The university years are certainly not a walk in the park, but it is since you started that you have set yourself the goal of getting excellent grades, so that you will have a better chance of finding a good job or accessing a prestigious specialization course. Here's how to keep the average of 30 or so.

Step 1. You have to want it
This is the most important step ever. If averaging 30 is your number one priority, you will have to go to great lengths to succeed. That means preparing to make sacrifices, like giving up dating your friends, watching your favorite shows, and sometimes sleeping.

Step 2. Always go to class
If attendance is mandatory and will contribute to the final grade, never miss it. You should attend classes regularly anyway, whether you should or not.

Step 3. Remember that studying is similar to sports training:
best results are obtained by dedicating for short periods of time, but regularly. This means that you should study constantly (possibly every day) and not neglect learning. You should also learn to study for several hours straight (with some breaks): this is also an important skill. It might be tough at first, but you will make it.

Step 4. Make study your priority
Exit only after you have finished everything you had to do.

Step 5. Get organized
You should know when the exams will take place and what exactly you should study.

Step 6. If you have a full-time job, you can still organize yourself to stay on track and not waste time
However, if you get to a point where you can't sleep regularly, you may want to put work aside. It would be better to find a job that allows you to study; for example, you could work in the university library or as a secretary.

Step 7. Follow all the courses scheduled for the semester you are attending, but do not add any more
If you decide which lessons you will take, select two easy courses for each difficult course. For example, don't expect to take chemistry, mathematics, zoology, and anatomy in just one semester. Pay attention to courses that are only worth three credits; you may think they are easy, but they could take a lot of time, sometimes even more than six. Sometimes you will have to stay at university from morning to night (especially if you have both theoretical and practical lessons), and finding time to study will be more difficult; in that case, dedicate yourself during the weekend.

Step 8. Finally, keep in mind why you go to college
You are there to learn, so don't complain every time you have to go to class - it will be an opportunity to improve yourself. Take pride in the commitment you have made and your constancy. However, don't overlook the fact that you will get depressed and won't have friends if you just study. Maintaining your mental integrity is key to excelling, and cultivating good social relationships should be another priority.
- Be careful in class.
- Calculate all the absences you do. Remember that missing class could result in you getting a lower grade.
- Always be aware of your average.
- See a counselor if you often feel depressed.
- Balance fun and study. Just stressing yourself is not healthy.
- If you haven't yet enrolled in college, choose a degree program that you really like. For example, if you are a chemistry enthusiast and you enroll in this faculty, the work will not be so heavy and you will be more successful than those students who have chosen it because they have been forced.
- Make sure your professors adhere to the content included in the course schedules. Get in touch with the responsible authorities if they don't follow what they have established. However, you don't want to antagonize the professor from the very first lessons.
- Bring along some cards on which you will have noted what you need to remember. Write us all the necessary information (exams, study, etc.) and bring it out when you have doubts.
- Use the university library. Study rooms will allow you to isolate yourself from external distractions and focus better on what you need to do. One hour of library study often equals three hours of study in your room.
- Join a study group.
- Learn to be less of a perfectionist.
- Don't overwork yourself. If you are stressed, it will be much more difficult to study.
- Don't neglect a course for too long.
- Avoid studying at night. Remember that you will be able to think much better and that you will be more productive during the day if you have slept well.