Wellbutrin, one of the names under which bupropion is marketed, is a drug that is commonly used to quit smoking and to fight depression. Classified as a dopamine and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (NDRI from English: norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor), it sometimes helps people who do not respond to other types of drugs. It is generally easier to stop using Wellbutrin than other anti-depressant drugs on the market. Nonetheless, the best way to stop taking Wellbutrin is to decrease its use under the guidance of a doctor who takes note of any side effects that may occur during the process.

Step 1. Talk to your doctor about your desire to decrease your Wellbutrin intake
Discuss your reasons for making this decision and determine with your doctor the best way to stop taking Wellbutrin. To make a tapering schedule, you need to take into consideration certain factors, such as the dosage and type of Wellbutrin you take.

Step 2. Implement and follow the program exactly as recommended by your doctor
Sometimes it requires patience, especially if physical withdrawal pains or depressive reactions do not seem to appear. For example, if during the first week of weaning from Wellbutrin your doctor instructs you to skip one day and then resume the next two days, do not change the program.

Step 3. Make a note of any unwanted effects that may appear during the tapering process
While many people have little or no difficulty in decreasing their Wellbutrin intake, others may have recurring headaches, stomach pain, irritability, and a return of depressive phenomena. By checking the nature and frequency of these effects, you can more easily determine if they intensify over time or if they slowly begin to calm down.

Step 4. Include a suitable diet and physical activity in your efforts to decrease Wellbutrin
Your doctor or nutritionist will help you develop a eating plan that takes into account any other health problems, while still giving your body and mind the nourishment it needs to function. Even light or moderate exercise, with the approval of your doctor, can contribute to the activity of neurotransmitters that help balance mood and increase the possibility of quitting Wellbutrin.

Step 5. Tell your doctor about your condition
While there are apparently no complications that emerge from stopping Wellbutrin, let your doctor know how you are. If no side effects occur, weaning can be accelerated or the drug cessation schedule can be reshaped to help alleviate some of the more serious side effects.
- In order for training to be useful in weaning Wellbutrin or any other drug taken against depression, it does not have to be strenuous. A brisk walk for 30 minutes each day, accompanied by other exercises and sun exposure, will help lift your mood and increase physical strength.
- Foods rich in B vitamins often help decrease the intake of any drug used to combat depression. A nutritionist can help you identify vitamin B-rich foods that are appropriate for your particular situation.