The sound of your voice is determined by the size of your vocal cords and other physiological factors. Your adult voice will manifest as you transition from puberty to adolescence, however some environmental factors play a role in determining the specifics of your voice. While it's not possible to completely alter it by making a deep voice loud or vice versa, there are still some techniques you can try to achieve subtle changes in pitch and volume and get the best out of your natural voice.
Method 1 of 4: Masking the Voice

Step 1. Hold your nose while you speak
A quick way to dramatically alter the sound of your voice is to block the passage of air into your sinuses by simply pinching your nose with your fingers.
- You can also achieve a similar effect by simply blocking your breath.
- While speaking, air spontaneously passes through the mouth and nose. Blocking the effect of the nose reduces the flow of air passing through the nose, trapping it between the throat and mouth. This causes the pressure to vibrate the vocal cords differently, which alters the sound of your voice.

Step 2. Speak with a different expression
Try to smile or pout despite what you are saying.
- Expression can affect the emotion with which words are spoken, but it also changes the formation of your words, because your mouth is held in a different position.
- For example, still consider the sound "Oh" when you smile and when your face is impassive. A surprise "Oh" is rounder, while one done through a smile will be shorter and almost look like an "Ah".

Step 3. Mute your voice
Put a hand or a tissue over your mouth as you speak. The obstacle should be right in contact with the mouth to produce a more dramatic effect.
Your voice, like any other sound, travels through various means of propagation in the form of sound waves. The way those waves pass through the air is different than others, for example a solid. By then placing a solid body in front of your mouth as you speak, you force sound waves through the obstacle, changing the way your ear interprets sound

Step 4. He mumbles
When you speak, do it in a quieter tone and slightly open your mouth as you say the words.
- Muttering changes the way words are formed and how your voice conveys them.
- When you mumble, keep your mouth tighter than usual. Some sounds are pronounced with the mouth slightly open and those will not be affected. On the other hand, those sounds that naturally require a more pronounced opening will be significantly altered.
- Consider the difference in sound when you say something as simple as "Oh". Try saying it with your mouth wide open. Then repeat the syllable "Oh" keeping the lips just parted. If you listen closely, you will notice the difference in sound.
- The muttering makes you speak in a more subdued way. Clear middle sounds are pronounced well but softer ones tend to remain hidden.
- Consider the difference in sound when repeating a simple phrase such as "I understand". Repeat it in a normal tone. You will certainly hear the final "to" sound well. Try repeating the sentence more softly and in a low tone. The final syllable will sound barely audible because the "t" has weakened considerably and the "o" has disappeared.

Step 5. Monotony
Most people speak naturally by putting emotion in their tone. Focus on a flat tone - the less emotion you put into your tone while speaking, the more different your voice will sound.
- The easiest way to notice the difference is to ask a question using the monotone. Most people will end with a rising tone. The same question can sound very different when it is pronounced flat without the final climb.
- Alternatively, if people tend to say you have a flat voice, practice pushing on emotion and enthusiasm. Think carefully about what you know and change the pitch as appropriate. A good way to practice is with a simple word like "Yes". When someone says it sadly, the pitch is falling. On the other hand, an enthusiastic "yes" will have a high peak in the final part.

Step 6. Practice with a new accent
Choose an accent that appeals to you and study how it varies from the one you usually have. Each accent is a little different, so you'll need to familiarize yourself with each accent before convincingly reproducing it.
- Some English-speaking accents are "non-rotical", for example that of Boston and many parts of Great Britain. "Non-roticity" refers to the practice of dropping the sound of the final "r". For example, "later" would sound like "lata" or "butter" like "butta".
- Another English-speaking feature is the "open A" common to many British, Boston and English-speaking accents such as the Southern Hemisphere. In practice, the sound of the "a" is lengthened even when it is short.
Method 2 of 4: Using Technology to Alter the Voice

Step 1. Find an app for your smartphone
Voice alteration apps allow you to record voice on mobile and play with words using a pitch altering filter. There are apps of various kinds. Some are paid, others are free.
Check the Apple App Store, Windows Marketplace if you have a Windows mobile or Google Play if you have an Android

Step 2. Talk through PC software
Look for free, downloadable text-to-speech transcription software online. Once installed type the words in the text box and press "Play" to hear what you have written.

Step 3. Use a voice effect
Devices of this kind can be found in specialized stores or can be purchased online.
- An effect for the standard voice can cost between 25 and 50 euros.
- Each works differently so you should check their features to know which one to choose. Almost all of them guarantee the ability to alter the pitch of your voice, and many are portable.
- Some require a pre-recorded message, but others can be used to alter your voice as you speak by broadcasting it directly through a cell phone or other speaker.
- Read the instructions carefully to know how to use it correctly.
Method 3 of 4: Change the way you speak

Step 1. Find out how your voice sounds on the outside
If you want to change your voice to make it louder or deeper, start by registering so you can figure out which approach to use. Use a tape recorder to listen to yourself as you speak softly, aloud, and as you sing. How would you describe the sound of your voice? What would you like to change?
- Does your voice sound nasal or shrill?
- Is it easy or difficult to understand what you say?
- Is your voice heavy or clear?

Step 2. Stop talking with your nose
Many people have a voice that could be called "nasal". A nasal voice tends to sound high and unnatural, because it does not have the ability to resonate as it should to produce deeper tones. This kind of voice may sound unpleasant and even difficult to understand. Make the following changes to get rid of that kind of loudness:
- Make sure your breathing channels are clear. If you are predisposed to allergies or often have a congested nose for other reasons, your voice will tend to be thin and nasal. Treat your allergies, drink plenty of water, and keep your nasal passages clean.
- Practice keeping your mouth open when you speak. Drop your jaw and say the words with the lower part of your mouth, rather than on your soft palate.

Step 3. Don't talk to the back of your throat
In order to correct a high voice, many people speak with the back of their throat to simulate a deep tone. It's hard to get the right volume if you're under strain to speak this way, so doing so produces a muffled and difficult to interpret voice. Also, speaking to the back of your throat in an attempt to get a deeper sound will produce tension on the vocal cords which, over time, could lead to a sore throat and loss of voice.
Try breathing exercises and practice opening your voice. This can help you use a larger segment of the full range of your voice

Step 4. Speak through your "mask"
In order for you to get a deeper, fuller voice, you need to speak through your "mask", which is the area between both lips and nose. Using the whole area to speak gives your voice the best chance of sounding a little lower and richer.
To determine whether or not you are speaking through the mask, touch your lips and nose as you speak. If you are using this area entirely, you should feel it vibrate. If they don't vibrate initially, experiment with different sounds until you find the right one, then practice talking that way all the time

Step 5. Project emissions with the diaphragm
Breathing deeply and giving support from the diaphragm is the key to having a full, rich and strong voice. When you breathe deeply, your belly - and not your chest - should move in and out with your breathing. Practice using your diaphragm by pulling your belly in as you inhale to speak. You will notice that your voice will sound louder and clearer if you breathe this way. Doing exercises where you focus on deep breathing will help you remember to support the emission with your diaphragm.
- Inhale by pushing out all the air in your lungs. After the air comes out, your lungs automatically begin to inhale deeply in an attempt to satisfy your need for air. Pay close attention to how your lungs feel when you take a deep breath.
- Inhale and hold your breath for 15 seconds before you breathe. Gradually increase the time you hold your breath from 20 seconds to 30, to 45, up to one minute. This exercise will strengthen the diaphragm.
- Laugh heartily, making a "ha ha ha" sound. Expel the air from your lungs with a laugh, then inhale deeply and quickly.
- Lie down and place a book or solid object on the diaphragm. Take it easy. Pay attention to the movement of your diaphragm, noting how the book rises and falls as you breathe. Flatten your stomach as much as you can as you exhale and repeat until you automatically expand and contract your waist with each breath.
- Inhale deeply while standing. Exhale, counting aloud from 1 to 5. Repeat the exercise until you can count to 10 with a single exhalation.
- Once you get used to talking like this, you will have such an emission that your voice can be heard by anyone on the other side of the room, without having to force it.

Step 6. Change the tone
The human voice produces sounds with various pitches. A higher or lower pitch can temporarily change the voice.
- The tone is largely altered by the laryngeal cartilage. It is a piece of cartilage that rises and falls in your throat as you sing the musical scale: "do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si, do".
- When the cartilage is raised, the tone also rises and a more feminine sound is created. Lowering it also lowers the pitch and results in a more masculine sound.
- To speak in a lower tone of voice, do exercises to relax your throat, such as yawning or opening your mouth from top to bottom. When you open your mouth, you will notice that your voice is much more rounded, resonant and deeper.
Method 4 of 4: Get the Best Out of Your Voice

Step 1. Take care of the vocal cords
Your vocal cords, as well as your skin, need protection in order not to age prematurely. If you treat them badly, your voice will eventually become shrill, whispered, or otherwise obnoxious, much sooner than it should. To protect your vocal cords, follow these guidelines:
- Not smoking. Smoking has a strong impact on the voice, over time it can cause a loss of volume and extension. If you want your voice to remain strong and crystal clear, it will be best to stop.
- Stop drinking. Heavy alcohol intakes can cause your voice to age prematurely.
- Try to breathe clean air. If you live in a polluted area, fill your house with plants to clean up the air, and try to get away from the urban area as often as possible.
- Don't yell too much. If you love hardcore music or even if you like to shout from time to time, realize that this way of using your voice can put too much strain on it. Many singers are prone to laryngitis and other vocal problems due to misuse of the vocal cords.

Step 2. Check your stress level
When we are subjected to stress or an unexpected event, the muscles surrounding the larynx contract and cause a loud voice to be emitted. If you are always nervous, anxious and stressed, this intonation could become your everyday voice. Follow steps to calm yourself down so that your strong, full voice can re-emerge.
- Try taking a few deep breaths before speaking. In addition to calming you down, it will allow you to use the diaphragm, improving the sound of your voice.
- Wait 10 seconds before reacting. When you take the time to gather ideas before reacting nervously, you have more control over your voice. Think, swallow, then speak: you will find that your voice comes out firmer and more relaxed.

Step 3. Practice singing
Singing with an instrument or vocal accompaniment is a great way to increase vocal range and keep your vocal cords in shape. Likewise, you can practice singing songs outside of your usual range. Whenever you sing over a singer, match the notes and intonation as closely as possible, without straining your voice.
- Accompanied by the piano, start with the note scale. Start with a natural tone that is most comfortable for you.
- Repeat the scale by raising the pitch by one note until your voice begins to strain. When that happens, stop.
- Repeat the scale again, decreasing the pitch by one note each time and stopping when your vocal cords are tired.
- Keep your throat relaxed to make bass tones easier.