Are you trying to create a disguise? If you want to surprise your friends and family or permanently avoid a certain person, you can effectively disguise your identity by following simple steps to change your appearance, clothing and behavior.
Method 1 of 3: Change Your Appearance

Step 1. Change your hair
Drastically changing your haircut is the fastest way to look completely different. If you want to disguise yourself, however, you will have to choose a cut that does not attract attention - a blue Mohican or a pink wig probably aren't the best choices.
- Men can style their hair differently by using products such as hairspray or gel to create a more complex cut than usual, or they may completely shave their heads. Also consider dyeing your hair, or using talcum powder to create a grizzled effect that will confuse people a lot. If you have a beard, give it a different shape or cut it off entirely. If you don't, you may want to consider growing it or trying on a mustache.
- Women can consider buying a realistic looking wig or extensions to change the basic shape of the hair. You will also be able to quickly revert to your old hairstyle this way. Keep confusing people by changing your hair often and without warning. Dye your hair a different color every week and make sure you never get noticed. Try a combination of highlights and full dyes.

Step 2. Put on glasses and sunglasses
It worked for Clark Kent. By adding lenses to your wardrobe, you will pass the "glance" test. People will recognize you if they watch you closely, sure, but you'll be able to get past a cursory glance. This accessory can be the finishing touch of your disguise.
If you use contact lenses, try using colored lenses, or recovering old glasses you no longer use

Step 3. Learn to use the tricks
For a great effect, create moles, freckles, wrinkles or other imperfections on the face. Lighten or darken your skin tone to further confuse people. Get a spray tan or a flashy fake tattoo.
If you are a boy, or a girl who does not normally wear makeup, it may not take much to change your appearance. Just add some eyeliner to have a completely different look

Step 4. Change your size and posture
Try changing your height with heels, or by hunching more and keeping a different posture than usual. Consider gaining weight or losing weight if you have the time to do it, or just wearing different size clothes. Stuff them with multiple layers to give the impression that they weigh more.
Method 2 of 3: Change Your Clothing

Step 1. Change the style of your clothes
If you usually dress neatly and stylishly, consider trying a punk or gothic look. Wear old clothes you never wear, or raid one of your parents' wardrobes to find vintage clothes that those who know you aren't used to seeing.
- Men should try to dress more youthfully or more adult. If you usually dress like a 19 year old, observe how your father dresses and try to imitate his style. Wear polo shirts tucked into khakis with your cellphone in a belt pouch to age 20 years in a minute.
- Women should try to dress more masculine, such as wearing pants if they usually wear skirts, to change their overall appearance. If people are used to seeing you in cute clothes and makeup, you will surprise everyone if you show up in a basketball shirt.

Step 2. Use the accessories
They will help you make your new look believable. If you paired the pants of a feminine dress with a flannel shirt, you would have created a striking disguise, but one that wouldn't last long. It will look too strange. Imagine being an actor who has to step into a character who has to be believable. Wear hair, jewelry, and other accessories that match your outfit.

Step 3. Change the size of your clothes
Wearing clothing that is looser than usual can be a great way to change the apparent shape of your body and look different. Buy some striking pieces that are a few sizes larger than what you normally wear. Use more layers to look fatter, then peel off a few to make sure you look different from morning to night. No one will be able to find you if you keep changing your appearance.

Step 4. Bring a change of clothes with you
A few years ago, an Asian man boarded an airplane wearing a silicone mask representing an elderly white man, and then changed his clothes and took off his mask during the flight, passing through security. Having clothes at your disposal (in a backpack or bag) will allow you to not only disguise yourself, but continue to modify your disguise throughout the day.
Bring some makeup and emergency hair dye to transform quickly. If you don't have anything else, you can also use shoe polish
Method 3 of 3: Change Yourself

Step 1. Develop a new personality
Give your new identity a name and create a credible story. This will help you "get into character better", and make your performance more natural. Develop a different sense of humor than you usually have, start listening to different music and act differently. If you are an outgoing person, imagine that you are a very shy person and act accordingly.
You can also try adding an accent to your disguise. Try when you are alone and speak with that accent only in public. Change your accent periodically when talking to different people to keep everyone confused

Step 2. Change your age
Looking older or much younger is a very effective way to fool people. Dyeing your hair gray if you are young and limping with a cane will make you unrecognizable to people who know you.
Holding a rock in your shoe is uncomfortable, but if you really want to disguise yourself, it can be a good way to walk differently. Use a knee brace for a natural limp

Step 3. Avoid people
The most important part of a disguise is not attracting attention. "Hiding in plain sight" is the best way to disguise yourself. Avoid making eye contact with people you know by keeping your head down and walking slowly and calmly. Looking busy, or on your way to somewhere will make sure you are inconspicuous.

Step 4. Disguise yourself as a member of the opposite sex
If you want your disguise to be truly effective, try dressing ambiguously or like someone of the opposite sex. Change your "gender" often to vary your disguise.
- Socialize less. Don't always talk in class, especially with your best friends. They will begin to understand who is behind the disguise.
- Avoid flashy colors or quirky fashions, as you'll certainly grab attention.
- Don't laugh or smile for any reason. People will notice you.
- Try changing your voice (e.g. pitch, pitch, speed, etc.).
- Wear thick glasses.
- You might look suspicious.
- If you're hiding to escape the law, you may need to take more drastic measures.