How to Buy a Mac at a Discount Store: 10 Steps

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How to Buy a Mac at a Discount Store: 10 Steps
How to Buy a Mac at a Discount Store: 10 Steps

Many buyers prefer Apple-branded computers, but often complain of excessive prices. If you know where to look for cheaper deals, you can often get 10% off the Apple Store price. Discounts of 20% or greater are not uncommon, especially if you don't need the very latest model.


Part 1 of 2: Finding a Discounted Computer

Buy a Mac Computer at a Discount Step 1
Buy a Mac Computer at a Discount Step 1

Step 1. Choose a model

If you are only interested in the latest models, compare them with Apple's online tool. For older models, read the buyer's guides on Mac Rumors or related sites.

  • If this is your first time buying a Mac, go to an Apple Store for assistance. Just try not to be tempted to buy one on the spot, there are better deals.
  • Apple launches new models every six months or so. If the current model has already been on the market for a few months, wait for the next releases. The "old" model will drop in price.
Buy a Mac Computer at a Discount Step 2
Buy a Mac Computer at a Discount Step 2

Step 2. If possible, try to get a student discount

Incoming college students and those already enrolled usually get a greater discount, as do any teacher or member of school staff. Visit Apple's Education section to get the cheapest price. After choosing a product and entering your payment information, Apple will direct you to another site to check for free if you are eligible for the offer.

  • You will need to provide proof of your status (typically a document certifying that you are a student or school staff). If you don't have this documentation, contact or visit an Apple store for assistance.
  • Look for late summer discounts for students. Apple usually offers a free $ 100 gift card in the App Store.
Buy a Mac Computer at a Discount Step 3
Buy a Mac Computer at a Discount Step 3

Step 3. Buy a refurbished computer

These are computers returned to Apple due to manufacturing defects which are subsequently repaired, thoroughly tested and put back on the market. Most refurbished computers are identical to new computers, and with free returns, convenience is assured. Refurbished computers are usually discounted between 10% and 20%, but you can only choose from a limited selection

Remember to check the exact model of each computer. An older model can save you money, but make sure it meets the requirements you need

Buy a Mac Computer at a Discount Step 4
Buy a Mac Computer at a Discount Step 4

Step 4. Look for products on sale

Apple's offers also include products on sale, albeit infrequent. Check regularly, you might get lucky.

Buy a Mac Computer at a Discount Step 5
Buy a Mac Computer at a Discount Step 5

Step 5. Look for quality used computers

Apple does not allow other resellers to use the term "refurbished". This means that the quality of Apple's "refurbished" computers can vary considerably. PowerMax and Simply Mac are two retailers that offer "used" computers that are often as good as new.

  • Used computers may be without original packaging and manual.
  • You can find cheaper prices on other sites, but check that they have Apple certification and good reviews from buyers before proceeding with your purchase.
Buy a Mac Computer at a Discount Step 6
Buy a Mac Computer at a Discount Step 6

Step 6. Look for new computers at cheaper prices

If the above discount options are not the most suitable, you can still save money by making other purchases on the site. The Apple Store almost always offers the highest prices, so search the Internet for authorized Apple resellers such as MacMall or Mac Connection and large distributors such as Best Buy.

  • Apple approves sellers with the title "Authorized Apple Reseller". Stores that offer the best customer service earn "Apple Specialist" status.
  • First look for discounted offers on the store's online site. If you decide to go there personally, take the printout of the offer online with you.

Part 2 of 2: Save on Extra Costs

Buy a Mac Computer at a Discount Step 7
Buy a Mac Computer at a Discount Step 7

Step 1. Compare similar offers from different retailers

If you find two or three offers with a similar price, please read the clauses carefully. Many resellers offer additional benefits such as the Apple Care Guarantee on discounts or free software. If you still decide to buy the add-on products, the nominally more expensive computer might be a better deal.

The Apple Store rarely offers this type of offer on computers, except in the "Education" section of the store

Buy a Mac Computer at a Discount Step 8
Buy a Mac Computer at a Discount Step 8

Step 2. Install the additional RAM memories yourself

Having a technician increase the RAM in a new Mac can make the computer much faster, but it is worthwhile to get the parts you need yourself, as it is much cheaper than buying them from Apple. All you need to install RAM is a steady hand, a screwdriver, and a set of instructions.

RAM memories are not all the same. Currently, in 2015, the latest standards are DDR3 and DDR4 and they provide home users with equivalent performance

Buy a Mac Computer at a Discount Step 9
Buy a Mac Computer at a Discount Step 9

Step 3. Consider purchasing an external hard drive separately

Buying an external hard drive is generally cheaper than upgrading your Mac hard drive at the time of purchase. Use it to keep files you use less frequently.

Buy a Mac Computer at a Discount Step 10
Buy a Mac Computer at a Discount Step 10

Step 4. Beware of third-party laptop power supplies

Laptop power supplies are notoriously expensive. Unfortunately, the most affordable options are usually reproductions that overheat quickly or stop working after a short period of time. It is best to rely on power supplies made by Apple.
