Would you like to store food without refrigerating it? You may be a hiking enthusiast, but aren't you as excited about paying 8 euros for a prepackaged meal that you could make yourself at home for less than a euro?
Try one or more of these methods!

Step 1. Read the tips section before you begin
Method 1 of 3: Make and Use a Solar Oven | Oven Method

Step 1. Place the desired food in the oven with the door slightly ajar

Step 2. Set the oven to the lowest possible temperature

Step 3. Leave the food in until it dries
It is possible to dry whole meals for camping and excursions, including chicken in butter and spaghetti with meat sauce.
Method 2 of 3: Dehydrator Method

Step 1. Place the chopped or thinly sliced food on the tray

Step 2. Turn on the thermal / ventilation mechanism

Step 3. Adjust the settings (if available)

Step 4. Let it work

Step 5. (Smoker Method) Prepare the meat with the toppings of your choice

Step 6. Put the meat in the smoker

Step 7. Close the door

Step 8. Turn on the stove

Step 9. Leave the meat for the time recommended by your smoker's instructions
Method 3 of 3: Bonfire Method

Step 1
Light a fire.

Step 2. Cut the food into long, thin strips

Step 3. Hang the food right above the flames on the smoke path

Step 4. Let it dry
(The time varies according to the size of the fire and the pieces of food).

Step 5. Move / arrange food as needed

Step 6. (Machine Method) The inside of a closed car on a hot day reaches a near-perfect temperature

Step 7. Spread the fruit and vegetables on parchment paper without them touching

Step 8. Cover them with a tea towel or handkerchiefs to prevent insects from approaching

Step 9. Put the sheets of paper everywhere in the car - on the seats in the sun

Step 10. Later in the day, turn the food over

Step 11. Leave it in the car until it is as dry as you want it, even a couple of days

Step 12. Close the car and all windows
- Add ascorbic acid or lemon juice to fresh fruits and vegetables to keep them from turning brown.
- For the food to dehydrate faster cut it into small pieces.
- Wash the fruit and vegetables very well before drying them.
- If food is not kept completely dry, you can expect it to spoil with mold, especially fruit.
- Plastic zip lock bags work well for storage.
- Dry anything that is damp before putting it away.
- Cook the meat very well before drying it.