3 Ways to Dehydrate Oranges

3 Ways to Dehydrate Oranges
3 Ways to Dehydrate Oranges

Table of contents:


Dehydrated oranges have a pungent taste and an inviting appearance that makes them a great appetizer or decoration to pair with cocktails, teas and other beverages. In turn, the dehydrated peels have the ability to accentuate the flavor and aroma of a wide variety of dishes. If stored properly, these authentic delights can last for months or even years. The whole slices can be dehydrated using the dryer or more simply the oven, while the rinds can be dried in the sun in a completely natural way.


Method 1 of 3: Using the Dryer

Wash Eyes With Water Step 8
Wash Eyes With Water Step 8

Step 1. Wash the oranges

Before dehydrating them, wash them thoroughly with water and a fruit and vegetable cleaner made from natural ingredients. You can choose one of the commercially available disinfectants or prepare it yourself at home with a few simple steps:

Dilute 120 ml of white wine vinegar in half a liter of water and leave the oranges to soak in the disinfectant solution for 5-15 minutes, then rinse them thoroughly with water only

Become Good at Knife Fighting Step 8
Become Good at Knife Fighting Step 8

Step 2. Slice the oranges

Cut them into thin slices with a sharp knife without peeling them. If you want, you can use the slicer to save time. The aim is to obtain perfectly round orange slices. Try to cut them thin because they will dehydrate better and faster. Ideally they should be no more than half a centimeter thick.

Dehydrate Foods Step 1
Dehydrate Foods Step 1

Step 3. Spread the orange slices into the dryer trays

Arrange them neatly to fit as much as possible, but be careful not to overlap them. If you want, you can remove the zest from a few slices of orange and dehydrate it in a separate tray to use it as a condiment or in herbal teas.

Use a Food Dehydrator Step 17
Use a Food Dehydrator Step 17

Step 4. Dehydrate the oranges for 5-12 hours

The temperature and time may vary according to the dryer model, the thickness of the orange slices and personal preferences. Let them dehydrate for 5-12 hours at a temperature between 46 and 57 ° C or until they are hard and crumbly.

Step 5. Store the dehydrated oranges in an airtight container

A vacuum-sealed glass jar is definitely a good option for storing dried orange slices. Find a dark, dry place to store the jar. If you store them properly, dehydrated oranges should last at least a month.

  • If you vacuum them, they will keep their freshness intact for a long time. Online or in household goods stores you can find portable vacuum packing machines even at a low price.

    Preserve Chilies Step 10
    Preserve Chilies Step 10

Method 2 of 3: Using the Oven

Use Leftover Dough or Batter Step 10
Use Leftover Dough or Batter Step 10

Step 1. Preheat the oven to 75-100 ° C

To dehydrate oranges in the oven without burning them, you need to use a very low temperature.

Become Good at Knife Fighting Step 3
Become Good at Knife Fighting Step 3

Step 2. Remove the two caps from the ends of the oranges before peeling them

Take a sharp knife and cut off the top and bottom caps.

Become Good at Knife Fighting Step 2
Become Good at Knife Fighting Step 2

Step 3. Cut the oranges into round slices

You can continue to use the knife or cut them with the slicer. Try to get thin slices because they will dehydrate better. Ideally they should be no more than half a centimeter thick. If you want to use them as a garnish for cocktails and drinks, keep the zest as well. If, on the other hand, you prefer to serve them as a snack, you can peel them before cutting them into slices.

Steam Bammy Step 3
Steam Bammy Step 3

Step 4. Squeeze the orange slices between two kitchen towels gently

Place them on a clean, dry kitchen towel. Cover them with a cloth with the same characteristics and gently squeeze them to absorb some of the juice.

Smoke Salmon Step 3
Smoke Salmon Step 3

Step 5. Place the orange slices in the sugar on one side to sweeten the taste

If you want to mitigate the sourness, you can coat one side with sugar before putting them in the oven. Keep these proportions in mind: for 4 large oranges you will need about 120 g of sugar. Pour the sugar into a deep plate or bowl to make things easier.

Dry Apricots Step 7
Dry Apricots Step 7

Step 6. Spread the sweetened orange slices on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper

Order them without overlapping. If you used sugar, turn the sweet side down. Double check that they are not overlapping before placing them in the oven.

Make Djon Djon (Haitian Black Rice) Step 8
Make Djon Djon (Haitian Black Rice) Step 8

Step 7. Add some salt and pepper if desired

You can enrich the taste of dehydrated oranges by sprinkling them with sea salt. Remember that it takes very little, for example for 4 large oranges, a teaspoon (5 g) of sea salt will be more than enough. If you wish, you can also add a sprinkle of ground black pepper to further spice up the taste.

You can add a light sprinkling of salt and pepper even if you used sugar. A pleasant balance of flavors will be created between sugar, salt, pepper and the acid note of oranges

Preserve Fruit Step 20
Preserve Fruit Step 20

Step 8. Leave the orange slices to dehydrate in the oven for several hours

Place the pan on the lowest shelf of the oven and keep the temperature within a range of 75-100 ° C. The time it takes to dehydrate oranges in the oven depends mainly on the result you want to achieve.

  • If you want them to have a slightly chewy, sticky texture and intend to serve them as a snack, leave them in the oven for about 3 hours. Take them out of the oven when the top is not completely dry yet.
  • If you want them to be completely dry, crumbly and intend to serve them as chips, leave them to dehydrate in the oven for about 12 hours. Check them periodically to make sure they aren't burning or drying out too much.
  • You can leave the oven door ajar to let the steam escape and prevent the temperature from rising excessively.
  • Do not leave the oven unattended while the orange slices dehydrate.
Smoke Cheese Step 20
Smoke Cheese Step 20

Step 9. Store the oranges in a cool, dry place

If they are a little sticky because you left them to dehydrate for a short time to serve them as a snack, store them in an airtight container. You can overlap them, as long as you separate the layers with parchment paper. Once refrigerated, they should last for several months. If you have allowed them to dehydrate for a long time to get crumbly chips, transfer them to a glass jar with a lid and use within a month.

If you want to be sure that they keep all their freshness intact for a long time, put them under vacuum

Method 3 of 3: Dehydrate the orange peel in the sun

Eat Ugli Fruit Step 2
Eat Ugli Fruit Step 2

Step 1. Choose a thin-skinned variety of oranges

Tangerines are a great alternative to oranges as they generally have a thin skin. The taste of the zest varies depending on the citrus variety, so feel free to experiment until you find your favorite combination.

Wash Burlap Step 2
Wash Burlap Step 2

Step 2. Wash and dry the oranges

Dilute a fruit and vegetable cleaner in water to disinfect the surface of oranges. After washing them, dry them using a clean kitchen towel.

Can Meat Step 3
Can Meat Step 3

Step 3. Make incisions in the peel using a sharp knife

Start with the top cap and slide the knife blade towards the opposite cap. Make 3 or 4 more incisions to divide the orange zest into even segments that will allow you to remove the peel more easily. Try not to sink the blade into the pulp.

Eat Ugli Fruit Step 6
Eat Ugli Fruit Step 6

Step 4. Peel the orange carefully

After making the incisions in the rind, peel the fruit carefully, starting from the top. Try to keep the rind intact.

Roast a Pig Step 6
Roast a Pig Step 6

Step 5. Arrange the rinds on a raised net

Distribute them neatly on a fine mesh made of stainless steel, plastic or Teflon-coated fabric. Raise the grate using concrete blocks to encourage air circulation under the orange peels and to keep them off the ground, as it may be damp. Place the grill in a place exposed to direct sunlight for most of the day.

Cook Lasagna in Your Dishwasher Step 1
Cook Lasagna in Your Dishwasher Step 1

Step 6. Place a sheet of aluminum foil under the grill

It will reflect the sun's rays and increase the temperature, favoring the dehydration process of the orange peels. Alternatively, you can place the blocks and mesh on the sun-baked concrete driveway.

Fondue Meat Step 3
Fondue Meat Step 3

Step 7. Leave the rinds exposed to the sun for at least 3 days

Keep them in direct sunlight for three days or until they are completely dehydrated. Take them indoors at night to protect them from the night dew, then in the morning expose them to the sun again.

There must be at least 30 ° C and the humidity must not exceed 60% if you want the orange peels to dehydrate properly

Dehydrate Tomatoes Step 20
Dehydrate Tomatoes Step 20

Step 8. Spread a piece of food cheesecloth over the rinds as they dehydrate

The gauze will let the sun's rays through and protect them from insects, birds and other animals. Tuck the corners of the gauze under the grill to prevent it from flying off.

Preserve Fruit Step 10
Preserve Fruit Step 10

Step 9. Store the dehydrated orange peels in an airtight container

Transfer them to a glass jar with a lid and store in a cool, dark place. If you've done all the steps carefully, sun-dried orange peels can last for several years. Over time, the taste and aroma will become more and more intense.
