How to Add a Caption to a Table in Word

Table of contents:

How to Add a Caption to a Table in Word
How to Add a Caption to a Table in Word

This tutorial shows you how to add a caption to a Microsoft Word table, similar to the ones displayed at the bottom of statistics, charts, diagrams or images published in books. Let's see together how to proceed.


Add a Caption to a Table in Word Step 1
Add a Caption to a Table in Word Step 1

Step 1. With the right mouse button, select the table you want to add a caption to

Add a Caption to a Table in Word Step 2
Add a Caption to a Table in Word Step 2

Step 2. From the context menu that appeared, select the item 'Insert Caption

.. '. This will bring up the 'Caption' panel.

Add a Caption to a Table in Word Step 3
Add a Caption to a Table in Word Step 3

Step 3. If the 'Caption' dialog box does not appear, go to the 'Insert' menu, select the 'Reference' item and finally choose the 'Caption' option

Add a Caption to a Table in Word Step 4
Add a Caption to a Table in Word Step 4

Step 4. From the 'Caption' dialog box, type the caption you want to add to your table using the 'Caption text field:


Add a Caption to a Table in Word Step 5
Add a Caption to a Table in Word Step 5

Step 5. Use the appropriate label by selecting one of the available options from the Label menu:

'(' Figure ',' Table 'or' Equation ').

Add a Caption to a Table in Word Step 6
Add a Caption to a Table in Word Step 6

Step 6. Use the options in the 'Position' menu to specify where the created caption should appear (whether at the top or bottom of the table)

Add a Caption to a Table in Word Step 7
Add a Caption to a Table in Word Step 7

Step 7. If you wish, the captions can be numbered automatically by selecting the 'Numbering' button

.. 'present in the' Caption 'panel.

Add a Caption to a Table in Word Step 8
Add a Caption to a Table in Word Step 8

Step 8. Press the 'OK' button when finished

All done!
