Desktop wallpapers are a brilliant way to express your admiration for famous people you like and to showcase your collection of your favorite quotes. The new features even let you switch between wallpapers to help you swap them. Sometimes, however, we overdo it and end up with too many files crowding the desktop wallpaper list. If this is your case, you may want to take some off. This article explains how to remove one in Windows.
Method 1 of 2: Windows 7
Step 1. Right click on your desktop and select "Personalize"
At the top right of the window that appears, click "Control Panel Home".
Step 2. Under the Appearance and Personalization heading on the right column, click "Change Desktop Background"
Step 3. You will see a screen with a list of all available wallpapers
Search for the one you want to delete, and uncheck the box to remove it as your desktop background option.
Step 4. If you really want to delete the file from your computer, look at the subtitle above the desktop background preview and remember the location of the image folder
In this example, the unwanted wallpaper is on the desktop.
Go to that folder from the Explorer window and, to delete it from your computer, right-click on the image.
Method 2 of 2: Windows XP
Remove a Background from the Desktop Background List Step 5 Step 1. Open Computer from the Start menu
Remove a Background from the Desktop Background List Step 5Bullet1 Select Tools >> Options and select "Show hidden files and folders".
Remove a Background from the Desktop Background List Step 6 Step 2. Navigate a
.. / Windows / Folder. If there is a warning about changing system files, click the 'Show files' link to continue.
Step 3. Search this folder for the name of the wallpaper you want to remove
If you can't find it here, try the following locations:
Remove a Background from the Desktop Background List Step 7Bullet1 C: / Windows / Web / Wallpaper (copy and paste this link into the Explorer window)
Remove a Background from the Desktop Background List Step 7Bullet2 the "Pictures" folder inside "Documents".
Remove a Background from the Desktop Background List Step 7Bullet3 If you are using Firefox, it may be in C: / Documents and Settings / Application Data / Mozilla / Firefox
Remove a Background from the Desktop Background List Step 7Bullet4 If you are using Internet Explorer, it may be in C: / Documents and Settings / Application Data / Microsoft / Internet Explorer
Remove a Background from the Desktop Background List Step 8 Step 4. If you still can't find it, go to Start Menu, Search
Remove a Background from the Desktop Background List Step 8Bullet1 Click "All files and folders" and enter the name of the wallpaper to locate it.
Remove a Background from the Desktop Background List Step 9 Step 5. Once you have found the file, you can delete it or move it to a new folder
Try creating a folder called Moved Wallpapers. If you move the file to this folder, it will no longer be in the list, but it will still be on your PC in case you change your mind.
- A recognized problem in XP is that images stored in Images are somehow added to the Background Images list. The uniqueness of these images is that they are all.bmp. In our example, whenever a new.bmp file is added or created, it is automatically added to the Backgrounds list. One option is to create a new folder (eg "My Pict") and move all photos to the new folder. This should remove the photos from the list.
- Alternatively, you can save.bmp files as-j.webp" />
- The image files listed in the background view options are those stored in the directory… / Windows / Web / Wallpaper, with the addition of the background in use if selected via the 'Browse' button.
- If you have trouble finding the directory, look for one of the wallpaper names, for example stonehenge. Once found, click with the left mouse button and go to open the folder that contains it.