT" stands for "Hungry", "Angry" (or "Anxious"), "Lonely" and "Tired", meaning hungry, angry (or anxious), lonely and tired. If it's not true hunger, ask yourself if you're feeling anger, anxiety, loneliness, or fatigue. If so, look for an alternative way to overcome these negative emotions.
- For example, if for some reason you feel angry (or anxious), try to define the cause of your mood. If you are feeling lonely, call a friend and set up a meeting rather than seeking solace in food. If you are tired, take a nap to feel better.

Step 2. Eat at regular intervals
By distributing meals and snacks evenly throughout the day, you will have the energy you need to cope with all your commitments. Eat a healthy breakfast as soon as you wake up for a good start to the day, a mid-morning snack, a nutritious and light lunch, a mid-afternoon snack, and then dinner at least three hours before you plan to go to bed.
Don't skip meals. The risk is to get extremely hungry for the next meal and overeat to compensate
Suggestion: Eat a hearty breakfast in the morning followed by snacks and light meals evenly distributed through the evening. This way you will be able to keep your energy levels high throughout the day.

Step 3. Dine early to give your digestive system a break
The body does not need fuel while resting and sleeping. If dinner is too close to bedtime, sleep quality can be affected; furthermore, the body will not be able to process food properly and will tend to store it in the form of unnecessary fat. You should stop eating at least three hours before bed to give your body a long and beneficial break between dinner and breakfast.
For example, schedule dinner for 7:00 pm if you intend to go to sleep at 10:30 pm, then stop eating until breakfast the next morning

Step 4. Try an intermittent fasting diet
You can eat normally, but within an 8-10 hour window which must correspond to the part of the day when you are normally most active. The intermittent fasting diet limits the time you can eat and gives your body more time to burn calories. As a result, you will tend to eat less. Consider what your daily commitments are and set a time window in which to insert all meals in accordance with your lifestyle.
For example, you can decide to place all meals in a time window that goes from 8:00 in the morning to 16:00. In this case you can have breakfast at 8:00, lunch at noon and dinner at 4:00 in the afternoon
- Try to cook most of your meals. When you prepare your own meals you know exactly what you eat and you can control your portions. It is also a good way to save money and ensure the body is healthy and quality ingredients.
- Avoid diets that limit your intake of important health macronutrients. Very restrictive diets bring good immediate results, but are not suitable for long-term follow-up.
- Treat yourself to something tasty from time to time. Don't be too rigid, what matters is that you eat healthily most of the time. Occasionally you can treat yourself to something you like: a scoop of ice cream, a square of chocolate or a glass of wine.
- Consult your doctor if you want to know what your ideal weight is and if you could benefit from losing or gaining weight.
- Talk to your doctor if you often find yourself fantasizing about food, it could be a sign of a nutrient deficiency. If you feel obsessed with diet or food, talk to your healthcare provider.