How to dissolve the nodules: how effective are natural remedies?

Table of contents:

How to dissolve the nodules: how effective are natural remedies?
How to dissolve the nodules: how effective are natural remedies?

Nodules are lumps of tissue caused by abnormal growth of skin cells and can appear in multiple areas of the body. Although most lumps are benign, some are cancerous in nature and it is therefore important to refer them to a doctor for a diagnosis. If you have a benign lump, try treating it with one of the natural remedies proposed in this article and try to follow the directions given to change your lifestyle and acquire healthier habits.


Part 1 of 2: Using Natural Remedies

Dissolve Nodules Naturally Step 1
Dissolve Nodules Naturally Step 1

Step 1. See your doctor and make sure your lump is not cancerous in nature

If you have a lump or symptom that makes you think you have one, see your doctor. Thanks to his diagnosis you will be sure that it is not a tumor or a symptom related to some different pathology. The same doctor may suggest some natural remedies to loosen the lump.

  • Nodules are subcutaneous growths. They can be made up of liquids, skin tissues, or both.
  • They can resemble acne, cysts, tumors and skin abscesses and it is therefore important to consult a doctor to determine their exact nature.
  • Nodules can form anywhere on the body, but most commonly occur close to the thyroid, lungs, armpits, groin, and vocal cords.
Dissolve Nodules Naturally Step 2
Dissolve Nodules Naturally Step 2

Step 2. If you have lumps in the thyroid area, get more iodine

A deficiency in iodine can be the cause of lump formation around the thyroid. Taking iodine supplements or foods that are rich in iodine can help you minimize or prevent them.

  • You can purchase an iodine supplement at a drugstore or herbalist's shop. Follow the dosage instructions on the package, the advice is to take at least 150 μg of iodine per day.
  • In many countries, and today also in Italy, iodine is added to table salt, so it is possible that you will ingest enough thanks to the daily use of salt.
  • Alternatively, you can get iodine through some specific foods, including fish, seafood, dairy, eggs, and meat.
Dissolve Nodules Naturally Step 3
Dissolve Nodules Naturally Step 3

Step 3. Use Chinese herbs

When taken daily, Chinese herbal supplements, including hijiki seaweed and ginseng, can help dissolve lumps naturally. There is not much scientific evidence to support this thesis, but holistic and oriental medicine experts consider them valid natural remedies for the treatment of nodules.

  • The anti-inflammatory properties of ginseng can help reduce the size of thyroid nodules. Taking ginseng extract daily can help you heal.
  • Hijiki seaweed (Sargassum fusiforme) is rich in iodine and can aid in the healing of thyroid nodules. Taking three cups of hijiki seaweed herbal tea daily can help reduce the size of the lumps and prevent them from returning.
  • A study aimed at highlighting the healing properties of Chinese herbs on nodules did not prove their real effectiveness.
Dissolve Nodules Naturally Step 4
Dissolve Nodules Naturally Step 4

Step 4. Try dissolving the lipomas with apple cider vinegar and honey

If you have a lipoma, a subcutaneous lump made up of fat cells, make and take a mixture of apple cider vinegar and honey every day. This compound could help dissolve or reduce it.

  • In a cup containing 240ml of cold distilled water, add 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon of honey. Stir and drink the mixture, repeat three times a day to help reduce the size of the lipoma.
  • Proponents of this remedy believe that apple cider vinegar promotes weight loss and therefore reduces fat accumulations.
Dissolve Nodules Naturally Step 5
Dissolve Nodules Naturally Step 5

Step 5. Prevent lump formation with herbal teas

Taking a herbal tea daily, such as common centocchio or bamboo, helps reduce the size of the nodules. This treatment also helps prevent them from coming back.

  • Bring 240 ml of water to a boil and add a teaspoon of common centocchio. Drink this natural remedy at least twice a day.
  • Bring 240ml of water to a boil and add a teaspoon of leafy green tea. Drink this natural remedy at least twice a day.
  • You can prepare an herbal tea with dried bamboo leaves to prevent mucus formation, making a further contribution to the dissolution process of the nodules.
Dissolve Nodules Naturally Step 6
Dissolve Nodules Naturally Step 6

Step 6. Use Bentonite (or Native Colloidal Clay)

Bentonite can aid in the absorption and expulsion of toxins from the body, including those that can cause lumps. Taking bentonite daily or using it to make a skin mask will help dissolve and prevent lumps.

  • On a daily basis, mix a teaspoon of bentonite with water to help remove toxins from the body and dissolve and prevent nodules.
  • Apply a bentonite-based mask on the neck to help expel harmful toxins from the body, and consequently dissolve the nodules. This treatment also helps to prevent its formation.
Dissolve Nodules Naturally Step 7
Dissolve Nodules Naturally Step 7

Step 7. Apply a honey or green tea mask

Make a mask using honey or green tea to help reduce the size of the lumps. Both remedies are particularly effective for treating acne nodules.

  • Make a honey skin mask by mixing a teaspoon of raw honey with one of the following ingredients: avocado, lemon juice, egg white, coconut oil, or yogurt.
  • Infuse a green tea bag in a small amount of boiling water, then make a green tea mask by adding two tablespoons of plain yogurt.
  • You can make a green tea and honey mask by adding two teaspoons of honey to 240ml of green tea.

Part 2 of 2: Changing Your Lifestyle

Dissolve Nodules Naturally Step 8
Dissolve Nodules Naturally Step 8

Step 1. Avoid all greasy and fatty foods

Avoiding them will help keep your digestive and lymphatic systems healthy, while also promoting weight loss. These measures can help dissolve existing nodules and prevent new ones from forming.

  • Also, do not eliminate healthy fats, such as those found in avocados, nuts, oilseeds (including flaxseeds) and lean proteins. Healthy fats can help you stay healthy and even lose weight.
  • Strive to avoid fried foods, including chips and breaded and fried meats and vegetables. Not only do they make you fat, they may also make the condition of the lumps worse.
Dissolve Nodules Naturally Step 9
Dissolve Nodules Naturally Step 9

Step 2. Avoid mucus producing foods

Some foods stimulate the body's production of mucus. Avoiding them will help you heal and prevent lumps.

Among the foods that cause the production of mucus we can certainly include: dairy products, such as butter and cheese, fried foods, pasta and even tofu

Dissolve Nodules Naturally Step 10
Dissolve Nodules Naturally Step 10

Step 3. Reduce the amount of sugar you eat

By causing bodily inflammation, sugar can damage the immune system. By reducing the amount taken, you can help dissolve the nodules and prevent their reappearance.

You can satisfy your sweet tooth by eating delicious fruit, including raspberries, strawberries and mangoes. Note that citrus fruits can help reduce the size of the lumps, so don't neglect oranges, tangerines, etc

Dissolve Nodules Naturally Step 11
Dissolve Nodules Naturally Step 11

Step 4. Eat more fish and seafood

Fish and seafood are iodine-rich foods. Eating larger amounts of fish, such as salmon, or seafood, such as shrimp, will help dissolve and prevent lumps.

Fish and seafood are particularly effective in treating thyroid nodules

Dissolve Nodules Naturally Step 12
Dissolve Nodules Naturally Step 12

Step 5. Exercise

Exercising regularly helps you stay healthy and promotes proper functioning of the lymphatic system, thereby helping to dissolve and prevent lumps.

Exercising can help you lose weight, further helping to reduce the size of the lumps

Dissolve Nodules Naturally Step 13
Dissolve Nodules Naturally Step 13

Step 6. Don't strain your voice

If you have lumps in the vocal cords, avoid talking for long periods of time and refrain from yelling or speaking very loudly to avoid aggravating the situation.

Keep your vocal cords hydrated. When dry they do not close properly and tend to rub against each other, causing hoarseness, swelling and, in the long run, the formation of lumps

Dissolve Nodules Naturally Step 14
Dissolve Nodules Naturally Step 14

Step 7. Make sure that the products for your personal hygiene and the detergents you use to clean the environment in which you live are free of harmful substances

Cosmetic and cleaning products that contain petrochemicals, sodium laurisulfate, SLS, DEA, and propylene glycol can damage the endocrine system and cause lump formation. To loosen existing lumps and prevent others from forming, avoid products that contain these harmful substances.