What's better in a hot summer than a handful of roasted, salty and savory peanuts? Roasted peanuts have a more intense flavor than raw ones and are an ideal snack, at parties and on anniversaries. They are also perfect for flavoring some baked goods. Believe it or not, roasting peanuts is a simple and fun job. Follow the instructions in this tutorial to make this delicious snack in no time.
- Peanuts with or without shell (as many as you want)
- Salt to taste (optional)
- Other flavors to taste (optional)
Method 1 of 2: Roasting the Peanuts

Step 1. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C
While you wait for it to reach the desired temperature, you can proceed with the next steps.

Step 2. Decide if you want to cook peanuts with or without shells
The procedure doesn't change much; however, there are a few things to consider before starting:
- Shelled peanuts are easier to turn into peanut butter and incorporate into baked goods, as you won't have to remove them from their shells once roasted. If you have decided to make peanut butter, use Spanish varieties, as they have a higher fat content. If you wish, you can remove the skin from the legumes with your fingers before cooking them, although you can do it without difficulty after roasting (read the following steps).
- Peanuts still enclosed in pods should be rinsed quickly in cold water to remove traces of soil. Then remove the excess water by dabbing them with kitchen paper and wait for them to dry in the air for another five minutes; to do this, arrange the vegetables on a metal grid.

Step 3. Arrange the peanuts on a dripping pan or cookie sheet
The peanuts should form a single layer so that they roast evenly. If you have too many legumes to make a single layer, then you will need to cook them in several batches.
To make subsequent cleaning operations easier, line the dripping pan with baking paper or aluminum foil. However, be aware that it is not essential as with other preparations, since peanuts do not stick to the pan

Step 4. Toast the peanuts in the oven
Place the baking tray or drip pan on the central shelf of the appliance, this way you can be sure that they will cook completely. Set a timer and relax, you won't have to flip the peanuts as they cook. Depending on the variety of espagnolette you are toasting, preparation times vary:
- If the peanuts are unshelled, cook them for 15-20 minutes.
- If they still have the shell, toast them for 20-25 minutes.

Step 5. Remove the peanuts
Keep in mind that they will continue to cook a little longer after taking them out of the oven; be very careful at this stage, because both the dripping pan and the peanuts are hot (especially the shelled ones). Place the baking sheet in a safe place as it cools down, such as on top of the unlit stove.

Step 6. Let the peanuts cool and flavor them before eating
When they are cold enough to be touched with bare hands, they are ready to eat. They are great natural, but you can also season them with a pinch of salt (no more than a teaspoon or two). Enjoy your meal!
Method 2 of 2: Variants

Step 1. Try peeling the shelled peanuts
The thin skin that surrounds each legume is not dangerous and many people, in fact, prefer to leave it on the peanuts rather than eat them "naked". However, if you wish, you can eliminate this part with a salad spinner. Roll the peanuts in your hands over a salad spinner and gradually drop them into the container. When you have added all the legumes, close the juicer and turn it on until almost all (if not all) of the espagnolette are peeled. There may be some residue left that you will need to peel off by hand.
Here is an alternative technique to remove the skin from the peanuts: first place the toasted legumes in a jar or a similar and agitated container; alternatively, wrap them in a cloth and wipe them. Pour the peanuts out of the container and take the container outdoors where the wind will blow away the dry skin

Step 2. Be creative with the flavors
You really need a few ingredients to make natural, roasted peanuts even more delicious. There is no "right way" to season peanuts, but here you will find some good suggestions:
- With a sprinkle of cinnamon and brown sugar they will make a delicious sweet snack.
- To enhance the flavor of these legumes, mix some Cajun seasoning with a little salt.
- Cayenne pepper powder, garlic powder, and smoked paprika make these peanuts a little spicy, just like they are eaten in the southwestern states of the US.

Step 3. Make some glazed espagnolette
Liquid flavorings are perfect for glazing these legumes and giving them an intense and seductive flavor. However, if you want the perfect result, you should season the peanuts before roasting them. Brush them with a light layer of icing and toast them as usual. Since you are using liquid ingredients, it is worth protecting the dripping pan with parchment paper.
Again there are hundreds of possibilities. A classic example is honey peanuts. To make the glaze, mix the honey and melted butter in equal parts, mixing them until you get a uniform mixture. For half a kilo of espagnolette, 30 ml of honey and the same amount of butter should be sufficient. Brush the vegetables with the glaze, sprinkle them with salt and put them in the oven. Cook them as usual

Step 4. Grind the peanuts to turn them into butter
Believe it or not, you can make all-natural peanut butter by simply grinding these shelled and roasted legumes. Cut, chop or grind them until you get a smooth paste. Read this article to get all the detailed instructions. As previously written, Spanish variety peanuts, which have a higher oil content, are more suitable for this preparation. You can use a food processor, a blender, or choose a manual solution with a pestle and mortar to achieve the smooth, creamy texture of peanut butter.
- If you love this butter with crunchy pieces, then chop a handful of peanuts and then add them to the now blended mixture.
- Some cooks also add a pinch of honey, molasses, salt, or other ingredients to flavor the butter. However, it's also delicious plain.
- Peanuts, technically, are legumes and not nuts. They have a high nutritional value and contain healthy monounsaturated fats.
- Since peanuts are high in fat, you should flavor them as soon as you take them out of the oven. You don't need a lot of ingredients because the hot fat will absorb the flavors, so you won't end up with the salt and flavorings on the bottom of the pan and some bland, sloppy peanuts.
- When freshly roasted, peanuts are hot due to their high fat content. Handle them carefully and always supervise children when they are in the kitchen, while you are using heat sources.
- Roasting doesn't make peanuts safe for people with nut allergies.