Finding yourself without an inhaler during an asthma attack can be a frightening experience, but there are methods you can try to calm down and regain control of your breathing. Once the attack is over, you can consider ways to prevent or at least reduce asthma attacks in the future.
Method 1 of 4: Regulate Breathing Without Inhaler

Step 1. Make a note of the time
Asthma attacks last for five to ten minutes, so look at your watch and notice what time it is. If you don't get back to normal breathing within fifteen minutes, seek medical attention.

Step 2. Stay seated or sit down if you are standing
Standing in a chair with your back straight is the best position to try to regain control of your breathing. Don't lean back or lie down, as it will be harder to breathe.

Step 3. Loosen tight clothes
Tight pants and tight-necked shirts can restrict breathing. Loosen any clothes that give you the impression that you are having a harder time breathing.

Step 4. Take deep, slow breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth
Try to relax your body and focus only on your breathing. You may find it helpful to slowly count to five as you inhale, then from five to zero as you exhale. Closing your eyes or focusing on an image or object can also help you stay calm as you try to regain control of your breath.
- As you inhale, try to bring the air up to your belly, using your diaphragm to push it out. This technique, known as diaphragmatic breathing, helps to take deeper breaths.
- To make sure you take deep, full breaths, try placing one hand on your stomach (just below your ribcage) and the other on your chest. As you breathe, you should notice that the hand on the chest remains stationary, while the hand on the belly rises and falls.

Step 5. Call 113 if your condition does not improve
If you are still having trouble breathing after 15 minutes, seek medical attention right away. You shouldn't wait that long if the attack is severe or if you feel very uncomfortable. Some of the signs that you should call an ambulance right away include:
- Not being able to pronounce complete sentences;
- Sweating caused by breathing difficulties;
- Rapid breathing;
- Pale or cyanotic complexion of nails or skin.
Method 2 of 4: Try Other Strategies

Step 1. Ask someone to sit with you
Telling another person that you have an asthma attack is a good idea in case you need to go to the hospital. You may also be able to relieve anxiety by knowing that someone will stay by your side until the attack is over.
If you are in a public place alone, you need to ask a stranger for help. Try saying, "I have an asthma attack and I don't have my inhaler. Would you mind staying with me until I can breathe normally again?"

Step 2. Have a cup of strong black coffee or tea
Drinking a cup or two of these drinks can help your body fight an asthma attack. The body turns caffeine into theophylline, an active ingredient in some asthma medications. The heat from the liquid also helps dissolve phlegm and mucus, making breathing easier.
Don't drink more than two cups of coffee or your heart rate may go too fast

Step 3. Try acupuncture
Pressing on the pressure points in the lungs can help relax muscles and regain control of breathing. Apply gentle pressure to the area in front of the shoulders, just above the armpits. Press one shoulder at a time, for the same amount of time, on both sides.
If there is someone who can help you, there is a pressure point on the inside of the shoulder blade as well, about an inch below the top tip. Ask a friend to press on those pressure points for a few minutes to relieve the asthma attack

Step 4. Use the steam to open the airways
Thanks to this remedy you will breathe better. If you are at home, open the hot shower and sit in the bathroom with the door closed for about 10-15 minutes. Breathing in the vapor can promote normal breathing.
You can also turn on a humidifier if you have one available, otherwise fill the bathtub with hot water and lean over it with a towel over your head to catch the steam

Step 5. Move to another place
In some cases, changing your environment can help you reduce stress, relax, and regain control of your breathing.
For example, if you are indoors, try moving from the kitchen to the living room. If you are in a public place, go to the bathroom for a few minutes or go outside
Method 3 of 4: Identify the Triggers

Step 1. Know the most common triggers
Asthma attacks can be caused by many different events and substances, so knowing how to recognize and avoid them is an important part of treating this condition. The most common triggers include:
- Allergens such as dust, pet hair, cockroaches, mold and pollen
- Irritants such as chemicals, cigarette smoke, smog and dust;
- Certain medications such as aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories and non-selective beta blockers;
- Chemical agents used to preserve food, such as sulphites;
- Upper respiratory infections, such as colds and other viral infections of the lungs
- Physical activity:
- Cold or dry air
- Conditions such as acid reflux, sleep apnea or stress.

Step 2. Write a diary to identify the factors that cause you asthma
One way to spot them is to write down the foods you eat and other factors you encounter. If you have an asthma attack, re-read what you wrote to check what you ate or what you did that may have caused it. In the future, avoid that food or trigger to reduce the likelihood of recurrence.
If you already know about the factors that cause you to get asthma, do everything you can to avoid them

Step 3. Get tested for food allergies
These allergies involve a specific type of immune system molecule, known as IgE, which causes the release of histamines and other allergy mediators. If you've noticed that your asthma attacks come after you've eaten, the trigger could be a food allergy. Consult an allergist and ask for a food allergy test.

Step 4. Determine if you have any food intolerances
These ailments are not on the same level as allergies, but they can still cause asthma attacks and are quite common. One study indicated that 75% of children with asthma also have food intolerances. To determine if that's the case for you too, pay attention to foods that appear to be causing asthma attacks and talk to your allergist about those reactions. The foods that most commonly cause intolerances are:
- Gluten (a protein found in all wheat products);
- Casein (a protein found in dairy products)
- Egg;
- Citrus fruits;
- Peanuts;
- Chocolate.
Method 4 of 4: Using Supplements

Step 1. Get more vitamin C
Vitamin C supplements have been shown to reduce the severity of asthma attacks. You can take 500 mg of vitamin C every day if you don't have kidney disease. You might also consider foods that are naturally rich in this vitamin, such as:
- Citrus fruits, for example oranges and grapefruits
- Berries;
- Cantaloupe melon;
- Kiwi;
- Broccoli;
- Sweet potatoes;
- Tomatoes.

Step 2. Eat foods that contain molybdenum
This mineral is present in trace amounts in many foods. The recommended daily dose for children up to 13 years is 22–43 mcg / day. For people over 14 it is 45 mcg. Pregnant and lactating women need 50 mcg / day. Almost all multivitamin supplements contain molybdenum, but you can also buy it on its own or take it by eating certain foods, such as:
- Beans;
- Lentils;
- Peas;
- Leafy vegetables
- Milk;
- Cheese;
- Dried fruit;
- Offal.

Step 3. Choose good sources of selenium
This mineral is needed for the biochemical reactions that control inflammation. If you are taking a supplement, choose one with selenomethionine, which is easier for your body to absorb. Do not take more than 200 mcg of selenium per day, as in high doses it can be toxic. Food sources include:
- Wheat;
- Crab;
- Liver;
- Poultry.

Step 4. Take a vitamin B6 supplement
This vitamin is used by more than 100 reactions that take place in our body. It can help reduce inflammation as well as support the immune system. Children ages one to eight should take 0.8mg per day as a supplement. Children from nine to thirteen 1 mg per day. Teenagers and adults should take 1.3-1.7 mg per day and pregnant or lactating women 1.9-2 mg per day. Foods richer in the easiest-absorbed form of vitamin B6 include:
- Salmon;
- Potatoes;
- Turkey;
- Chicken;
- Avocado;
- Spinach;
- Bananas.

Step 5. Add a vitamin B12 supplement
When levels of this vitamin are low, balancing them with a supplement can improve asthma symptoms. Children should take 0.9-1.2 mg per day of vitamin B12 as a supplement. Those nine to thirteen years old 1.8 mg per day. Teenagers and adults should take 2.4 mg per day and pregnant or lactating women 2.6-2.8 mg per day. Dietary sources of vitamin B12 include:
- Meat;
- Seafood;
- Fish;
- Cheese;
- Egg.

Step 6. Include good sources of Omega-3s
These fatty acids have an anti-inflammatory action. Aim for a total of 2000 mg per day of both EPA and DHA. You can find them in many foods, such as:
- Salmon;
- Anchovies;
- Mackerel;
- Herring;
- Sardines;
- Tuna;
- Nuts;
- Flax seed;
- Rapeseed oil.

Step 7. Try herbal supplements
Some herbs help treat asthma. Be sure to speak to your doctor before trying this solution, as certain herbs can interfere with medications. If you are taking supplements, follow the manufacturer's directions. To make herbal tea, steep one teaspoon of dried herb or three teaspoons of fresh herb in a cup of boiling water for ten minutes. Drink three to four cups a day of herbal teas made with the following herbs:
- Licorice root;
- lobelia inflata (Indian tobacco).