Puberty isn't easy to deal with, but understanding it is the key to dealing with it. One of the hardest questions all pre-teens ask themselves is, "Has it already begun?" Well, listen, if you notice any of the signs listed below, it is quite possible that you are going through puberty.

Step 1. Don't jump to conclusions
It is very common for pre-teens to start obsessively looking for signs that they have entered puberty and believe they are finding indications that actually mean nothing. To get started, get it out of your head that you MUST have entered puberty.

Step 2. Hair, hair everywhere
A fairly obvious sign that indicates that you are already passing through it is when you start to notice hairs where there were none before. For boys this includes the mustache, chin hair and other areas. These hairs first start growing in small stumps and then spread out to cover the entire face.

Step 3. Girls will notice chest flaps which indicate that their breasts are developing
Remember, don't be embarrassed to ask a trusted adult to get you a bra. Breast is a very delicate part of the female body and it could hurt you. Talk to a trusted adult if this is the case. It might be a good idea to talk to a woman or girl about it and get her to buy you a bra. Signs that your breasts are developing are nipples showing through your shirt, chest pain, or slight movement. There is no reason to be scared!

Step 4. The dreaded menstruation
For girls, the most obvious sign of the onset of puberty is the first menstruation. In the beginning, they will be quite irregular, but as time goes by, the cycle will become regular. This is a sign that shows with certainty that you are going through puberty.

Step 5. The scourge of acne
Acne is a common symptom in adolescence, and is caused by increased secretion of oils and fats in the pores and by bacteria that cause infections. If you have acne, you have almost certainly entered puberty.

Step 6. Don't look at me
You suddenly feel embarrassed about your body. It seems to you that everyone is watching you, and you can no longer stand up in front of a large number of people. If you are suddenly feeling this way, you are probably starting to go through puberty.

Step 7. You feel butterflies in your stomach
People of the opposite sex seem much more interesting to you, all of a sudden, and you feel uncomfortable while you are in their company. If this is you, puberty has probably arrived.

Step 8. You need to look your best
You find yourself obsessed with your appearance. Girls might ask themselves: "Am I curvy enough?" The boys, on the other hand, will ask themselves something like: "Am I manly enough?". If you're asking yourself these kinds of questions, you've probably entered puberty.

Step 9. You are very hungry
Suddenly, you feel a strong desire to try new foods - you want to eat more and more! If your appetite has increased like never before, there is a possibility that you have entered that phase.

Step 10. Grow visibly
While before it took you a year to grow by two centimeters, now you are increasing in height visibly. If you fit this description and are between ten and thirteen, you are probably becoming an adult.

Step 11. You have emotional fluctuations
If you go from being incredibly happy to fierce anger or absolute sadness and you can't even explain why, you may have hormonal changes that are a symptom of puberty. Especially boys get angry very easily without understanding why.

Step 12. You drown in your sweat
It may sound gross and it is - the smell is not very pleasant. If your sweat smells stronger and you find yourself sweating more often, even if you're not hot, you may have another pubertal symptom.

Step 13. Talk to your parents
If you notice any or all of these signs, it's time to talk to mom and dad about them. It may seem like a difficult thing to you, but during puberty, communication is the key to avoiding going off the rails. Your parents have been through this, and therefore they will be able to help you!
- It is possible to become infatuated with someone even in childhood before puberty, so do not assume that you are going through this phase just because you have a crush.
- If you are sweating a lot, it might be an idea to buy some deodorant - people who smell are not very popular!
- Don't let your peers get strange ideas about puberty into your head
- Puberty can be scary, so it can't be stressed enough how necessary it is for you to talk to your parents about it.
- Ask your parents to get you a book on puberty. You should find us the answers to many of your questions.
- It's best if you talk to your same-sex parent who has experienced exactly what you are feeling. Or talk to both of your parents together. If not, you will most likely be confused and disoriented.
- Don't let your anger get the better of you! You may end up losing your friends. Talk to your parents if you feel like you are losing control.
- There is a lot of misinformation out there! Be on your guard, especially if you search for information on the Internet. A book is probably the safest solution.