Professional wrestlers and action movie stars know how to intimidate just by contracting their muscles. If you want to learn how to make pectorals dance like Hulk Hogan and Arnold Schwarzenegger, read this article, it will also help you focus your training on your chest muscles.
Part 1 of 2: Contract the Bibs

Step 1. Do exercises to circulate the blood
If you want to try to get your pecs to dance right away, do twenty pushups. Whenever you want to make your pecs look bigger and toned, let them work for a minute. This will increase blood flow to the muscle, causing it to swell and allow you to contract it more visibly.
If you've just finished your workout, this is the perfect time to stand in front of the mirror and check if you can already make your pecs dance. It will take some time, but you will always have better results after a workout

Step 2. Go to the mirror
To make your pecs dance, you just need to squeeze them, but they will need to be large enough for the spasm to be visible. If you want to train, do it right: go in front of the mirror in the weight room or at home and take off your shirt, so you can see your chest better.
To maintain muscle memory it is a good idea to always practice in front of the mirror, so as to match the sensation of the contraction to the effect you want. You may feel like the muscle is dancing a lot, but the mirror might tell you otherwise

Step 3. Contract your pectoral muscles
In front of the mirror, after having trained your muscles well, stand with your arms on your hips and try to contract your pectorals. It will be easy if you have just trained them. If you feel them burning, you will be able to tell very quickly if you are doing it right.
- Bring your upper arm (humerus) towards your chest and you should feel your pectoral contract. This is one of the functions of the muscle - to rotate the upper arm.
- Don't worry about squeezing your pecs one at a time just yet, just learn to squeeze them both on command. This will be difficult at first.
- Most people are not used to contracting their pecs on purpose. But once you have learned to identify these muscles, it will be as easy as twitching your bicep.

Step 4. Try to isolate each bib
The more you practice and the more you train your pecs, the more you will be able to feel them to the point of contracting them separately. Try to isolate them, and contract them one at a time. When you can do it, keep trying until you can get them to dance.
Keep practicing. Some people have to lift weights for a long time before they can succeed in this technique. If you can get to the point of contracting your pecs independently, you are well on your way

Step 5. Maintain your pecs
Once you've figured out how to do this, it's important to make an effort to keep your chest strong and prominent. Making the pecs dance does not depend much on the technique, but more on the mass of the muscles. If you can do it, congratulations. Now continue to train your chest.
Part 2 of 2: Making the Bibs Bigger

Step 1. Start exercising your chest regularly
If you can't get your pecs to dance the way you want them to, they're probably not big enough. There is no shame. It takes a rather large chest to bounce it like bodybuilders do. This is what makes the technique impressive. Do you want to make your bibs dance? Keep training them.
Incorporate chest exercises into your training program. Even just one dedicated exercise per week can allow you to get your pectorals swollen in just a few weeks. Keep training

Step 2. Do bench presses
Training your upper arms and chest is the best way to get pecs big enough to dance. The best exercise for this purpose is the good old bench press. Aim for a high number of reps with a manageable weight to start burning your pecs.
- Depending on your experience level, it will be better to start with more or less weight. Ideally, you should choose a weight that challenges you for all reps, but doesn't stop you from completing all of them. 3 sets of 10 or 15 reps with a short break between sets are a common choice.
- Also practice the incline bench to work all areas of the chest. Use similar amounts of weight and reps.

Step 3. Do push-ups
Don't have the lifting equipment? Do like George Foreman and train your pecs with push-ups. Plyometric exercises like these, in which you use your body weight as resistance, are a great way to gain muscle mass, and the fast response fibers needed to make it dance. Complete a few sets of pushups, as slowly as possible to really feel your muscles burn.
Wide-handed pushups and incline pushups are great exercises for working out all areas of the pectorals. If you want strong, aesthetically-pleasing muscles, don't limit yourself to just traditional pushups

Step 4. Fly with dumbbells
This is undoubtedly the best exercise to increase the mass of the pectorals. Lie on a bench with two dumbbells of the same weight in your hands, raise your arms straight above you, then drop them to the side of your body, keeping your arms slightly contracted. Bring your arms back up to complete one rep. Use weights that challenge you throughout the series.
If you have the option of using a weight room, you can use the chest machine to perform a similar exercise from a seated position

Step 5. Train the rest of your body as well
Chest workouts will have to be part of a full body workout, or they won't be very useful.
Be very careful not to train your pecs too much. Chest exercises should be part of a complete body workout and not be an isolated activity. There are no shortcuts to getting your bibs to dance like Arnold

Step 6. Eat a diet high in lean protein and low in fat
To strengthen the chest muscles, workouts and a diet that favors proteins are essential. Chicken, legumes, vitamin-rich vegetables, and whole grains will need to make up a large part of your diet.
You can work out your chest as long as you want, but if you continue to eat pizza and sandwiches every day, the muscles will be hidden by a layer of fat
- At first, lift your arms and fold them in front of your chest to make it easier to contract your pecs. When your pectorals are bigger it won't be needed anymore. When you can contract your pecs with your arms on your hips, then you will also be able to make them dance.
- When doing push-ups, follow the traditional technique.