We all found ourselves in the situation where, sitting quietly at the school desk, we suddenly heard our name and were invited to read. Most people don't like it, but there's no turning back. You certainly don't want to get in trouble, so start reading. Classmates giggle when you stammer and you end up leaving with extreme embarrassment. If that happens, then read on!

Step 1. Always be ready to read, regardless of subject
You never know, you might end up reading something all of a sudden, even during PE class!

Step 2. Overcome the anxiety
It's all about words, right? It is the anxiety that triggers the agitation, so stop worrying!
- Convince yourself that you are talking to your best friend. It's not difficult, right?
- Calculate the rate of breaths. Inhale for a count of five, then exhale for a count of five. This way your heart rate will slow down and you will feel calmer.
- Remember that someday you may need to do this when you are at work or busy with other activities. Consider it as an exercise and feel satisfied with the result!

Step 3. When the teacher calls you, take a deep breath and go
Hesitation only breeds concern.

Step 4. Think about comforting things when you are in front of so many people
- Once you've finished reading, it's all over.
- If you read discreetly, you will probably not be called again for some time because the teacher, after seeing that you have done a good job, will focus on other pupils who need to practice more.

Step 5. Start reading
Even if you don't feel confident, show self-confidence. Nobody will understand how agitated you are.

Step 6. Try to apply the following tips when reading to increase your skill (but don't worry if you can't follow them all
- Speaks loudly. Not too loud, but keep your voice ringing. To the people listening it will seem normal and they will actually be able to hear you.
- Read clearly, pronouncing the words well. This aspect also plays a key role in ensuring that those who listen to you are able to hear you.
- If you miss a word, stop, breathe, ignore any giggles, say the word again, and move on.
- Try looking at who you are in front of. If you look confidently at people, no one is likely to laugh.
- It is not enough to rattle off the words as if you were an automaton. Speak slowly, not too much, but rhythmically enough for everyone to hear you clearly.
- Put emotion in your voice so that the reading doesn't sound monotonous. It should be clear, not like that of a robot.
- Don't be too sure of yourself, just relax and rest assured.
- Always be ready.
- Practice reading aloud around the house to improve.
- Take it easy.
- If you are called first, don't worry. The sooner you start, the sooner you will finish.
- If comrades giggle, ignore them. They just try to make you nervous.
- Life is too short to care what others think.
- If others make fun of you, ignore them. If you don't, you will encourage those who are bothering you.
- Don't worry about reading correctly or pronouncing words smoothly and confidently. You risk getting confused and stammering more.