How To Be Enthusiastic About Life: 11 Steps

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How To Be Enthusiastic About Life: 11 Steps
How To Be Enthusiastic About Life: 11 Steps

Even if we sometimes forget it, life is a wonderful gift. We are in this incredibly vast universe, alive and conscious, with the ability to understand, feel and think. It is easy to take these things for granted when we study or work hard to pay the bills, and it is equally difficult to keep them in mind in the face of all our fears, phobias and frustrations and in the face of the habits, perhaps banal and repetitive, that we are sometimes called to bear. But life offers us so many opportunities that we can find many ways to get back to being enthusiastic about our condition as living beings. Being happy with life is not only good for our mental health, but also for our physical health: just think that boredom is even associated with a shorter life expectancy.


Method 1 of 2: Doing Activities to Get Enthusiastic

Get Excited About Life Step 1
Get Excited About Life Step 1

Step 1. Talk to strangers

Connect with other people: in a world where technology allows us to easily connect with others, the paradox is that we can also feel like we are in a completely isolated place. Lose the habit of sitting comfortably on the bus with headphones and instead start a conversation with someone. Who knows where this choice can lead you! The idea may not seem appealing to you, but some studies show that people often derive unexpected pleasure from conversing with strangers.

Get Excited About Life Step 2
Get Excited About Life Step 2

Step 2. Find yourself a new hobby

Engage your mind in a stimulating pastime. Learn to play an instrument or play a new sport. To make it more interesting, look for other people who are committed to the same hobby as you - you can learn from them and make new friends.

Get Excited About Life Step 3
Get Excited About Life Step 3

Step 3. Help others

Some studies show that helping or spending money on other people makes us feel good, even more so than when we do it for ourselves. Take advantage of the positive feelings you get from helping others to become enthusiastic about life. Think about what implications this behavior will have: you can be the engine of positive change in the world and, because of this, you will feel great. There are various things you could do to help others:

  • Donate time to a charitable cause that interests you.
  • Offer the cinema ticket to the people waiting in line behind you.
  • Offer a meal or buy a warm blanket for a homeless person.
Get Excited About Life Step 4
Get Excited About Life Step 4

Step 4. Fall in love

Deep down, we are social animals. Love is one of the most beautiful feelings that exist: it has the ability to change our perception of things, it is exciting and intoxicating. While you can't just decide to fall in love, you can do some things that increase your chances:

  • Get out. If you don't open up to the world, it's unlikely you'll be able to fall in love.
  • Be more tolerant of people.
Get Excited About Life Step 5
Get Excited About Life Step 5

Step 5. Read exciting quotes and passages about life

Countless people have written or said beautiful things about life and the nature of existence; let yourself be inspired and moved by their words. Try these, for starters:

  • An excerpt from one of Richard Dawkins' works, such as "The rainbow of life. Science in the face of the beauty of the universe ".
  • A thought from Mother Teresa of Calcutta that you can find here
Get Excited About Life Step 6
Get Excited About Life Step 6

Step 6. Seek outside help

Sometimes, a lack of enthusiasm for life can reflect underlying mental distress. It is possible that you suffer from depression or an anxiety disorder which, in fact, hinder your happiness. There are various ways to be helped in overcoming these conditions.

  • Start by looking for a mental health expert who can help you determine if you actually have a mental disorder such as depression.

    You can find a list of professionals here

Method 2 of 2: Prepare Psychologically

Get Excited About Life Step 7
Get Excited About Life Step 7

Step 1. Remember how important life is

The human being lives and then dies. This concept has many implications in itself: the most exciting is that life is a rare gift that everyone has the opportunity to live at their best and, precisely for this reason, existence is an experience that should not be wasted.

Get Excited About Life Step 8
Get Excited About Life Step 8

Step 2. Write a list of possibilities

Imagine all the things you could do with your time. Take a piece of paper and write down five things you want to accomplish in life: thinking about all the ways you could live your life can be an exciting experience!

Get Excited About Life Step 9
Get Excited About Life Step 9

Step 3. Change something in your life

If you feel bored with your daily routine, then change it! There are various changes, large and small, that you can undertake.

  • Small changes include things like ordering something different from the menu instead of always taking the usual dish when you eat at the restaurant.
  • The big changes, on the other hand, include a new job, moving to a new city, participating in a year-long exchange program to immerse yourself in another culture.
Get Excited About Life Step 10
Get Excited About Life Step 10

Step 4. Remember how casual life can be

There are so many things interacting with each other that, in theory, almost anything can happen. Who knows, you might meet your favorite actor, find a 50 euro note on the floor or run into an old friend. The possibilities are endless!

Get Excited About Life Step 11
Get Excited About Life Step 11

Step 5. Indulge in some fun

Sometimes we are so busy keeping our lives going that we forget to give ourselves a break. Remember that taking time to play and have fun is a very healthy choice. There are various ways to play, find the most fun for you:

  • Play a video game. Don't worry about the fact that you may seem childish or clumsy, just enjoy the experience and immerse yourself in it.
  • Invite some friends and play a board game together.
  • Practice of sport. Join a sports association and promote some healthy competition.


  • Do something you've always wanted to do. You could start a new hobby or indulge yourself with something new.
  • Remember that life is a gift and that every day must be lived and enjoyed to the full.


  • If you think you are suffering from depression, see a doctor for an exact diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
  • Avoid taking drugs and alcohol for fun, as they will end up making you feel worse in the long run.
