Who doesn't want bigger bibs? To strengthen the chest muscles and make them more evident, focus your exercises on the pectorals, following the most suitable training techniques and eat a diet aimed at increasing muscle mass. In this article you will find tips on how to develop your pecs in no time.
Part 1 of 3: Exercises to Increase the Pectorals

Step 1. Do push-ups
This often overlooked exercise focuses on the shoulders and upper muscles. Lie face down and leave with your hands aligned behind your shoulders, legs stretched out behind you. Push your body away from the floor using your hands until your elbows are straightened, then return to the starting position.
- Do 3 sets of 15 or as many as possible before you get tired. Increase as your strength increases.
- Push-ups are also good for triceps and shoulders (deltoids).
- Try this variation: raise your legs by placing your feet on a block or step. This will emphasize the work on the shoulders and upper chest muscles.

Step 2. Flat bench
This has always been the most popular chest exercise, and for good reason. Equip a barbell with weights suitable for your physical level. Lie on the bench with your feet on the ground. Lower the bar until it almost touches your chest then raise it perpendicularly.
- To increase muscle mass and hypertrophy, it would be recommended to perform 8 to 12 repetitions 1-3 times. This will help the blood to carry glycogen through the body, calories will be burned more easily and you can continue training with the help of adrenaline.
- You can also use the incline bench. In this case the upper pecs will work more. The downward sloping bench, on the other hand, is used for the lower pectorals. Most people don't do this type of exercise which is essential for getting a well-sculpted chest.

Step 3. Push-ups on the bar
Position yourself in front of the tool formed by parallel bars. Pushing the bars down, lift your body up. This exercise can be exhausting and give you some trouble at first. However, it is one of the best for stimulating the pectorals and making them develop in a short time.

Step 4. Focus on the pecs separately
Get in the push-up position and do one. Hold for 3 seconds then shift your weight onto your right hand and foot. Raise your left hand and foot as if doing a side jumping jack. Hold the position for 3 seconds. Repeat with the left side. Always hold for 3 seconds.
Part 2 of 3: Techniques to Remember While Exercising to Gain Muscle Mass

Step 1. Don't strain your muscles too much
Many make the mistake of lifting weights every day on the false myth that more training means bigger muscles. In reality, it's the opposite, working too hard is at the expense of gaining: muscles swell on rest days between loosening, when the tissue repairs itself. To make sure you don't overtrain, follow these tips:
- Exercise your pecs no more than twice a week. Alternate with other muscle groups such as those in the legs, arms and back.
- Do not train for more than 30 minutes per session. You risk damaging your muscles and having to stay still for a while instead of continuing to build your strength and mass.

Step 2. Do your best
When you exercise, you have to give one hundred percent. Challenge yourself to lift as much weight as you can without jeopardizing your muscles. To find out how much you could lift, do reps with different weights. You should be able to do 8 - 10 without needing to put the weights back down, but by the end you should be sweaty and out of breath.
- If you can't do more than 5 without stopping, then you are lifting too much weight. Decrease it. You will be able to increase it again as your strength increases.
- If you can do 10 without feeling burned, add weight. You need to power up if you want to gain mass.

Step 3. Do the exercises correctly
Have a personal trainer, instructor, or senior gym member follow you so they can show you how to do the movements correctly. You should usually start with your arms fully extended and use your muscles, not momentum, to complete each step.
- Getting it wrong can ruin the muscle, so make sure you know what you're doing.
- If you can't complete a sequence with a certain weight, it may be too heavy for you. For example, if you can't reach your arms while on the bench press, drop the weight.
Part 3 of 3: Targeted Diet

Step 1. Don't ingest too many calories
People often believe that to have big muscles you have to eat a lot. Naturally, you will need to consume calories to energize your body in training, but not so many that you won't be able to shed fat. Having a lean physique helps to emphasize the muscles you are trying to define.
- Avoid carbohydrates like pasta, white bread, pastries, cookies, and other baked goods. Go for whole foods.
- Don't eat too many processed or fried foods; limit fast food and snacks.

Step 2. Fill up on protein
Protein is the building blocks of muscle and you will need a lot of it if you want a good chest. You can get protein from many sources, not just meat. Consider these options:
- Lean meats such as chicken, fish, beef and lean pork cuts
- Low-fat eggs and dairy products;
- Dried fruits and legumes;
- Kale, spinach and other protein vegetables
- Tofu and soy.

Step 3. Consider taking supplements
Many people who do muscle exercises take creatine, a powdered amino acid mixed with water and taken three or more times a day. It is considered safe by the FDA as it is made from the same proteins that our body naturally produces.
You may also want to consider making a protein shake; it is one of the best beneficial solutions for gaining muscle mass
- Don't stop exercising just because you don't see results right away. In time, they will come.
- There is no shortage of protein for vegetarians. Soy products (usually the richest in protein) are found in all markets and supermarkets.
- Motivate yourself to reach the maximum: the harder you work, the better results you will get!
- Make sure you get the right amount of sleep if you exercise consistently. It is important to rest so that the muscles can increase.
- Consistency is the key! Don't skip meals and diet.
- While exercising, you need to remember to provide your body with vitamins as well. So include fruit, vegetables, grains (few) and try to get sugar only through fruit.
- Concentrate. If you do not feel muscle tension (tremor), you are not working well or are using little weight. Also remember not to rush your movements. Slow and accurate repetitions are better than fast and incorrect ones.
- Allow at least 100 hours between workouts of the same muscle group, especially if you have sore muscles.
- Get 0.5 to 1 gram of protein per half pound of your body. You can get them from meat, poultry, milk, beans, legumes, fish (tuna is low in fat and calories but a lot of protein) and eggs which are an inexpensive source.
- Swim. It is perfect for strengthening the upper body.
- Never leave with too much weight. Always start small or you risk a strain.
- Never go into overtraining, you risk getting injured even seriously.
- Always consult your doctor before starting a workout.