A neck strain is medically referred to as a trigger point for myofascial pain. These are specific areas where the muscles are under persistent stress, causing tension nodules to develop. These lumps tend to create painful, soft-to-the-touch areas that get worse in times of stress. To get rid of it, you need to combine massage techniques, apply heat, and find ways to relieve general stress. For more information, read on.
Method 1 of 3: Treating Tension Nodules at Home

Step 1. Massage the neck to relax the tense muscles
If the lump has just emerged and you think that the intervention of a masseur is not necessary, you can try massaging yourself at home. However, if the lump has been present for a long time, you should see a professional. Here are some tips for massaging tension lumps with your hands:
- Use your fingertips to rub the affected area in a firm, circular motion. Maintain the massage for a minute or two to see if it gives you some relief. You can also simply scrub back and forth, whichever type of movement you feel is most effective and comfortable for you.
- If you feel pain during the massage, you are probably pressing too hard. Start with a gentle touch, increasing the pressure if necessary. You should feel some pain, but it should be a 'good pain', soothing.
- As long as it doesn't cause too much pain, massage the area 1-5 times a day. Each session must not exceed five minutes, you must not overdo it. If you have trouble reaching the lumps with your hands, ask someone else to massage you.

Step 2. Roll a tennis ball over the lumps
While many people find relief only by massaging with their fingers, it is important to try different techniques to find the one that works best for you. Many people find the tennis ball useful.
- To use it effectively, lie on the floor and place the tennis ball under your neck at the approximate location of the tension lump.
- Adjust your body position until you feel "good" pressure on the tense area. The tennis ball must not press painfully into the neck.
- Move your neck and body up and down and side to side, allowing the tennis ball to roll over the knot. This helps release tension from the muscle and untie the knot.

Step 3. Use an electric warmer to increase blood flow to tense muscles
When the muscle has been subjected to stress for an extended period of time, the blood flow begins to decrease. This causes additional tension and pain. Applying heat allows the muscle to relax and relieve pain by increasing blood flow to the affected area.
- The heat also reduces the healing time, as the cells in the area will no longer be compressed. They need nutrients and oxygen, and in this way you allow them to function at an optimal level.
- If you have an electric warmer, hold it against the lumps in your neck for a few minutes, twice a day. If you don't have one, simply soak a clean cloth in warm water, wring it out, and use it as a warm compress.

Step 4. Take regular hot baths
These are also extremely helpful in relieving tension lumps in the neck, for the same reason as hot packs. In fact, they increase blood flow within the body, allowing tense muscles to relax.
- Place a neck support by placing a towel or bath pillow on the edge of the tub. This is important because, if the neck gets into an awkward position, the situation worsens further.
- You can add Epsom salts to the water to make the bath even healthier. Epsom salts are used to relieve muscle pain and reduce inflammation. For best results, dissolve a cup or two in the tub water before entering it.
- Another possible alternative is to add essential oils such as lavender or chamomile oil to facilitate relaxation and relieve stress.
Method 2 of 3: Look for Medical Treatments

Step 1. Make an appointment with a massage therapist
If the tension nodules in your neck persist despite massages and applying heat at home, you should consult a qualified massage therapist for more professional treatment.
- Depending on the severity of the tension, you will be able to do one-hour sessions, several times a week. This way you can loosen the most stubborn knots. When you have dissolved these too, you can continue the treatment at home to prevent them from reforming in the future.
- The longer you leave a knot, the harder it will be to get rid of it; so if you've noticed that one is forming, book an appointment with an experienced massage therapist as soon as possible.
- He will be able to apply the right pressure on the affected muscles to loosen any knots. This pressure may feel soft or even painful at first, but it will be of great benefit.

Step 2. See a physical therapist who can help you get rid of the lumps and prevent them from re-forming
Physical therapy is a great choice when any part of the body is experiencing high levels of tension. Physical therapy is all about working with your body to achieve optimal results. The physical therapist can use both active and passive therapy.
- Active therapy: This is all about action and restoring physical balance. This includes: stretching, strengthening muscles through exercise, exercises to relieve pain, and aerobic activity (low impact, of course).
- Passive therapy: This therapy does not require any muscle movement, but only involves the use of hot packs or ice, electrical stimulation and ultrasound.

Step 3. Practice acupuncture to relieve pressure
It is an alternative medicine that uses small needles to puncture the skin at specific acupoints throughout the body, relieving pressure and pain.
- While you may be skeptical of this alternative technique, you will find that it is not painful. If nothing else, it is less painful than manual massage of tension nodules. The idea of having needles in the skin can scare someone, but this method will surprise you and will not be what you expect.
- The needles are very thin, with a rounded tip. When inserted, they don't puncture any blood vessels or nerves, so they don't cause any bleeding or pain. The needle creates the sensation of a pinch, followed by pressure and finally you will feel relief.
- Talk to your doctor to refer you to a specialized and qualified acupuncturist in your area.
Method 3 of 3: Reduce Overall Stress Levels

Step 1. Commit to reducing stress at work
There is no doubt that stress, both mental and physical, is common in the workplace.
- In terms of physical stress on your muscles, avoid sitting in one place for a long time. Walk for a while, move, so as to restore natural movement to the muscles.
- In terms of mental stress, if there are aspects in your job that are causing you an excessive amount of pressure, it brings about a change, such as reducing hours or even looking for a new job.
- If there is a specific person at work that creates tension, try talking to them to try to solve the problem.
- If you want to learn more about how to reduce stress in the workplace, read this article.

Step 2. Exercise for 30 minutes a day, five times a week
Physical activity is great for relieving stress and anxiety, but also for promoting health in general. For best results, try to train five times a week, for 30 minutes or an hour each time.
- Find an activity that you enjoy doing, so it will be easier to stay constant. It could be running, swimming, kickboxing, zumba or pilates - anything that allows your blood to flow and increase your heart rate. Remember that regardless of any type of exercise you do, you must always do some stretching first.
- If you are not exercising right now but want to start, talk to your doctor. He will help you come up with a training plan suited to your current fitness levels.
- If you want to find some ideas for dealing with stress with exercise, read this article.

Step 3. Drink to avoid dehydration
This is a very important factor. Headaches are often caused by lack of hydration. The same goes for the muscles, the lack of water makes them tense and stressed. Therefore, you need to make sure you have the right amount of water throughout the day in order to prevent muscle stress.
- Aim to drink 6-8 glasses of water a day. If you feel thirsty, it means that you are already dehydrated. Keep a bottle of water on your desk, so you can sip it throughout the day.
- To stay hydrated, you can also drink green tea and herbal teas, eat fruits and vegetables that are high in water, such as tomatoes, cucumbers and watermelon.

Step 4. Eat healthily to help the body cope with stress
A nutrient-rich diet is important in terms of stress levels. The body always tries to find a balance between the different systems, digestive, blood, etc. When it is not balanced, health problems begin and the body gets stressed.
- Try to get more B vitamins into your diet. You can do this by eating foods like chicken, fish, grains, and green leafy vegetables.
- It is also important to ensure the right amount of potassium (found in bananas, sweet potatoes, lentils and avocados) and calcium (milk, cheese, yogurt, sardines) in your diet.
- If you want to know more about how to eat a healthy diet, read this article.

Step 5. Meditate often to promote relaxation
Meditation is a great way to relax. More and more people are able to benefit from meditation and yoga for stress relief. Both of these techniques teach you to perform deep breathing exercises, which are a great way to eliminate any stressful situation.
- You can take meditation and yoga classes, or you can practice both techniques in the comfort of your home. To meditate, all you need is a quiet, comfortable space where you can close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
- For more information on how to start meditating, you can read this article, while if you want to know how to practice yoga and do deep breathing, click this link and and this..