Singing in the shower and singing in front of a lot of people are two completely different things. If you think about it too much, singing in public will become a nerve-wracking and unpleasant experience. With the right techniques, however, he can erase all doubts and start singing, full of confidence.
Method 1 of 2: Building the Bases

Step 1. Find your gender
If you've sung classical or pop music until now, but actually have a jazz voice, you may be making a fundamental mistake. All singers on the radio sing their genre for a reason - can you imagine Frank Sinatra, Pavarotti or Tiziano Ferro singing a metal piece?
When you find your genre you will understand it. It will feel like home. It may take a while, but when you have tried pop, classical, country, musicals, jazz, blues, folk and R&B, you will know exactly which songs make you feel most comfortable and you will be in able to find your niche

Step 2. Train as hard as you can
Do you know that the more times you try to do something, the more comfortable you will feel (and the more you will improve) doing it? Well, the more times you sing, the more comfortable you will be hearing your voice. When you are completely comfortable, you will not be afraid to even make others feel it.
Unfortunately, practice doesn't make perfect, but it creates habits. So get into the habit of singing healthily. Use good posture, breathe deeply, and stop when your voice is tired

Step 3. Warm up
You wouldn't run a marathon right out of the house, so why do you think you can sing right as soon as you open your mouth? Warming up your voice will help you relax. When you are relaxed, you will feel more confident.
Practice with lip trills, sirens and arpeggios. Don't forget to use your whole body! In addition to maintaining good posture (imagine an invisible fishing rod holding you) and working your diaphragm, relax your jaw muscles by massaging them with your fingers and use your arms to kick up the high notes. Body movements are surprisingly helpful

Step 4. Let everything else fade away
Pick some songs that you know so well that you can play them with your eyes closed, with your hands tied behind your back and on one leg. You will have to focus on only one thing: your voice.
This means having mastered the rhythm, the attacks and deadlifts perfectly, the moments in which to slow down or increase the speed, and, if you are accompanied by an instrument, know the right notes. If you know the song perfectly, you can fully concentrate on your technique. Then, when you sing, you will only think about the best possible sound

Step 5. Work with a professional
Of course, the best way to increase your confidence is to improve your skills. You will improve, you will learn more, and someone will be able to support you if you work with a vocal coach.
Express your concerns to your teacher. Tell him that self-confidence is an area you want to work on. Your teacher will likely choose songs that challenge you and increase your confidence. With enough practice, you will have no more problems
Method 2 of 2: When You Sing

Step 1. Don't be afraid of making mistakes
You won't be able to mature if you don't take risks. And taking risks from time to time will have negative consequences. But in some cases you will get great results, and that's what matters. We are not advising you to make mistakes, but not to be afraid of making mistakes. Holding back is the worst thing you can do for your safety.
When we leave the voice free, it can be scary. You can't know what will come out. But the results could be beautiful. When you start taking risks, you will find territories that you have never ventured into. Your safety will likely benefit as well

Step 2. Be open and accept your voice
If you don't like it, it will show from the expression on your face and your body language. If you're not comfortable, everyone will know. Regardless of its sound, learn to love your voice. It's the only one you have.
Some incredibly famous singers don't just rely on their voices. Madonna and Britney Spears for example do not have great singing technique. However, they have a great charisma, and a lot of confidence in their means. If your voice isn't great, don't think you won't be able to be successful

Step 3. Enjoy
In some cases we see people having a great time, and we die of envy. Singing works the same way - if you enjoy your voice, people will want to have fun with you. The millions of karaoke singers around the world are not professional artists; they just want to have fun.
Take it easy. This is not about neurosurgery or chemical wars; no one will die (especially you) if you put on a bad performance. All the pressure you feel comes from within you, so release it! If you have fun, no one will be able to take away those good feelings

Step 4. Get lost in the song
The hundreds of people watching you? I'm not there anymore. You're on your own, and you're singing about how your heart broke, but you will be able to carry on. The song is yours. You are not in front of a court of law, you are not under scrutiny, you are just expressing your emotions. Listen to the words and let them take you to a distant place.
Even if the song is written in a language you don't understand, you can still get carried away by the music. If the song is as sweet as a lullaby, let your imagination take you away. If she is provocative and outrageous, use her energy. Let the song bring your environment to life, not reality
- Try singing in front of some friends first. You will feel more confident and enjoy yourself, with the result that you feel more comfortable. Don't take yourself too seriously.
- Breathe. Always remember to breathe. It helps you slow your heart rate, relieving tension.
- If you are very shy, you can start singing in front of pets, then in front of your siblings and friends. Sooner or later you will be able to sing in front of groups of people.
- It's not always our thoughts that give life to our behaviors - the reverse may also be true. So smile! You can make your mind believe that you are happy and ready for action.