Buying a tablecloth that falls too far on the short side of the table, while not reaching the edge on the long side is definitely a frustrating experience. In these cases there are only two possible solutions: buy single place placemats or cut your tablecloth. If you think these solutions are unsatisfactory, you can first think about the real solution to solve the problem: choosing the right tablecloth format right from the start.

Step 1. Measure the board you intend to cover
There are four popular forms of tablecloths: round, oval, square and rectangular. Each shape is available in various sizes for the various table formats.

Step 2. Take the measurements accurately, the generic indications such as "tablecloth for 6 place settings" are often not enough

Step 3. Estimate how much you want to spend
The amount you intend to spend constrains your choice in the type of fabric you will buy. With an important amount you can get a quality tablecloth, with linen or cotton fabric and an excellent appearance suitable for more formal occasions. With an average expense you can instead get a tablecloth for daily use, even in polyester, easier to wash but similar in appearance to natural fibers. A cheap plastic table cover can be used to protect wooden or glass tables from daily wear or attack by children.

Step 4. Calculate that the tablecloth falls on the edges
Usually a minimum of 20 cm is expected, and up to 30 cm for a normal fall of the tablecloth from the edge of the table. In some cases, decorated corners or with an artistically decorated fall add an extra touch of elegance.

Step 5. You can evaluate the idea of buying a plastic sheet to cover the tablecloth when it is not in use, even if it is certainly better to plan to buy a protection to be inserted under the tablecloth itself, to protect the table against stains. and humidity caused by normal accidents during meals with guests, especially during the holidays when many hours are spent in company around the set table
- Some suggest to consider at least 20 cm of drop on each side, but in any case it is better that the tablecloth is a little long rather than too short.
- The best tablecloths are in fabrics made of natural fibers, mainly linen and cotton, although alternatives in quality synthetic fibers are available on the market that are perhaps easier to wash.
- Check the measurements on the link below, to understand the most suitable shape and size for your table.
- Keep in mind that the drop should be at least 20 cm on each side, although in some cases the decoration of the fabric looks better with longer falls, and the same applies to any corners embellished with special decorations or embroidery.
The reference prices are as follows (calculated for tables for six people):
- 100% Linen with hand embroidery or carvings - over 100 Euros, up to considerable figures.
- Linen in a variable percentage with other fibers, with embroidery or hand-made carvings - over 50 euros, up to about 300 euros maximum.
- Hand embroidered cotton - from 50 to 200 Euros.
- Polyester - from 30 to 70 Euros.
- Other synthetic fabrics - from 5 to 40 Euros.
- Fabrics, especially natural fibers, tend to shrink slightly at the first wash, calculate about 5 cm for a large tablecloth.
- Embroidered fabrics should be hand washed to avoid damage.
- Pre-treat stains on pure linen, avoid dry cleaning these fabrics.